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COMMENTS: 1IDENTITY aSafe Secure Supported 1=#E loves to attend Kinder and participates happily in all available activities. 2=#E shows #abasic sense of belonging to the Kinder group by #feelings initiating interactions and conversations with peers and educators. 3=#E continues to need individual attention from staff on arrival, to support the transition from #h mother and begin participating in the usual routines of the session. 4=Although #e clearly enjoys coming to Kinder, #e still needs staff support at arrival times to make a successful transition into starting the session and happily saying goodbye to #m mother each time. 5=#E continues to build on #h own sense of security, frequently turning to a staff member for support, assistance or reassurance during the session. 6=#E explores aspects of #h own identity through role-play by pretending to be someone else, such as a butterfly, a princess or a fairy. 7=#E explores aspects of #h own identity through role-play by pretending to be someone else, such as a TV or movie character. 8=#E confidently explores and engages socially with peers through relationships and playfulness. 9=#E displays #abasic level of self identity by exploring, engaging with and interacting with the physical environment. COMMENTS: 1IDENTITY bAuton Resilience Agency 1=#E is open to new challenges and making new discoveries. 2=#E approaches new situations with confidence. 3=#E is able to persist when faced with challenges or when first attempts are not successful. 4=#E demonstrates #abasic ability to cooperate and work collaboratively with others. 5=#E has a well developed sense of Kinder routines and expectations which makes #m a very cooperative and helpful member of our group. 6=#E is #frequency able to manage #h first impulses when things go wrong and shows an increasing capacity for emotional self regulation. 7=#E shows #abasic capacity to cope emotionally when things do not go as expected. COMMENTS: 1IDENTITY Behaviour comments 1=#N tries #h best and always follows the class and school rules. 2=#N always follows the class and school rules and is a fantastic role model for #h friends. 3=#N enjoys school and #h behavior is always good. 4=#N always listens carefully and follows instructions. 5=#N usually follows the class and school rules, although occasionally needs reminders to focus on #s and what #e is doing. 6=#N responds well to praise and when following the class and school rules, is capable of achieving well. 7=#N is learning to focus on #s and is learning what is appropriate and acceptable behavior in different situations. 8=#N has worked hard in school throughout the year to develop #h self-esteem and confidence in #h own ability. COMMENTS: 1IDENTITY Being Reflective 1=As #N confidence grows we hope #e will be able to talk about #h work with growing independence. 2=#N is much more aware of the importance of making changes to #h work and with help can sometimes begin to think about the next steps #e needs to take. 3=With help, #N is able to talk about #h work and is beginning to think about what #e has done well and what #e needs to do next. 4=#N deals positively with praise but can sometimes get frustrated with setbacks as #e takes a great deal of pride in #h work and likes it to be perfect. This said, #e is beginning to realize that it is not a bad thing to get something wrong and #h change in attitude will hopefully help #m to speed up and finish more of #h work. 5=#N now reviews #h own work independently and can identify what #e has done well. 6=#N is beginning to learn how to set #h own targets based on next steps in #h learning. 7=#N sometimes get frustrated with setbacks as #h desire to succeed is so great. 8=#N confidently tells someone if #e has problems doing #h work and always listens to feedback which will take #h learning further. COMMENTS: 1IDENTITY cKnwledg Confid Self Id 1=#E has #abasic ability to explore different identities and consider points of view of others through imaginative role play. 2=#E has #abasic sense of #h own personal identity, family belonging, and having a valued place within it. #E happily tells us about other family members, or family events. 3=#E shows pride in #h own achievements. 4=#E explores different identities and points of view of others through role play. 5=#N has #abasic awareness of #h cultural heritage. #E is happy to share information with the group about the culture and language of #h family. COMMENTS: 1IDENTITY dInteractions w others 1=#N to is able to play independently. 2=#N engages in and contributes to shared play experiences with #h friends. 3=#N displays an awareness of others having their own point of view and is able to consider how to respond when that differs from #h own. 4=#N #frequency shows care and empathy for others, especially when a friend is upset or not feeling well. 5=#H development of skills in interacting with others includes an awareness of #h friend's emotions and the additional respect and sympathy required. 6=#N shows #h self pride and satisfaction, by showing or sharing #h achievements with others. 7=#N displays an awareness of others having their own point of view and is able to consider how to respond when that differs from #h own. Often that will be a positive, inclusive response to the other child but equally can be a response of moving away if #e feels concerned. COMMENTS: 1IDENTITY Good relationships 1=#N will work with others when asked, #e is always kind and sensitive and knows that some people may think differently to #m. 2=#N is happy to take responsibility for classroom tasks #e has been asked to do and carries them out in a mature manner. 3=#N listens attentively during whole-class discussions and to #h friends. 4=#N listens well to others and knows that some people think highly of #m. 5=#N has begun to offer more of #h thoughts and opinions and as #e moves into the next grade level, I hope this will continue. 6=#N is becoming aware of changing #h behaviour to suit different roles or tasks. 7=#N loves sharing #h experiences with #h peers about what #e has been doing outside of school. 8=#N is kind and caring and is sensitive to the feelings of others. 9=#N listens well to others and knows that some people think differently to #m. 10=#N is an active participant in small group, as well as whole-class discussions. 11=#N works very well with others and can change #h behavior to suit different roles and situations. 12=#N is able to give constructive support to others and #e recognize similarities between #s and other people. 13=#N is getting better at listening to others and can recognize feelings and behavior of others. 14=#N is a popular member of the class and has many friends. COMMENTS: 2COMMUNITY aBelong Civic Resp 1=#N demonstrates a sense of belonging to the school community and enjoys being part of our class. 2=#N shows #abasic sense of belonging to and contentment within the class. 3=#N #feelings attends class and has #abasic sense of being a welcome member of the group. 4=#N is playful and responds positively to others, seeking out company and friendship. 5=#N participates fully in reciprocal relationships with others. #E has continued to develop positive friendships with several peers and is very popular within the group. 6=#N is #frequency able to read the behaviours of others and respond appropriately. 7=#N is #frequency able to work collaboratively and cooperate with others for a shared purpose. 8=#N is usually playful and responds positively to others, seeking out company and friendship after #e has settled into the normal routine of the session. COMMENTS: 2COMMUNITY bRespect Diversity 1=#E is #frequency able to consider the ideas of others even though they may differ from #h own. 2=#E shows respect for the differing needs of others by responding positively to friends who are younger than #m (or who have special needs). 3=#E is increasingly aware of diversity by noticing differences and similarities of other people within the group, local community and the wider world. COMMENTS: 2COMMUNITY cAware of fairness 1=#N is fully aware of what is fair or unfair behaviour and #support can #frequency make appropriate positive choices. 2=#N #frequency demonstrates kindness and compassion to others, especially if someone is upset or injured. 3=#N is able to recognize when others have been excluded, and will #frequency respond with kindness and compassion. 4=#N #frequency chooses fair rather than unfair behaviour toward others when things go wrong. 5=#N is able to think critically about fair and unfair behaviour when issues arise and #support can make an appropriate choice. 6=Regarding behaviour, #N needs significant and frequent adult support to think critically about #h behaviour choices when issues arise, and with that significant adult support, #e can #frequency make an appropriate choice. 7=#E frequently attempts to divert the unwanted discussion by instantly and desperately needing to go to the toilet or claiming #e is injured or has been injured by others and needs sympathy and help. COMMENTS: 2COMMUNITY dSoc Rsponsib Enviro 1=#E is able to participate responsibly with others to solve simple problems and contribute to positive group outcomes. 2=#E readily helps with responsible care routines, such as packing away items even if #e did not play with that equipment during the session. 3=#E shows a growing appreciation and care for the natural environment. 4=#E shows interest, respect and care for bugs and small creatures in the playground environment and is becoming aware of their value and place within nature. 5=#E enjoys participating in the care and development of our garden environment, by planting seeds, watering and weeding. 6=#E loves to engage with the natural elements of the outdoor environment, especially getting involved in using sand, water, sloppy mud and plant matter such as flowers and leaves. 7=#E loves to be outside and engage with the natural environment, especially getting involved in using sand, water, sloppy mud, rocks, logs and plant matter such as leaves, branches and sticks. COMMENTS: 3WELLBEING aSocial Emo Sprtual 1=#N seems to have #abasic sense of personal wellbeing. #E #frequency enjoys times of happiness, satisfaction and contentment. 2=#N #frequency remains accessible to peers or staff in times of distress, or frustration and will accept offers of comfort and support to assist in resolution of the problem. 3=#N displays personal pride and celebrates #h own efforts and achievements. 4=#N has developed a delightful sense of humour which #e shares in laughter with others. 5=#N #frequency shares laughter with peers and has a growing sense of humour which is delightful to see and to hear. 6=#N shows an increasing capacity to understand, self regulate and manage #h own emotions in appropriate ways. 7=#N can get upset and isolate #s if #e believes #e has been excluded, but if given a chance to say what happened and a short time to recover emotionally, #e is able to rejoin playing, fairly quickly, without ongoing concern. 8=#E takes great pride in the knowledge that #e is highly competent at virtually all of the activities offered and is also silently aware that #h skills are greater than most of #h peers. 9=#N seems to have #abasic sense of positive wellbeing and has developed a delightful sense of humour which #e shares in laughter with others. However, #e also has a flip side and often becomes self conscious and politely refuses to participate in group activities such as #?. 10=#N seems to have #abasic sense of personal wellbeing. #E #frequency enjoys times of happiness, satisfaction and contentment. However, #e can easily become upset if things are not quite as #e expected such as #?. When #e does become upset, #e will seek out and is willing to accept comfort from a staff member. COMMENTS: 3WELLBEING bPhysical Health Wbeing 1=#E shows enthusiasm for participating in active physical play. #E is #frequency able to move around and through the play spaces in a manner that is safe for others as well as #s. 2=Regarding physical wellbeing, #e demonstrates spatial awareness and is #frequency able to challenge #s to take considered risks while maintaining safety for #s and others. #E will #frequency look around first before leaping ! 3=#H fine motor skills are age appropriate and #e is able to manipulate equipment with #abasic competence and skill. 4=#E #feelings responds to music and dance, either independently or at group times, effectively combining gross and fine motor movements and balance to achieve whole body sensory-motor integration. 5=#N shows #abasic awareness of healthy lifestyles and good nutrition. #E #frequency eats #h fresh fruit for snack or lunch times. 6=#E is very swift, agile and energetic. #E needs to move constantly and finds it difficult to remain in one place for the purpose of engaging in an activity that requires sitting. 7=#E is very swift, agile and energetic when outside. However, #e is also quite capable of maintaining a calm body for the purpose of engaging in an activity that requires sitting for several minutes. 8=#E #feelings responds to music and dance, at group times or with a few others, effectively combining gross and fine motor movements for creativity and enjoyment. 9=Regarding physical wellbeing, #N enjoys the free choice creativity of the craft table, utilizing #h fine motor skills to manipulate a variety of "bits" available to make something of personal interest, and will often show others #h results with pride. COMMENTS: 4LEARNING aDispositions 1=#N is curious and enthusiastic about learning. #E #frequency asks questions to extend #h current knowledge. 2=#N #frequency follows and extends #h own interests with enthusiasm, energy and concentration. 3=#N is #frequency able to persevere with a new learning skill and then experience the satisfaction of achievement. 4=With difficult things such as a tricky puzzle or a rope that won't stay tied on, #N is #frequency able to persist, for a short time, before seeking assistance or alternatives. 5=#N participates in a variety of rich and meaningful inquiry based experiences. COMMENTS: 4LEARNING bProcesses 1=#E uses a range of strategies to engage with situations and solve problems (such as how to tie things together with the rope or how to get the ball off the shade sail). 2=#E has #abasic understanding of how to use or read a simple chart, visual table, vertical indicator, or arrow dial indicator (eg. a Voice Volume "thermometer") 3=#E is able to make predictions and generalizations about aspects of the natural world and immediate environment. 4=#E is able to think reflectively and consider why things happen. #E offers simple hypotheses (such as during a science experiment, why the water did not fall out of the upturned glass). 5=#E is able to place and orient shapes according to simple descriptions such as "next to", "beside", "between" and also to compare length and weight of items using descriptive terms such as "longer", "taller", "heavier". 6=#E is able to count 20 or more items accurately. 7=#E is able to count from memory up to #? and can count items accurately and consistently to at least 10. #E has developed "conservation of number". 8=#E is able to complete interlocking jigsaw puzzles of at least #puzzles using a #puzzles method. COMMENTS: 4LEARNING bSkills 1=#E is able to complete interlocking jigsaw puzzles of at least #puzzles using a #puzzles method. #E can count from memory up to #? and is able to count to at least 10 items using accurate one to one correspondence. 2=#E is able to count from memory up to #? 3=#E is able to name #? alphabet letters. 4=#E is able to place and orient shapes according to simple descriptions such as "next to", "beside", "between" and also to compare length and weight of items using descriptive terms such as "longer", "taller", "heavier". (these are VELS Level 1 Prep level indicators) 5=#E is able to count 20 or more items accurately. (this is a VELS Level 1 Prep indicator) 6=#E is able to count from memory up to #? and can count items accurately and consistently to at least 10. #E has developed "conservation of number". 7=#E is able to complete interlocking jigsaw puzzles of at least #puzzles using a #puzzles method. COMMENTS: 4LEARNING cTransfer Knowlledge 1=#N is #frequency make connections between experiences, applying generalizations from one situation to another. 2=#N can #frequency assimilate some new information or experience into #h existing knowledge base, sometimes making a relevant comment when #e realizes the connection (eg "I saw that on tele !") 3=#N can #frequency ask and answer simple questions of others, for information and clarification. 4=#N can link current learning to things #e already knows and is able to clearly explain similar related experiences. 5=#N #frequency participates in exploring the possibilities and uses of a wide range of resources including books, natural materials, construction toys, games and equipment and ICT. #E makes regular use of the Kindergarten iPads which are available for 5 - 10 mins at a time. 6=#N #frequency explores ideas and extends #h own learning through imagination, creativity and play. COMMENTS: 5COMMUNICATION aInteract 1=#N #frequency initiates conversation with peers and adults. #H speech is #frequency understood by peers and if there is confusion, #e is able to find other ways to get #h message across. 2=#N is a very capable, independent and confident communicator. #E is able to construct and convey conversation containing useful or interesting information and is able to clarify or repair if a listener misunderstands. 3=#N is willing to contribute #h ideas, while in play with peers or in small group discussions. When speaking to the whole group, #e speaks #speaks and #speaks. 4=#N is #frequency able to include descriptive words for feelings, quantities or spatial locations (such as excited, longest, underneath). 5=#N is aware of Auslan as a language and is able to sign some simple words that are included in songs we have learnt at Kinder. 6=#N is #abasic and #abasic speaker. #E is #frequency understood by adults and peers. 7=#N has #abasic vocabulary. #H sentences are #frequency grammatically correct, complex and full of appropriate adjectives. 8=With adult reminders #e is able to control #h voice volume inside the playroom. COMMENTS: 5COMMUNICATION bTexts 1=#E loves books and engages with the text in stories for meaning or enjoyment. #E also enjoys the sound of silly sounding words and made up language. 2=#E is able to retell a known story, with #story and in fairly logical order, maintaining the key parts of the story. 3=#E is able to remember the words to sing most of a simple song, or to say a chant or rhyme. #E can hear or recognize rhyming words. 4=#E has #abasic understanding of letter - sound relationships, the general concepts of print and is aware of some punctuation marks, such as full stops and exclamation marks. 5=#E has #abasic knowledge and recall of alphabet letter names. 6=#E has #abasic ability to recognize the names of and copy letters and numerals provided by an adult, for the purpose of making signs which have some meaning to #m for a task or chosen activity. COMMENTS: 5COMMUNICATION cExpress Ideas 1=#N is beginning to use approximations of letters and words to convey meaning. 2=#N has #abasic ability to copy conventional letters, groups of letters, words and even sentences with simple punctuation, to extend meaningful play. Signs of warning to others or labels for constructions are common. 3=#N has #abasic understanding that written text takes longer to write down or type than speaking the words. #E also understands that story telling has a different style of sentence structure than conversation. 4=#N #frequency uses language to communicate created roles using different voices, character styles, invented scripts and ideas during play (such as movie or TV characters) 5=#N is able to draw recognizable simple human forms and a few other things as well (such as a tree, a simple house, a rainbow or spider) 6=#N is skilled at drawing recognizable things and includes a lot of fine detail. #E will often explain what is contained in the artwork and shows pride and satisfaction with the result. 7=#N is able to draw recognizable detailed human forms and several other reasonably detailed things as well (such as a tree with fruit or bird in it, a house with windows and door, a rocket with fire or truck with wheels) 8=#N spends a great deal of time at the craft table enjoying the free choice to use the assorted materials that are available, to make items that are not immediately recognizable to adults but which are a source of pride and satisfaction to #s. COMMENTS: 5COMMUNICATION dSymbols Patterns 1=#N has #abasic ability to sort, categorize, order and compare collections according to attributes of objects and materials (such as, grouping just the baby animals together from an assortment of farm animals) 2=#N is able to work out what comes next to complete a repetitive three part pattern of objects. 3=#N shows #h understanding of pattern by using supplementary materials during play, to make purposefully arranged patterns, based on colour, texture, size or shape. 4=#E can write #h own name using a combination of recognizable letters and other marks. 5=#E is able to write #h own name in a consistent way using neatly formed, conventional and fully legible letters. #E recognizes and can confidently name all the letters of the alphabet. 6=#E shows an interest in print formation by using a combination of invented letters and some recognizable conventional letters and numbers. 7=#E is aware of the alphabet song and is able to recognize and name a few letters. 8=#N is able to safely and responsibly use an iPad as a tool to compose and represent ideas. #E can locate apps from the home page and use swipe and tap skills for selecting options in visual constructions, timed target games and simple problem solving such as mazes. 9=#N engages with iPad technology for fun and information. 10=#N recognizes and can confidently name all the letters of the alphabet. COMMENTS: General comments (1) 1=In general #e has a very positive attitude towards all aspects of #h school work and sets a good example with #h behaviour. 2=#E is a quiet member of the class, who has a considerate and thoughtful nature. 3=#E works very hard and always gives #h best effort in all areas of the curriculum. #E has produced some work to be extremely proud of. 4=#E has become more confident about answering questions and talking in front of the class 5=#E has worked hard in many curriculum areas and has produced some work to be really proud of. 6=#E is quiet in class but works hard. 7=#E has a large circle of friends and is both liked and well respected by the class. 8=#E has a mature attitude and uses #h own initiative to develop work, having produced some excellent homework. 9=#E has a mature approach to many aspects of #h work and shows independence, settling down to work without a fuss. 10=#E has a positive attitude towards all aspects of #h school work, and sets a superb example. 11=#E is extremely conscientious, producing work to be really proud of. 12=#E sets an excellent example of good behaviour and has a sensible attitude. 13=#E has a high level of independent working skills. 14=#E is considerate and is always polite and sensible. 15=#E takes a lot of pride in #h work. 16=#E is a friendly member of the class, who works with enthusiasm and regularly contributes to class discussion. 17=#E is a confident member of the class and contributes well in lessons. 18=#E is extremely conscientious and has produced some excellent work to be really proud of. 19=#E is considerate with many friends and is always polite and sensible. 20=#E is a helpful pupil who is sensible and well behaved. COMMENTS: General comments (2) 1=#E is a cheerful pupil and a popular member of the class. 2=#E gets on well with a variety of children in the class and is a very lively and cheerful pupil. 3=#E is making excellent progress. 4=#E makes good contributions to discussions in class and often asks questions. 5=#E gets along well with others and has many friends 6=#E has many friends and is always pleasant. 7=#E gets on well with a variety of children in the class and is a very lively and cheerful pupil. 8=#E has been working extremely hard in a variety of curriculum areas. 9=#E seems to prefer to work on an individual basis rather than in a group situation. 10=#E can work equally well independently, or with others 11=#E works well in a group situation. 12=#E is always helpful and willing to undertake jobs around the classroom. 13=#E is always polite and friendly and gets on well with everyone. 14=#E is usually cheerful with a smile and a joke. 15=#E has a good sense of humour and enjoys sharing a joke with children and adults alike. 16=Although the standard of presentation of #h work has been variable, #e works very hard and has produced some work to be extremely proud of. 17=#E needs to put more effort into written work 18=#E is too easily distracted in class. 19=#E is generally hard-working, although #e can be easily be distracted. 20=#E attitude to school and work in general has improved this term and #e has calmed down. COMMENTS: General comments (3) 1=#E has produced some good work when #e makes the effort but is capable of more. 2=I would like to encourage #E to ask more questions when #e needs clarification, this way #e will make much more progress. 3=Recently, #e has settled down well and worked much harder in class. 4=However, #h behaviour can still be silly at times and #e needs to realise that next year #e will be in the oldest year group in the school. 5=#H attitude to work when working in class is good but #e needs to do #h homework in order to make progress. 6=In order to maintain the progress that #e is making, #e needs to listen carefully to instructions. 7=Unfortunately, #e lacks confidence in #h own ability in some subjects and needs to realise that #e is capable of producing work of a high standard when #e puts in the effort. 8=Although #e is beginning to show signs of maturity, there are days when #e can be silly and lack the concentration needed to make progress. 9=If #e develops this more positive approach to work and behaviour, #e will reach #h full potential. 10=#E is a clever capable pupil, but this is not always reflected in #h written work. 11=#E has the ability to produce good work in all subjects but needs to avoid the temptation to chatter for sustained periods to friends. 12=At certain times #e does find difficulty in remaining on task as #e prefers to 'chat' to others around #m. In order to maintain the progress that #e is making, #e needs to give #h full concentration at all times. 13=#E needs to help with putting resources away. 14=#E needs to concentrate and apply #s in full to achieve #h full potential. 15=I am sure that the challenge of a year six curriculum will inspire #m to realise #h full potential. 16=#E sometimes lacks confidence, and needs to start being more independent in the classroom. 17=#E is keen to answer questions, but needs to remember to put up #h hand. 18=Occasionally, #e can be easily distracted and #e needs to realise that #e must settle down to work straight away. 19=#E always settles down quickly to work, but needs to listen carefully to the instructions given so #e can complete the work successfully. 20=#H attitude to school and work in general has improved this term and #e has calmed down. COMMENTS: General comments (4) 1=#E has made a good start to year 5 and is settling well into the class. 2=#E has a wide circle of friends and relates well to teachers and adults in school. 3=#E has established good relationships with #h friends, teachers and adults within the school. 4=#E has a close circle of friends and gets on well with any adults #e comes into contact with. 5=#E socialises well with the other children and relates well to adults within school. 6=#E has made an impressive start to year 5 and has settled into the class. 7=#E has made an excellent start to year 5 and has settled easily into the class. 8=#E is adjusting well to the kindergarten class and school. 9=#E is a confident child who is always polite and friendly. 10=#E is a friendly child who displays a good sense of humour. 11=#E is generally a quiet child who tends to keep #s to #s. 12=#E is a pleasant, friendly child who is always polite. 13=#E shows maturity and co-operates well in the classroom. 14=#E shows a positive attitude to #h work and school. 15=#E shows enthusiasm for #h work. 16=#E sometimes shows a little lack of motivation when it comes to work. 17=#E needs to focus on #h listening skills this year. 18=#E listens well in inputs and contributes to discussions 19=#E has good concentration skills 20=I would like #m to focus on improving #h handwriting this year. COMMENTS: General comments (5) 1=I would like #m to focus on improving the presentation of #h work this year. 2=#E has made a good effort with the presentation of #h work. 3=#E has made some effort to improve the presentation of #h work. 4=#E needs to take homework a little more seriously, ensuring that work is returned to school at the correct time. 5=#E has started to take homework a little more seriously, returning #h work at the correct time. 6=#E has worked conscientiously in all areas of the curriculum and made every effort to present #h work well. 7=It would be of benefit to #m if #e remembers to do #h homework and return it to school at the right time. 8=I would like #m to remember to take #h Wellington Square work home every day and to return it to school the next day. 9=#E is a willing helper and takes responsibility seriously. 10=#E is capable of working co-operatively within a group as well as independently. 11=#E is not yet capable of working totally independently of adult help and relies on the support of adults for some tasks. 12=#E finds it easier to work on #h own away from the distractions of working alongside other children but needs to develop the self-discipline of not allowing #s to become distracted. 13=#E has had an excellent year. 14=#E is a good team member with the ability to lead a group and support others sensitively within it. 15=#E is happy working either independently or as part of a group. 16=#E has shown great maturity when dealing with #h peers. 17=#E has maintained #h enthusiasm for learning throughout Year 5, participating fully in every aspect of the curriculum and beyond school in after-school clubs. 18=This is constantly reflected in the quality of #h work. 19=#E has had a good year academically, achieving good results across the curriculum. 20=#E takes great pride in the presentation of #h work, and the content is of equally high quality. COMMENTS: General comments (6) 1=#E has a very positive attitude to school and works quietly and conscientiously in class. 2=#E has made good progress over the year and has developed a positive attitude to #h work. 3=#E has had a good year and continues to make good progress in #h work. 4=#H levels of concentration have shown an improvement over the year. 5=#E has a sensible and mature attitude to school. 6=#E is gaining in maturity and confidence, working towards greater independence in #h work. 7=Over the year #N's confidence has noticeably blossomed. 8=#E has a close circle of friends which has remained fairly constant throughout Year 5. 9=#E is a sociable child with a number of friends within the class. 10=#E is a happy, friendly child of a confident disposition. 11=#E has enjoyed good relationships with the others in the class and maintained a close friendship circle throughout the year. 12=#E is a confident and outgoing child who has developed a wide circle of friends and also has good relationships with adults around school. 13=#E has been a lively personality in the class, enjoying good relationships with a wide circle of friends. 14=#E is becoming more able to co-operate when #e is working within a group, depending on the nature of the task. 15=#E can, however, have a tendency to distract others from their work and #e needs to learn to respect their need to concentrate. 16=#E can, however, be easily distracted when listening to inputs and #e would do well to sit away from #h friends at these times so that the temptation is not so great! 17=#E lacks a little confidence in class discussions and will hold back unless encouraged to participate verbally. 18=#E is much more confident on a one to one or in a small group situation. 19=#E is a friendly but quiet child who lacks confidence when speaking to the class and joining in with class discussions. As a consequence #e seems to find it easier to work independently rather than within a group. 20=#E needs very clear structures to work to and much support to ensure that #e focuses on a task and completes it within a given time. COMMENTS: General comments (7) 1=#E has a circle of friends with whom #e socialises well during break times. 2=#E is a popular child with a wide friendship group among #h peers. #E has the odd tiff with #h friends but this always appears to resolve itself very quickly. 3=#E has worked with enthusiasm throughout #h time in Year 5, showing a positive attitude in all that #e tackles. 4=#E has had a good year and has continued to make progress in all areas of #h work due to #h positive approach. 5=#E is a quiet child with a good attitude towards #h work 6=#E has a very positive attitude to school which is reflected in the standard of #h work and #h continued ability to focus on the task in hand. 7=#E has a good attitude towards school and is well motivated and conscientious in class. 8=In group situations, #e is a good team member, making valuable contributions and supporting others. 9=When working in a group #e is a good team member, making valuable contributions to the work. 10=#E is a good team member in group work situations as well as being capable of working well on #h own. 11=#E is a well-liked member of the class and I have enjoyed having #m in my class this year! 12=#E is a happy and popular character in the class and I have thoroughly enjoyed having #m in my class. 13=#E has worked well and with enthusiasm throughout the year. 14=#E has much enthusiasm in particular areas of the curriculum which I'm sure #e will develop successfully. 15=#E has good concentration and settles well to tasks in class. 16=#E has proved #s to be hard-working and motivated in most areas of #h work. 17=#E still occasionally forgets #s and becomes distracted, and can be prone to chattiness. 18=#H maturity has continued to develop and #e shows great sensitivity towards others. 19=#E has a close circle of friends and is very supportive to others within the class, helping those who need it whenever #e can. 20=#H good-natured and helpful disposition has been an asset to the class. COMMENTS: General comments (8) 1=Throughout the year, #e has always been polite, helpful and co-operative. 2=#E has always behaved well in class. 3=On the whole a good year, but #e would do well to improve on #h concentration and listening skills for next year. 4=#E has a mature and responsible attitude to #h work and to #h chores around the classroom. 5=#E is a friendly, helpful child who relates well to #h peers and is confident in #h dealings with adults. 6=#E is a friendly child and has had good relationships with any adults #e comes into contact with in school. 7=Although mostly of a sensible and studious nature, #e can have spells of silliness and giggly behaviour which can be detrimental and #e would do well to learn to control these in the classroom environment. COMMENTS: Kinder Intros 1=#N is a delightful addition to our classroom. 2=#N is a terrific kindergartener. 3=#N is a friendly, and enthusiastic young #b who continuing to adjust to school rules and routines. 4=#N is having a wonderful start to Kindergarten. 5=#N has adjusted well to our class. 6=#N is a pleasure to have in class. 7=#N has acclimated well to a full day kindergarten classroom. 8=#N is a delight to have in kindergarten. 9=#N is a joy to have in class. 10=#N is growing so much in kindergarten. 11=#N continues to adjust to school rules and routines. COMMENTS: Kinder Letters Sight Words 1=#N is beginning to use letter-sound relationships to read and write. 2=#N is beginning to write with support and use strategies to assist #m. #E should practice writing at home. 3=#N guided reading level is currently below benchmark for this time in the year. #E should practice #h alphabet letters and sounds at home. 4=#N should continue to review our sight word lists to support #h reading and writing development 5=Apps on iPads have motivated #N to learn #h letter-sounds. #E is proud of #h recent accomplishment. COMMENTS: Kinder Math 1=#N is learning to consistently identify numbers 1-10 and should practice this skill at home. 2=#E can count to ?? and should practice counting at home to 100. 3=#E should practice identifying numbers 11-100. 4=#N still needs support on counting 20 items. Practicing counting items will strengthen #h 1:1 correspondence. 5=#N has mastered identification of numbers 1-10. 6=#N is able to easily identify 2D and 3D shapes. 7=#N is able to compose and decompose numbers up to 5 fluently. 8=#N has strong 1-1 correspondence when counting objects. 9=#N is able to use efficient strategies to improve counting. 10=To improve, #N should practice composing and decomposing numbers up to 5. 11=To improve, #N should practice identifying different 2D and 3D shapes. 12=To improve, #N should practice counting up to 20. 13=#N is able to easily identify numbers 1-20. 14=#N is easily able to identify numbers up to 100. Great job! Continue to focus on place value and reading numbers in the correct order. 15=#N is able to decompose numbers up to 10 fluently. 16=#N has a developing understanding of place value. 17=#N has a solid understanding of place value. 18=#N has a strong understanding of place value. COMMENTS: Kinder Positive Description 1=#E is a great model for other students. 2=#E is hard-working, well mannered and responsible 3=#E is cooperative, well mannered, and polite. 4=#E is helpful, well-mannered, and enthusiastic. 5=#E is very enthusiastic and considerate. 6=#E is considerate, polite, and passionate. 7=#N puts forth #h best effort into assignments. 8=#E is creative and hard working. 9=#E is responsible and is accountable for #h learning. 10=#N expresses pride in #h accomplishments. 11=#E is cooperative, courteous, and cordial. 12=#E is a self-motivated student. 13=#E is dependable and takes responsibility for #h learning by completing #h assignments in a timely manner. 14=#N is trustworthy and takes responsibility for #h learning. 15=#E excels when challenged and meets classroom expectations, as well as rigorous academic standards. 16=#E shows initiative and displays higher level thinking and questioning skills. 17=#E is enthusiastic and creative. 18=#E is respectful and kind to teachers and #h peers. 19=#N stays on task with little supervision. 20=#N uses free minutes of class time constructively. COMMENTS: Maths - opener 1=#N has shown great application in all aspects of mathematics and shows #e is capable of working to a high level. 2=#N enjoys Math and is confident working in all aspects of the subject. 3=#N has enjoyed Math and works hard, making good progress. 4=#N always enjoys Math lessons and has progressed steadily. 5=#N always enjoys Math and has made steady progress. 6=#N enjoys Math and works hard in this subject. #E has made steady progress in all areas. 7=#N enjoys working in all areas of Math and shows good application. #E has made good progress as a result. 8=#N has shown good application in mathematics, making steady progress in all areas. 9=#N enjoys work in all areas of mathematics and has responded well to tasks set, making good progress as a result. 10=#N enjoys work in all areas of mathematics and has responded well to tasks set. 11=#N enjoys Math and is confident working in all aspects of the subject. COMMENTS: Maths US Common Core 1=#N consistently knows number names and can count sequences. 2=#N can consistently count to tell the number of objects. 3=#N can consistently compare numbers accurately. 4=____________ 5=#N consistently demonstrates understanding of addition as putting together and adding to. 6=#N consistently demonstrates understanding of subtraction as taking apart and taking from. 7=#N accurately represents and solves problems involving addition and subtraction. 8=#N understands properties of operations and is able to apply them to solve addition and subtraction questions within 10. 9=#N accurately adds and subtracts within 20. 10=____________ 11=#N consistently works with numbers 11-19 to gain foundations for place value (composes and decomposes numbers). 12=#N is able to consistently extend the counting sequence. 13=____________ 14=#N consistently describes and compares measureable attributes such as length or weight. 15=#N consistently classifies objects and counts the number of objects in each category. 16=#N consistently measures lengths indirectly and by iterating length units. 17=#N consistently tells and writes time accurately. 18=____________ 19=#N consistently identifies and describes shapes. 20=#N consistently analyzes, compares, creates, and composes shapes. COMMENTS: Maths01: Introduction 1=#N has studied counting, partitioning and calculating, securing number facts, understanding shape, handling data and measures, and number relationships. COMMENTS: Maths02: Applying 1=Foundation Stage Using and applying mathematics objectives 2=------------------------------------------------------------------------ 3=#E can use #h developing mathematical ideas and methods to solve #h practical problems. 4=#E is able to match sets of objects to numerals that represent the number of objects. 5=#E has sorted objects, made choices and justified #h decisions. 6=#E is able to talk about, recognise and recreate simple patterns. 7=#E has describe #h solutions to practical problems, drawing on #h experience,. 8=#E has talked about #h own ideas, methods and choices for ways of solving numeracy problem. 9=Year 1 Using and applying mathematics objectives 10=------------------------------------------------------------ 11=#E was able to solve problems involving counting, adding, subtracting, doubling or halving in the context of numbers, measures or money, for example to 'pay' and 'give change'. 12=#E can describe a puzzle or problem using numbers, practical materials and diagrams. #E was able to use these skills to solve a problem and set the solution in the original context. 13=#E can answer a question by selecting and using suitable equipment. #E can sort information, shapes or objects. #E is able to display #h results using tables and pictures. 14=#E has described simple patterns and relationships involving numbers or shapes. #E was able to decide whether the examples provided by #h teacher satisfied the given conditions. 15=#E was able to describe #h own ways of solving puzzles and problems. #E has been able to explain #h choices and decisions orally or by using pictures. 16=Year 2 Using and applying mathematics objectives 17=------------------------------------------------------------ 18=#E can solve problems involving addition, subtraction, multiplication or division in contexts of numbers, measures or pounds and pence. 19=#E has identified and recorded the information or calculation needed to solve a puzzle or problem. 20=#E is able to carry out the steps or calculations and check the solution in the context of the problem. COMMENTS: Maths03: Applying--part2 1=#E has followed a line of enquiry. 2=#E has answered questions by choosing and using suitable equipment and selecting, organising and presenting #h information in lists, tables and simple diagrams. 3=#E can describe patterns and relationships involving numbers or shapes. 4=#E has made predictions and tested these with #h own examples. 5=#E can present solutions to puzzles and problems in an organised way. 6=#E is able to explain #h decisions, methods and results in pictorial, spoken or written form, using the correct mathematical language and number sentences. COMMENTS: Maths04: Counting 1=Foundation Stage Counting and understanding number objectives 2=---------------------------------------------------------------------------- 3=#E is able to say and use number names in numerical order in familiar contexts. 4=#E knows that numbers identify how many objects are in a set. 5=#E has counted reliably up to 10 everyday objects. 6=#E is able to estimate how many objects #h can see and check #h answer by counting the objects for #s. 7=#E can count aloud in ones, twos, fives or tens. 8=#E has used the language such as 'more' or 'less' to compare two numbers. 9=#E knows how to use ordinal numbers in different contexts. 10=#E recognises numerals 1 to 9. 11=Year 1 Counting and understanding number objectives 12=---------------------------------------------------------------- 13=#E was able to count reliably at least 20 objects, recognising that when rearranged the number of objects stayed the same. #E knows that an estimate of a number of objects that can be checked by counting. 14=#E can compare and order numbers, using the related vocabulary. #E also knows how to use the equals (=) sign. 15=#E is able to read and write numerals from 0 to 20, then beyond. #E can use #h knowledge of place value to position these numbers on a number track and number line . 16=#E was able to say the number that is 1 more or less than any given number, and 10 more or less for multiples of 10. 17=#E has used the vocabulary of halves and quarters in an appropriate context. 18=Year 2 Counting and understanding number objectives 19=---------------------------------------------------------------- 20=#E can read and write two-digit and three-digit numbers in figures and words. #E can describe and extend number sequences and recognise odd and even numbers. COMMENTS: Maths05: Counting--part2 1=#E is able to count up to 100 objects by grouping them and counting in tens, fives or twos. 2=#E knows and can explain what each digit in a two-digit number represents, including numbers where 0 is a place holder. 3=#E has shown evidence #e can partition two-digit numbers in different ways, including into multiples of 10 and 1. 4=#E can order two-digit numbers and position them on a number line; use the greater than (>) and less than (<) signs. 5=#E can estimate a number of objects and has rounded two-digit numbers to the nearest 10. 6=#E can find one half of shapes and sets of objects. 7=#E can find one half, one quarter of shapes and sets of objects. 8=#E can find one half, one quarter and three quarters of shapes and sets of objects. COMMENTS: Maths06: Number facts 1=Foundation Stage Knowing and using number facts objectives 2=-------------------------------------------------------------------------- 3=#E was able to observe number relationships and patterns in the environment and use these to derive number facts. 4=#E can find one more or one less than a number from 1 to 10. 5=#E has selected two groups of objects and made a given total of objects. 6=Year 1 Knowing and using number facts objectives 7=------------------------------------------------------------- 8=#E can derive and recall all the pairs of numbers with a total of 10 and addition facts for totals to at least 5. #E is able to also work out the corresponding subtraction facts. 9=#E is able to count on or back in ones, twos, fives and tens and use this knowledge to derive the multiples of 2, 5 and 10 to the tenth multiple. 10=#E recalls the doubles of all numbers to at least 10. 11=Year 2 Knowing and using number facts objectives 12=------------------------------------------------------------- 13=#N derives and recalls all addition and subtraction facts for each number to at least 10, all pairs with totals to 20 and all pairs of multiples of 10 with totals up to 100. 14=#N understands that halving is the inverse of doubling and #e can derive and recall doubles of all numbers to 20, and the corresponding halves. 15=#N derives and recalls multiplication facts for the 2, 5 and 10 times-tables and the related division facts. #E recognises multiples of 2, 5 and 10. 16=#N uses #h knowledge of number facts and operations to estimate and check #h answers to #h calculations. COMMENTS: Maths07: Calculating 1=Foundation Stage Calculating objectives 2=----------------------------------------------- 3=#E is beginning to relate addition to combining two groups of objects and subtraction to 'taking away'. 4=In practical activities and discussion, #e is starting to use the vocabulary involved in adding and subtracting. 5=#E can count repeated groups of the same size. 6=#E has been able to share objects into equal groups and count how many there are in each group. 7=Year 1 Calculating objectives 8=----------------------------------- 9=#E can relate addition to counting on. 10=#E recognises that addition can be done in any order. 11=#E is able to use practical and informal written methods to support the addition of a one-digit number or a multiple of 10 to a one-digit or two-digit number. 12=#E understands subtraction as 'take away' and find a 'difference' by counting up. 13=#E is able to use practical and informal written methods to support the subtraction of a one-digit number from a one digit or two-digit number and a multiple of 10 from a two-digit number. 14=#E solves practical problems that involve combining groups of 2, 5 or 10, or sharing into equal groups. 15=#E has used the vocabulary related to addition and subtraction and symbols to describe and record addition and subtraction number sentences. 16=Year 2 Calculating objectives 17=----------------------------------- 18=#E adds or subtracts mentally a one-digit number or a multiple of 10 to or from any two-digit number. #N uses practical and informal written methods to add and subtract two-digit numbers. 19=#E understands that subtraction is the inverse of addition and vice versa. #N uses this to derive and record the related addition and subtraction number sentences. 20=#E can represent repeated addition and arrays as multiplication, and sharing and repeated subtraction (grouping) as division. COMMENTS: Maths08: Calculating--part2 1=#N has used practical and informal written methods and the related vocabulary to support multiplication and division, including calculations with remainders. 2=#E #frequency uses the symbols +, - and = to record and interpret number sentences involving addition and subtraction. 3=#N #frequency calculates the value of an unknown in a number sentence (e.g. ? + 2 = 6, 10 - ? = 4). COMMENTS: Maths09: Shapes 1=Foundation Stage Understanding shape objectives 2=----------------------------------------------------------- 3=#E has used familiar objects and common shapes to create and recreate patterns and build #h own models. 4=#E is able to use language such as 'circle' or 'bigger' to describe the shape and size of solids and flat shapes. 5=#E uses everyday words to describe position 6=Year 1 Understanding shape objectives 7=---------------------------------------------- 8=#E has visualised and named common 2-D shapes and 3-D solids and described their features 9=#E can use common 2-D shapes and 3-D solids to make patterns, pictures and models. 10=#E is able to identify objects that turn about a point (e.g. scissors) or about a line (e.g. a door). 11=#E has recognised and made whole, half and quarter turns. 12=#E has visualised and used everyday language to describe the position of objects and the direction and distance #e has used when moving them. 13=Year 2 14=--------- 15=#N visualises common 2-D shapes and 3-D solids. 16=#E can identify shapes from pictures of them in different positions and orientations. 17=#E sorts, makes and describes shapes, referring to their properties. 18=#N identifies reflective symmetry in patterns and 2-D shapes and #e draws lines of symmetry in shapes. 19=#N can follow and give instructions involving position, direction and movement. 20=#N is able to recognise and uses whole, half and quarter turns, both clockwise and anticlockwise. COMMENTS: Maths10: Shapes--part2 1=#E knows that a right angle represents a quarter turn. COMMENTS: Maths11: Measuring 1=Foundation Stage Measuring Objectives 2=----------------------------------------------- 3=#E is able to use language such as 'greater', 'smaller', 'heavier' or 'lighter' to compare different quantities. 4=#E uses everyday language related to time. 5=#E is able to order and sequence familiar events and measure short periods of time. 6=Year 1 Measuring Objectives 7=----------------------------------- 8=#E can estimate, measure, weigh and compare objects. 9=#E is able to choose and use suitable uniform non-standard or standard units and measuring instruments (e.g. a lever balance, metre stick or measuring jug) as appropriate. 10=#E has used vocabulary related to time. 11=#E is able to order the days of the week and months. 12=#E can read the time to the hour and half hour. 13=Year 2 14=--------- 15=#E can estimate, compare and measure lengths, weights and capacities. 16=#E can choose and use the correct standard units (m, cm, kg, litre) and a suitable measuring instrument. 17=#E can read the numbered divisions on a scale, and interpret the divisions between them (e.g. on a scale from 0 to 25 with intervals of 1 shown but only the divisions 0, 5, 10, 15 and 20 numbered). 18=In addition, #N uses a ruler to draw and measure lines accurately to the nearest centimetre. 19=#E use the units of time (seconds, minutes, hours, days) and knows the relationships between them. 20=#N can read the time to the quarter hour and can identify time intervals, including those that cross the hour. COMMENTS: Maths12: Handling Data 1=Foundation Stage Handling data objectives 2=-------------------------------------------------- 3=#E is able to sort familiar objects in order to show that #e has identified their similarities and differences. 4=#N is able to count how many objects share a particular property. #E then presented #h results using pictures, drawings or numerals. 5=Year 1 Handling data objectives 6=-------------------------------------- 7=#N has answered a question by recording information in lists and tables. 8=#E is able to present #h outcomes using a wide range of practical resources, pictures, block graphs or pictograms. 9=#N is able to use diagrams to sort objects into groups according to a given criterion. 10=#E has suggested a different criterion for grouping the same objects. 11=Year 2 Handling data objectives 12=-------------------------------------- 13=#N has answered a question by collecting and recording #h data in lists and tables. 14=#E can represent the data as block graphs or pictograms to show results. 15=#E has used ICT to organise and present #h data. 16=#N can use lists, tables and diagrams to sort objects. 17=In addition, #e is able to explain #h choices using the appropriate language, including 'not'. COMMENTS: Phonics - Listening/Speaking 1=#N listens attentively in class. 2=#N listens attentively. When asked to talk about #h work, #e reports back clearly and concisely. 3=#N listens attentively, responds well to the ideas of others and can report back clearly and concisely. 4=#N listens attentively and responds well to the suggestions and ideas of others. 5=#N listens extremely well, and invariably makes perceptive comments during discussions. 6=#N's spoken comments are often perceptive and reflect #h well-developed listening skills. 7=When asked to talk about English texts, #e speaks in front of an audience with confidence, and shows a good understanding of the ideas under discussion. 8=#N contributes well to class discussions, offering quite perceptive comments. 9=#N contributes well to class discussions, often injecting some humour, and is willing to justify #h opinions and feelings to others. 10=#N readily expresses #h feelings and opinions to others during class discussions; and speaks with greater clarity and thought. 11=#N is well informed, and quietly puts #h point of view over in class discussions. #E listens with interest during these sessions. 12=#N is well informed. #E listens with interest during class discussions and is very composed when answering questions. 13=#N participates actively and enthusiastically in class and group discussions. 14=#N provides thoughtful and interesting opinions to most discussions. 15=#N always listens politely to others’ views and continues to provide appropriate comments. 16=#N is a confident speaker and polite listener in all scenarios. 17=#N is developing into a more confident English speaker as #e begins to share more thoughts with larger group situations. 18=#N is always courteous while teachers or other class members are speaking. COMMENTS: Phonics - Listening/Speaking2 1=#E acting skills are superb, and #e can deliver #h lines with aplomb. 2=#E listens superbly, and can put forward #h own points of view clearly and articulately. 3=#E contributes well to discussions, usually paying close attention to what is being said. #E is quite shy in class situation and must learn to value, and put forward, #h own opinions. 4=#E responds more confidently in a small group situation. 5=#E contributes well to class discussions, offering quite perceptive comments, and always listens attentively. #E makes excellent responses to stories and poems. 6=#E is a good contributor to class discussions, and latterly is thinking more carefully about the point #e is trying to make. 7=#E is quite shy in a class situation but has learned to value, and put forward, #h own opinions. 8=#E listens well to others and comments sensibly on what has been said when asked to do so. 9=#E generally listens attentively and makes good responses to stories and poems. #E can be self-conscious about speaking in front of others. 10=#E listens well in discussions and is joining in with more enthusiasm. #E generally thinks carefully about the point #e is trying to get over to others. 11=#E is growing #h confidence as speaker, but enjoys listening to stories. #E is beginning to take part in discussions, and give #h point of view. 12=#E must curb #h tendency to daydream when involved in class discussions. 13=When asked to talk about #h work in a group, #e is beginning to participate more readily and can express #h point of view sensibly. #E is able to discuss a book's plot, demonstrating a good understanding of the material read. 14=#E listens well in class, and readily expresses #h feelings and opinions to others. 15=#E is beginning to take part in discussions, but usually has to be encouraged to do so. 16=#E is beginning to participate more readily during discussions and can express #h point of view sensibly. 17=When asked to talk about #h work in groups, #e will quietly offer #h views and opinions. 18=During class discussions, #N contributes #h views confidently. However, #N is often distracted when listening to others. 19=During class discussions, #N's verbal contribution is not as high as it could be. #E responds more confidently in a small group situation. 20=During class discussions, #N's verbal contribution is not as high as it could be. COMMENTS: Phonics - Reading/Writing 1=#N is beginning to use letter-sound relationships to read and write. 2=#N is beginning to write with support and use strategies to assist #m. #E should practice writing at home. 3=Apps on iPads have motivated #N to learn #h letter-sounds. #E is proud of #h recent accomplishment. 4=#N's guided reading level is currently below benchmark for this time in the year. #E should practice #h alphabet letters and sounds at home. 5=#N should continue to review our sight word lists to support #h reading and writing development. 6=#E is excelling in reading, frequently reads to #h peers, and enjoys reading for enjoyment. 7=#E implements some decoding strategies when reading. 8=#N is beginning to write independently and use strategies to aid #m. 9=#N is beginning to implement strategies to assist #h when writing. 10=#E uses vocabulary words to enhance #h writing. 11=#N is beginning to look for known word chunks when decoding during reading. 12=#H is able to write words using their beginning sound. 13=#H is able to write words using their beginning and ending sounds. 14=#H is able to write words using their beginning, middle, and ending sounds. 15=#E implements reading and writing strategies appropriately. 16=#E frequently reads for enjoyment, uses vocabulary words to enhance #h writing, and writes independently. 17=#E writes independently and uses vocabulary words to enrich #h writing. 18=#E frequently reads for enjoyment and is often reading to other students in the class where #e is modeling reading strategies and using prosody in #h voice. 19=#H great ideas are expressed in #h writing and #e has shown ability to tell a story with writing. 20=#N applies #h knowledge of word chunks to decode unknown words. COMMENTS: Phonics - Reading/Writing2 1=#N read fluently and confidently with excellent phrasing and expression. 2=#N was a fluent and expressive reader with an excellent level of comprehension. 3=#N applied appropriate strategies to enhance #h fluency and expression. 4=#N engaged in independent reading tasks without being prompted. 5=#N confidently interpreted the meaning, structure and visual information of texts. 6=#N was able to differentiate between fact and opinion when reading. 7=#N could locate relevant facts and important details in a piece of text. 8=#N was able to understand and discuss simple texts with teacher support. 9=#N read and comprehended various texts at a high standard. 10=------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 11=Going forward, #N is encouraged to slow down when reading to avoid omitting words or endings of words. 12=Going forward, #N is encouraged to slow down when reading and read the whole word to the end to avoid errors. 13=Going forward, #N is encouraged to try and write more or add to #h pictures before handing in work. 14=Going forward, #N is encouraged to reread #h work to check for mistakes. 15=Going forward, #N could apply reading strategies covered in class more in their daily story reading. 16=Going forward, #N should use student checklists to ensure all aspects of a writing genre have been addressed. 17=Going forward, #N is encouraged to reflect on #h presentations to see where #e could improve. COMMENTS: Positive Description 1=#E is a great model for other students. 2=#E is hard-working, well mannered and responsible 3=#E is cooperative, well mannered, and polite. 4=#E is helpful, well-mannered, and enthusiastic. 5=#E is very enthusiastic and considerate. 6=#E is considerate, polite, and passionate. 7=#N puts forth #h best effort into assignments. 8=#E is creative and hard working. 9=#E is responsible and is accountable for #h learning. 10=#N expresses pride in #h accomplishments. 11=#E is cooperative, courteous, and cordial. 12=#E is a self-motivated student. 13=#E is dependable and takes responsibility for #h learning by completing #h assignments in a timely manner. 14=#N is trustworthy and takes responsibility for #h learning. 15=#E excels when challenged and meets classroom expectations, as well as rigorous academic standards. 16=#E shows initiative and displays higher level thinking and questioning skills. 17=#E is enthusiastic and creative. 18=#E is respectful and kind to teachers and #h peers. 19=#N stays on task with little supervision. 20=#N uses free minutes of class time constructively. COMMENTS: Summer 1Intro 1=#N has truly bloomed this year. #E has blossomed as a student and brightened our mornings with #h #? 2=We have been so lucky to have #N be a part of our class this year. 3=#N has been a pleasure to have in class. 4=#N has been an excellent Kindergartener this year. 5=It has been a pleasure getting to know #N this year. 6=#N has had a great Kindergarten year. 7=#N has come so far over the course of the past school year. 8=I have watched #N truly open up to our class this year. 9=#N has had a very busy year in Kindergarten. 10=#N has shown incredible growth in Kindergarten this year. 11=#N has brought kindness and a contagious enthusiasm for learning to our classroom community. 12=#N is a highly motivated student. COMMENTS: Summer 2Phonics/Reading/Writing 1=#N is beginning to use 1-to-1 letter-sound correspondence to identify sounds and beginning to blend them together to form words. 2=#N is beginning to write with support and use strategies to assist #m. #E should practice writing at home. 3=#N is motivated to learn #h letter-sounds. #E frequently identifies and talks about beginning sounds of objects which #h finds interesting. #E is proud of #h recent accomplishment. 4=#N's guided reading level is currently below benchmark for this time in the year. #E should practice #h alphabet letters and sounds at home. 5=#N should continue to review our sight word lists to support #h reading and writing development. 6=#E is excelling in reading, frequently reads to #h peers, and enjoys reading for enjoyment. 7=#E implements some decoding strategies when reading. 8=#N is beginning to write independently and use strategies to aid #m. 9=#N is beginning to implement strategies to assist #h when writing. 10=#E uses vocabulary words to enhance #h writing. 11=#N is beginning to look for known word chunks when decoding during reading. 12=#N is able to write words using their beginning sound. 13=#N is able to write words using their beginning and ending sounds. 14=#N is able to write words using their beginning, middle, and ending sounds. 15=#E implements reading and writing strategies appropriately. 16=#E frequently reads for enjoyment, uses vocabulary words to enhance #h writing, and writes independently. 17=#E writes independently and uses vocabulary words to enrich #h writing. 18=#E frequently reads for enjoyment and is often reading to other students in the class where #e is modeling reading strategies and using prosody in #h voice. 19=#H great ideas are expressed in #h writing and #e has shown ability to tell a story with writing. 20=#N applies #h knowledge of word chunks to decode unknown words. COMMENTS: Summer 3ELA Progress 1=#E has truly grown as a reader and a writer this year. #E can now stretch words out that #e is reading as well as writing. 2=#E has made significant progress in the areas of reading and writing this year. 3=#E has grown tremendously with beginning reading and writing skills since the beginning of the year. COMMENTS: Summer 4ELA Prog Recommendation 1=Please practice 1-to-1 letter-sound correspondence activities with #N at home every day. 2=In addition, be sure to review the Phase 1 and Phase 2 phonics sounds throughout the summer to maintain #N's progress. 3=#N would benefit from practicing naming letter names and sounds daily in order to maintain #h progress. 4=In order to maintain all of the progress that #N has made this year, #N should visit the public library or the bookstore and seek out more opportunities to write words frequently over the holidays. 5=Please continue to encourage #N to read aloud an English book for 10 minutes every day to expand #h vocabulary. 6=#N would benefit from a daily routine of 10 minutes reading side-by-side with an adult. 7=#N would benefit from talking about pictures in books and using new vocabulary words. 8=#N reading has improved considerably throughout the year. Please continue to practice reading with #m every day. COMMENTS: Summer 5Math Progress 1=#N has demonstrated a strong understanding of how to compose and decompose numbers 5 and under. 2=#N has demonstrated a strong understanding of how to compose and decompose numbers 10 and under. 3=#N has demonstrated a strong understanding of how to compose and decompose numbers beyond 10. 4=#E is able to describe numbers by place value. 5=#E is continuing to work on describing numbers by place value. 6=#E is able to recognize and read numbers up to 10. 7=#E is able to recognize and read numbers up to 20. 8=#E is able to recognize and read numbers beyond 20. COMMENTS: Summer 6Math Prog Recommendation 1=#E should practice counting to 100 and beyond over the summer. 2=Over the summer, find opportunities for #N to do some simple math for the family. COMMENTS: Summer 7Fine Motor Prog Recommendation 1=#N would benefit from additional fine motor skills activities to improve #h fine motor coordination. 2=Please encourage fine motor skills activities with #N, #e would benefit from additional support with #h fine motor coordination. 3=Please continue to encourage fine motor skills activities with #N as this continues to be an area #e finds challenging. COMMENTS: USCC: ELA Reading Foundation 1=---------------------------------- Print Concepts ---------------------------------- 2=#N can demonstrate understanding of the organization and basic features of print. 3=#N can follow words from left to right, top to bottom, and page by page. 4=#N can recognize that spoken words are represented in written language by specific sequences of letters. 5=#N understands that words are separated by spaces in print. 6=#N recognizes and can name all upper and lowercase letters of the alphabet. 7=---------------------------------- Phonological Awareness ---------------------------------- 8=#N demonstrates understanding of spoken words, syllables, and sounds. 9=#N can recognize and produce rhyming words. 10=#N can count, pronounce, blend, and segment syllables in spoken words. 11=#N can blend and segment onsets and rimes of single-syllable spoken words. 12=#N can isolate and pronounce the initial, medial vowel, and final sounds in three-phoneme words. 13=#N can add or substitute individual sounds in simple, one syllable words to make new words. 14=---------------------------------- Word Recognition ---------------------------------- 15=#N knows and can apply grade-level phonics and word analysis skills in decoding words. 16=#N demonstrates basic knowledge of one to one letter sound correspondences by producing the primary sound or many of the most frequent sounds for each consonant. 17=#N associates the long and short sounds with the common spellings for the five major vowels. 18=#N can read common high frequency words by sight. 19=#N can distinguish between similarly spelled words by identifying the sounds of the letters that differ. 20=#N can read emergent reader texts with purpose and understanding. COMMENTS: USCC: ELA Reading Informational Text 1=--------------------------------------------- Key Ideas & Details --------------------------------------------- 2=With prompting and support, #N can ask and answer questions about key details in a text. 3=With prompting and support, #N can identify the main topic and retell key details of a text. 4=With prompting and support, #N can describe the connection between two individuals, events, ideas, or pieces of information in a text. 5=--------------------------------------------- Craft & Structure --------------------------------------------- 6=With prompting and support, #N can ask and answer questions about unknown words in a text. 7=#N can identify the front cover, back cover, and title page of a book. 8=#N can name the author and illustrator of a text and define the role of each in presenting the ideas or information in a text. 9=------------------------------- Integration of Knowledge & Ideas --------------------------------------------- 10=With prompting and support, #N can describe the relationship between illustrations and the text in which they appear. 11=With prompting and support, #N can identify the reasons an author gives to support points in a text. 12=With prompting and support, #N can identify basic similarities in and differences between two texts on the same topic. 13=------------------------------- Range of Reading & Text Complexity --------------------------------------------- 14=#N is able to actively engage in group reading activities with purpose and understanding. COMMENTS: USCC: ELA Reading Literature 1=------------------------------- Key Ideas & Details --------------------------------------------- 2=With prompting and support, #N is able to ask and answer questions about key details in a text. 3=With prompting and support, #N is able to retell familiar stories, including key details. 4=With prompting and support, #N is able to identify characters, settings, and major events in a story. 5=------------------------------- Craft & Structure --------------------------------------------- 6=#N is able to ask and answer questions about unknown words in a text. 7=#N is able to recognize common types of texts. 8=With prompting and support, #N can name the author and illustrator of a story and define the role of each in telling the story. 9=------------------------------- Integration of Knowledge & Ideas --------------------------------------------- 10=With prompting and support, #N can describe the relationship between illustrations and the story in which they appear. 11=With prompting and support, #N can compare and contrast the adventures and experiences of characters in familiar stories. 12=------------------------------- Range of Reading & Text Complexity --------------------------------------------- 13=#N actively engages in group reading activities with purpose and understanding. COMMENTS: USCC: ELA Speaking & Listening 1=--------------------------- Comprehension & Collaboration --------------------------- 2=#N is able to participate in collaborative conversations with diverse partners about kindergarten topics and texts with peers and adults in small and larger groups. 3=#N follows agreed-upon rules for discussions (e.g. listening to others and taking turns speaking about the topics and texts under discussion). 4=#N continues a conversation through multiple exchanges. 5=#N confirms understanding of a text read aloud or information presented orally or through other media by asking and is able to answer questions about key details. #N requests clarification if something is not understood. 6=#N asks and answers questions in order to seek help, get information, or clarify something that is not understood. 7=--------------------------- Presentation of Knowledge & Ideas --------------------------- 8=#N is able to describe familiar people, places, things, and events and, with prompting and support, provide additional detail. 9=#N is able to add drawings or other visual displays to descriptions as desired to provide additional detail. 10=#N is able to speak audibly and express thoughts, feelings, and ideas clearly. COMMENTS: USCC: ELA Writing 1=--------------------------- Text Types & Purposes --------------------------- 2=#N uses a combination of drawing, dictating, and writing to compose opinion pieces in which they tell a reader the topic or the name of the book they are writing about and state an opinion or preference about the topic or book (e.g. My favorite book is...). 3=#N uses a combination of drawing, dictating, and writing to compose informative/explanatory texts in which #e names what #e is writing about and supply some information about the topic. 4=#N uses a combination of drawing, dictating, and writing to narrate a single event or several loosely linked events, #h tells about the events in the order in which they occurred, and provides a reaction to what happened. 5=--------------------------- Production & Distribution of Writing --------------------------- 6=With guidance and support from adults, #N responds to questions and suggestions from peers and adds details to strengthen writing as needed. 7=With guidance and support from adults, #N explores a variety of digital tools to produce and publish writing, including in collaboration with peers. 8=--------------------------- Research to Build & Present Knowledge --------------------------- 9=#N participates in shared research and writing projects (e.g. explores a number of books by a favorite author and expresses opinions about them). 10=With guidance and support from adults, #N recalls information from experiences or gathers information from provided sources to answer a question. COMMENTS: USCC: Science Everyday Materials 1=#N is starting to understand that the material of an object is what it is made from. 2=#N can identify the material that a simple object has been made from. 3=#N can identify the material that a simple object has been made from, and suggest a reason why. 4=#N can recognize a variety of simple everyday materials. 5=#N can name a variety of simple everyday materials. 6=#N can name a variety of simple everyday materials and give examples of how they might be used. 7=#N is learning to describe the simple properties of everyday materials. 8=#N can describe the simple properties of everyday materials. 9=#N can describe the simple properties of everyday materials and can suggest how this affects how the materials are used. 10=#N can compare materials with support. 11=#N can group materials by their properties. 12=#N can group materials by their properties and give reasons for their answers. 13=#N can describe and compare a variety of simple materials. 14=#N can compare a variety of materials and say which is more suitable for a range of uses. 15=#N can compare a variety of materials and say which is more suitable for a range of uses, giving reasons for their answers. 16=#N has taken part in an investigation comparing how things move on different surfaces. 17=#N has taken part in an investigation comparing how things move on different surfaces and recorded the outcome. 18=#N has taken part in an investigation comparing how things move on different surfaces, and can explain the reasons for the outcome. 19=#N has explored how the shape of some materials can be changed. 20=#N has explored how the shape of some materials can be changed, and can describe materials that have these properties. COMMENTS: USCC: Science Humans & Animals 1=#N recognizes common fish, amphibians, reptiles, birds and mammals. 2=#N can identify a variety of common fish, amphibians, reptiles, birds and mammals. 3=#N can identify a wide range of common fish, amphibians, reptiles, birds and mammals. 4=#N is beginning to understand that animals have different diets. 5=#N understands what is meant by carnivore, herbivore and omnivore. 6=#N can name a variety of animals that are carnivores, herbivores and omnivores. 7=#N can name the basic parts of some animal bodies. 8=#N can name the main parts of a range of animal bodies. 9=#N can compare similarities and differences in animal bodies. 10=#N can identify the main parts of the human body. 11=#N can draw and label the main parts of the human body, and say which part of the body is associated with each sense. 12=#N can draw and label the main parts of the human body, and give examples of activities that use each of the five senses. COMMENTS: USCC: Science Light & Sound 1=------------------ Light ------------------ 2=#N understands that we need light in order to see and that dark is the absence of light. 3=#N can explain that we need light in order to see and that dark is the absence of light. 4=------------------ Sound ------------------ 5=#N can describe in simple terms how sounds are made. 6=#N can describe how sounds are made. COMMENTS: USCC: Science Living things and their habitats 1=#N is beginning to understand the difference between things that are living, dead, and things that have never been alive. 2=#N can classify things that are living, dead and things that have never been alive. 3=#N can describe the differences between things that are living, dead and things that have never been alive. 4=#N is beginning to explore the different habitats of living things. 5=#N can describe how different habitats provide a suitable environment for different kinds of plants and animals. 6=#N can describe how plants and animals within a habitat depend on each other for survival. 7=#N can identify some common plants and animals in their habitats. 8=#N can identify and name common plants and animals in their habitats. 9=#N can identify and name a variety of plants and animals in their habitats. 10=#N can describe, with support, how animals obtain their food from plants and other animals. 11=#N can draw a simple food chain to describe how animals get their food from plants and other animals. 12=#N can draw a simple food chain to describe animals get their food from plants and other animals, and can identify a range of food sources. COMMENTS: USCC: Science Plants 1=#N is starting to recognize some common plants and trees. 2=#N recognizes a variety of common plants and trees. 3=#N recognizes a variety of common plants, and can explain the difference between deciduous and evergreen trees. 4=#N recognizes the main parts of flowering plants and trees. 5=#N can label the main parts of flowering plants and trees. 6=#N can label the main parts of flowering plants and trees and describe what they do. COMMENTS: USCC: Science Seasonal Changes 1=#N has observed the changes that happen in spring, summer, autumn and winter. 2=#N can give examples of the changes that happen in spring, summer, autumn and winter. 3=#N can describe the changes that happen in spring, summer, autumn and winter. 4=#N has observed the weather associated with the seasons and how day length varies. 5=#N can observe and describe the weather associated with the seasons and how day length varies. COMMENTS: USCC: Science States of Matter 1=#N can identify if a material is a solid, a liquid or a gas. 2=#N can compare and group solids, liquids and gases. 3=#N can compare and group solids, liquids and gases, and describe their physical properties. 4=#N can explain that some materials change state when they are heated or cooled. 5=#N can explain, with examples, that different materials change state at different temperatures. 6=#N can compare, with examples, the different temperatures that cause different materials to change state. 7=#N can explain the role of evaporation and condensation in the water cycle. 8=#N can explain how temperature affects the rate of evaporation. 9=#N can explain, with evidence, how temperature affects the rate of evaporation in the water cycle. COMMENTS: USCC: Science Thinking Scientifically 1=#N is beginning to think of #h own questions and, with support, can suggest ways to answer them. 2=#N can think of #h own questions and can suggest ways to answer them. 3=#N can think of #h own questions and can suggest scientific ways to answer them. 4=#N can make observations and describe them to an adult. 5=#N can make observations using simple equipment and record them by drawing and writing. 6=#N can make careful observations using simple equipment and can record them in a range of ways. 7=#N enjoys taking part in simple investigations with support. 8=#N enjoys taking part in simple investigations. 9=#N enjoys taking part in simple investigations and describe the outcome. 10=#N can identify some [objects] and is starting to sort them into simple groups. 11=#N can identify common [objects] and is able to sort them into simple groups. 12=#N can identify a range of [objects] and is able to decide upon groups to sort them into. 13=#N can talk about #h observations and is starting to make links between ideas. 14=#N starting to use #h observations and ideas to suggest answers to questions. 15=#N can apply #h own observations and ideas to new areas of learning by suggesting answers to questions. 16=#N can gather simple information with support. 17=#N can gather and record information and, with support, use it to answer simple questions. 18=#N can gather and record information and use it to answer simple questions. COMMENTS: Work Habits 1=#N is learning to complete assignments in the time allotted by managing distractions. 2=#N is learning to be dependable and take responsibility for #h learning by completing #h assignments in a timely manner. 3=#E is learning to work cooperatively in small groups. 4=#E is learning to use #h words to communicate with other students and teachers. 5=#N is able to focus and stays on task during independent working times. 6=In order to clearly express #h ideas through writing, #N is learning to take #h time. #E will benefit from writing at home. 7=#N is learning to take #h time during activities in order to strive to do #h best. 8=#E is learning to trust #h teachers to help #h solve #h problems. 9=#E is learning to use strategies to support #s when angry. #E knows when to take deep breaths and to count to 10 to feel better. 10=#E has opened up more to teachers and students which is increasing #h social skills. 11=#N is learning to wait #h turn and share with #h peers. 12=#N includes #h friends during games at recess and activities in the classroom. 13=#N puts considerable effort into #h class work when #e is motivated, however sometimes #N struggles to find the motivation to initiate independent work activities. 14=#N is a role model for behavior and academic work habits for our class. 15=#E meets classroom expectations, as well as rigorous academic expectations. 16=#E completes classroom assignments and projects with quality in mind. 17=#E excels when challenged and meets classroom expectations, as well as rigorous academic criterions. 18=#E shows initiative and displays higher level thinking and questioning skills during class discussions. 19=#N is a positive role model for peers. #E follows directions and exceeds classroom expectations. COMMENTS: Work Habits 2 1=#N worked enthusiastically and to capacity at all times. 2=#N worked quietly on a given task with minimal supervision. 3=#N worked productively in both independent and group situations. 4=#N worked independently and stayed on task. 5=#N displayed strong organisational skills, completing all tasks on time. 6=#N was an attentive worker who strived for accuracy. 7=#N is encouraged to seek assistance when feeling unsure about a particular concept. 8=#N must take time with #h work to ensure it is the best possible standard. 9=#N required guidance to remain focused and complete set tasks. 10=#N must remember to ask for help or support when required. 11=#N required constant motivation and found #s far too easily distracted. 12=#H work was always well presented. 13=#N displayed persistence when completing challenging work. COMMENTS: Wrap Up Comment 1=I am looking forward to watching #N grow as a learner this year! Keep up the good work! 2=I am looking forward to watching #N bloom as a learner this spring! Keep up the good work! 3=It has been a pleasure to teach #N and I hope #h enthusiastic approach to learning continues next year. 4=I have enjoyed teaching #N and I wish #m luck in X grade. 5=I have enjoyed teaching #N and #e has a good sense of humor which often makes me smile. 6=I have enjoyed teaching #N this year and it has been lovely to watch #h confidence grow. 7=I have enjoyed teaching #N this year and it has been lovely to watch #h independence grow. 8=I have enjoyed watching #N grow this year and I hope #e continues to develop #h focus next year. 9=It has been lovely to see #N enjoy #h learning this year. I hope that #e continues to apply #h positive attitude in X grade. 10=It has been lovely to see the care #N takes over #h learning and I'm sure #e will continue to do so next year. 11=I'm sure #N 's imagination and creativity will continue to inspire #h learning in X Grade. 12=I hope #N continues to try to improve #h behaviour next year. 13=I am proud of #N and #h accomplishments this quarter. 14=I wish #N every success in the future. 15=Well done on a great year #N! 16=All the best for next year #N! 17=Excellent work this year #N! 18=Great work this year #N! 19=Well done on a good quarter X and year! COMMENTS: Wrap Up Comment1 1=#N has worked very hard this year and I am proud of all of #h accomplishments. 2=#N is bright, motivated, and hardworking and can be proud of #h accomplishments this year. 3=#N has a positive attitude and is a joy to teach. 4=-------------------------------------------------------------------- 5=#N needs lots of repetition and practice in order to retain _. 6=#N needs to practice #h basic math facts in order to complete complex math problems with greater fluency. LIST: abasic 1=a basic 2=a satisfactory 3=an excellent 4=an improving 5=an increasing 6=an advanced 7=a broad 8=an intuitive 9=a good 10=a developing 11=a solid 12=a growing 13=an extensive 14=a strong 15=a confident 16=a capable 17=an emerging 18=a clear LIST: feelings 1=happily 2=enthusiastically 3=willingly 4=politely 5=diligently 6=thoroughly 7=carefully 8=mindfully 9=confidently 10=cheerfully 11=imaginatively 12=naturally 13=proactively 14=resourcefully 15=readily 16=eagerly 17=cautiously LIST: frequency 1=rarely 2=occasionally 3=sometimes 4=usually 5=frequently 6=always 7=never 8=often 9=increasingly 10=nearly always 11=mostly 12=regularly 13=typically 14=constantly 15=routinely 16=ordinarily 17=normally 18=repeatedly LIST: How-to-improve 1=focus more in the lessons 2=put more time aside for homework 3=try not to chat during lessons 4=do more project research on the internet 5=develop #h computer skills 6=pay more attention to instructions LIST: OLD-How-to-improve 1=focus more in the lessons 2=put more time aside for homework 3=try not to chat during lessons 4=do more project research on the internet 5=develop #h computer skills 6=pay more attention to instructions LIST: personality 1=a confident 2=a vibrant 3=a willing 4=a happy 5=an active 6=a creative 7=an observant 8=a thoughtful 9=an enthusiastic 10=a content 11=a thinking 12=a keen 13=a diligent 14=a co-operative 15=a sensitive 16=a hesitant 17=a cautious 18=an attentive 19=a calm 20=a quiet LIST: puzzles 1=shape and picture logic 2=trial and error 3=3-4 pieces LIST: speaks 1=clearly 2=confidently 3=fluently 4=cheerfully 5=extensively 6=thoughtfully 7=informatively 8=interestingly 9=diligently 10=mindfully 11=spontaneously 12=articulately 13=quietly 14=playfully 15=proficiently 16=willingly 17=insightfully 18=hesitantly 19=cautiously 20=loudly LIST: story 1=basic parts 2=a lot of detail 3=amazing accuracy 4=some of the main aspects LIST: support 1=with adult support 2=with significant adult support 3=independently 4=with guidance 5=with minimal prompting 6=with minimal assistance LIST: Time-period 1=year 2=Quarter 3=1st Quarter 4=2nd Quarter 5=3rd Quarter 6=4th Quarter 7=semester 8=1st semester 9=2nd semester 10=3rd semester 11=4th semester 12=Term 13=Term 1 14=Term 2 15=Term 3 /*========================================= /* HELP: Creating & Importing Files /*========================================= /* /* See also, YouTube Teacher Training Video at: /* SCHOOL REPORT WRITER .COM /* https://schoolreportwriter.com/ /* /* #N - Name /* #E - She/He/They /* #e - she/he/they /* #H - His/Her/Their /* #h = his/her/their /* #b - girl/boy/child /* #m - him/her/them /* #s - herself/himself/themself /* #? - be prompted for text later e.g. #N achieved #?% in the exam. /* #your-list-name - select from a list later e.g. #N excelled in #topics. /* {BR} - line break; {BR}{BR} - double line break. /* /* /* DID YOU KNOW? /* /* You can also import comment files in the, /* Teachers Report Assistant format. /* There are 1000s around the web. /* School Report Writer automatically converts them. /* /* /* YOUR EXISTING COMMENTS ARE SAFE: /* /* When you upload, you will be shown the comments /* you are about to import. You will be told if names /* are already in use and you can pick-&-click which /* comments to add to your comment bank. /* /* /* USE 'PLAIN TEXT' (.txt) FILES ONLY: /* /* Import files must be 'plain text'. The easiest way to /* create one is to download a comment file from our site /* and open it on your computer. On most systems it will /* automatically open in a plain text editor. If you /* make changes and save, the file should automatically be /* saved as plain text. On PCs it will usually open in /* NotePad. On Macs, usually TextEdit. In Word, and other /* word processors, use 'save as' (see Word File menu) /* and then choose file type: 'text only/plain text'. /* /* /* ADDING HELPFUL NOTES: /* /* Lines starting /* are for notes (like this line). /* They are ignored when files are imported. /* You can add notes anywhere in the file. Blank lines /* are also ignored and can also be included anywhere. /* /* /* COMMENTS AND LISTS: /* /* Files contain groups of comments and lists. /* Each group should start with either: /* /* COMMENTS: your-comment-name-here /* or /* LIST: your-list-name-here /* /* List names are 2-30 characters long and contain /* only letters, numbers, '&', hyphens and NO SPACES. /* /* Comment names can include spaces, and any other /* characters except: < > \ # (max length 50). /* /* Each group may include up to 20 numbered lines, e.g. /* /* COMMENTS: Science Yr7 project work /* 1= #N's work on #Science-topics was excellent. /* 2= #N gave an inspiring #Science-topics presentation. /* 3= #N received a well-deserved A+ in #Science-topics. /* 4= etc... /* /* LIST: Science-topics /* 1= Heating and Cooling /* 2= Light and Sound /* 3= Exploring Magnetism /* 4= Changing Earth /* 5= etc... /* /* REMINDER... lines beginning /* are for notes. /* So to import the two science examples above, /* you would need to remove the /*, otherwise /* the lines would be ignored when imported. /* /* /* NEED MORE HELP? support@SchoolReportWriter.com - we usually reply the same day. /* /* SCHOOL REPORT WRITER .COM /* https://schoolreportwriter.com/ /* The FREE ONLINE school report writing software & school report card comments bank.