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COMMENTS: English - Opener 1=#N enjoys discussing texts in English and #h general written work is now better organised, and structured more thoughtfully. 2=#N has been encouraged to take an active part in shared reading and writing activities as well as independent work. 3=#N has recently made good progress in this area of the curriculum, and now shows greater confidence in #h ability to express #s on paper. COMMENTS: English - Reading (1) 1=#E has achieved full fluency in #h reading and has good expression when reading aloud. 2=#E is expected to read a variety of materials. #E can create atmosphere when reading aloud, by varying pace and intonation and is deriving more pleasure from #h books. 3=#E reads independently showing good expression and understanding. #E has an affinity with books and enjoys silent reading. #E is starting to use very descriptive words in #h own writing; often picking them up from the books #e has read. 4=#N's reading has shown good progress this year. #E reads a variety of books with growing expression and good fluency. 5=#E can select and evaluate information from a wide range of reference materials. 6=#E reads independently showing good expression and understanding. #E shows obvious enjoyment in reading, choosing a good range of appropriate texts. 7=#E reading is increasingly fluent, and #e uses #h voice well to bring the characters and plot to life. 8=#E reads fluently, with appropriate expression, deriving pleasure from an increasingly wide range of books. 9=#E demonstrates a good level of fluency when reading. #E reads with understanding and enjoys using reference books. 10=In poetry lessons, #e can comment critically on the overall impact of a poem, showing how the language and themes have been developed. 11=#E can find and select information and use it effectively. 12=#E is becoming a competent reader and is starting to enjoy more demanding books. #E is able to read silently, with sustained concentration. 13=#E demonstrates a good level of reading fluency, and #e puts expression into #h voice. #E is now reading a wider range of texts and has a growing enthusiasm for books. 14=#E reads independently showing good understanding, and is starting to use descriptive words in #h own writing; often picking them up from the books #e has read. 15=#N's reading has shown good progress this year. #E reads a variety of books and styles with growing expression and increasing fluency. 16=#E shows a developing interest in reading; and is reading a range of more testing books. 17=#E now enjoys reading more demanding books. 18=#E has really improved #h reading this year. #E is choosing a range of more demanding and interesting texts. This variety of styles will lead to a consequent maturity in #N's story writing. 19=#N's reading is gaining in fluency. #E is more willing to share a book with an adult during the Literacy Hour and senses that #e is making some improvement this year. 20=#E is now reading with greater fluency as a result of more regular practice; and is certainly deriving pleasure from #h books. COMMENTS: English - Reading (2) 1=#E is reading more fluently as a result of regular practice, and enjoys reading more demanding books. #E can talk about what #e has read, showing a depth of understanding. 2=#E is expected to read a variety of materials and reads fluently, with appropriate expression. 3=#E improvement in reading has been excellent and #e is now more confident and enjoying books. 4=#E is beginning to introduce expression into the way #e reads. #E prefers reference books to story books, and particularly enjoys silent reading. 5=#E reads books and poems with an increased confidence in #h abilities. 6=#E, at times, can be a reluctant reader and therefore has been encouraged to look for books which interest #m. #E is now more willing to talk about the texts #e reads. 7=#E is now more confident about #h ability in English and enjoys reading a wider range of books. 8=N's reading has improved and #e is more aware of the value of books. 9=In #h reading, #e shows increasing fluency but should try to take more notice of punctuation. This will help to improve #h understanding of the text. Generally, #e is beginning to make good progress but #e now needs to read more challenging books. 10=#E is a reluctant reader and needs encouragement to become interested in books. If #e is to improve #e must read more regularly at home. COMMENTS: English - Speaking, Listening (1) 1=#E listens attentively. When asked to talk about #h work, #e reports back clearly and concisely. 2=#N's spoken comments are often perceptive and reflect #h well-developed listening skills. 3=When asked to talk about Literacy texts, #e speaks in front of an audience with confidence, and shows a super understanding of the ideas under discussion. 4=#E listens attentively, responds well to the ideas of others and can report back clearly and concisely. 5=#E listens attentively and responds well to the suggestions and ideas of others. 6=#E listens attentively in class. 7=#E listens extremely well, and invariably makes perceptive comments during discussions. 8=#E contributes well to class discussions, offering quite perceptive comments. 9=#E contributes well to class discussions, often injecting some humour, and is willing to justify #h opinions and feelings to others. 10=#E is not afraid to express #h feelings and opinions to others during class discussions; and speaks with greater clarity and thought. 11=#E is well informed, and quietly puts #h point of view over in class discussions. #E listens with interest during these sessions. 12=#E is well informed. #E listens with interest during class discussions and is very composed when answering questions. COMMENTS: English - Speaking, Listening (2) 1=#E acting skills are super, and #e can deliver #h lines with aplomb. 2=#E listens superbly, and can put forward #h own points of view clearly and articulately. 3=#E contributes well to discussions, usually paying close attention to what is being said. #E is quite shy in class situation and must learn to value, and put forward, #h own opinions. 4=#E responds more confidently in a small group situation. 5=#E contributes well to class discussions, offering quite perceptive comments, and always listens at6tentively. #E makes excellent responses to stories and poems. 6=During class discussions, #N's verbal contribution is not as high as it could be. 7=#E is a good contributor to class discussions, and latterly is thinking more carefully about the point #e is trying to make. 8=#E is quite shy in a class situation but has learned to value, and put forward, #h own opinions. 9=#E listens well to others and comments sensibly on what has been said when asked to do so. 10=#E generally listens attentively and makes good responses to stories and poems. #E can be self-conscious about speaking in front of others. 11=#E listens well in discussions and is joining in with more enthusiasm. #E generally thinks carefully about the point #e is trying to get over to others. 12=#E is not a confident speaker, but enjoys listening to stories. #E is beginning to take part in discussions, and give #h point of view. 13=#E must curb #h tendency to daydream when involved in class discussions. 14=When asked to talk about #h work in a group, #e is beginning to participate more readily and can express #h point of view sensibly. #E is able to discuss a book's plot, demonstrating a good understanding of the material read. 15=#E listens well in class, and is not afraid to express #h feelings and opinions to others. #E needs to remember to indicate when #e is unclear about an idea under discussion. 16=#E is beginning to take part in discussions, but usually has to be encouraged to do so. 17=#E is beginning to participate more readily during discussions and can express #h point of view sensibly. 18=When asked to talk about #h work in groups, #e will quietly offer #h views and opinions. 19=During class discussions, #e contributes #h views confidently but becomes distracted when listening to others. 20=During class discussions, #N's verbal contribution is not as high as it could be. #E responds more confidently in a small group situation. COMMENTS: English - Spelling (1) 1=#E is a good speller, and #h handwriting is joined accurately. 2=#E is showing improvement in #h spelling and will use a dictionary to find or correct a spelling, when prompted. 3=#E spells accurately many polysyllabic words. 4=#E uses a dictionary carefully when checking spellings. 5=#N's spelling is still erratic, but #e is starting to be more aware of key patterns. 6=#E spelling is much improved. 7=#E often finds #e can spell a word correctly if #e thinks about it but needs to be encouraged to check #h work for errors. 8=#E spells most words accurately, but must remember to read #h writing through to check for unforced errors. 9=#E needs to reinforce #h knowledge of homophonic words to ensure accurate spelling. 10=#N's spelling is generally accurate, and #e is able to correct #h own work using a dictionary. 11=#E has made a good attempt to consolidate #h spellings, and seems happier writing stories in a limited amount of time. 12=#E needs to reinforce #h present knowledge of spelling patterns by regularly practising key words. 13=#E has worked hard to improve #h spelling, but still needs to read #h work back to check for avoidable errors. 14=#E has made a good effort to learn #h spellings and has also developed #h handwriting; introducing accurate joins. 15=#E understanding and use of punctuation is developing steadily, and #e is being encouraged to have a go at difficult spellings and use a dictionary where possible. 16=#E still needs support with spelling. 17=#E spelling needs constant reinforcement. 18=#E reads with fluency but lacks some expression when reading aloud. 19=#E is a fluent and expressive reader. 20=#E has been reading a variety of fiction and non-fiction books which #e can recall with great interest. COMMENTS: English - Spelling (2) 1=#E has read a wide variety of stories and #e can talk about the characters and situations with good recall. 2=#E is continuing to widen #h reading experience with a variety of stories which #e can recount with enthusiasm. 3=#E reads clearly but is lacking in expression when #e is reading aloud. 4=#E is beginning to become more fluent and therefore more confident in 5=#h reading and has covered a variety of stories over the year. 6=#E has tried very hard and shown a great interest in #h reading books, consequently #e has improved a great deal. 7=#E is inconsistent in #h reading ability - some days #e will misread words and is not at all fluent; it is not surprising that #h recall of stories is often confused. 8=#E shows a spasmodic interest in reading: sometimes #e is keen to practise at home, at other times #e has to be encouraged to take #h reading times seriously. 9=#H confidence will develop much more if regular reading at home backs up #h daily school reading; #e must be willing to participate fully in this. 10=A great deal of confidence has been gained by #m with #h continuing progress through the 'Wellington Square' reading scheme. 11=#E must be encouraged to sound-out letter blends in difficult words and not simply wait to be told. 12=#E does try hard to sound-out letter blends in words that #e has difficulty reading. 13=It is a pity that #e finds it difficult to sit silently and read; #e is distracted far too easily and this can disrupt other children. 14=The content of #N's written work is always of a good standard but #e must focus more on checking through #h own work for mistakes. 15=#E has difficulty remembering that simple punctuation is a very important part of clear writing; #e must plan #h ideas much more carefully and listen to instructions before #e starts any writing. 16=#E has tried hard to check #h writing more closely this year; 17=#E still rushes and finds it hard to spot #h mistakes. 18=#N's stories and other writings are very clear; #e plans well and the end-product is always intelligently and imaginatively written. 19=#E is imaginative in #h creative writing and #e writes at length with good punctuation; #e can also explain clearly and concisely in other forms of writing. 20=#E enjoys writing once #e gets started; #e writes at length but forgets to use #h knowledge of well-known rules on punctuation. #E gives up very easily when writing 'free' stories; #e has difficulty thinking-out ideas and putting these into a progressive piece of writing. COMMENTS: English - Spelling (3) 1=Once #e has settled down and become involved with #h writing #e produces clear, imaginative pieces and writes in a well-structured way using good punctuation. 2=#E is rather lazy when it comes to writing stories of any length; 3=#E has some good ideas in discussions but sometimes fails to produce the finished goods. 4=#E finds writing very hard; practise in making-up simple and clear sentences is still essential for #m. 5=#E finds writing exercises hard; #e has imagination but is easily disillusioned when #e tries to get #h ideas down on paper. 6=Talking too much can affect both #N's efforts and the end result of #h written work. #E must plan #h writing quietly and carefully and #e must read #h work carefully when finished. COMMENTS: English - Writing (1) 1=#E writes well-structured stories; #e use of interesting detail and expressive words means that #h creative writing involves the reader. 2=#E writes stories with feeling and expression, and is willing to draft and redraft them, when appropriate. #E has a lively imagination. 3=#E forms #h handwriting joins correctly, and #h work is invariably well presented. 4=#E general written work is coherently structured and well executed. 5=#E is developing a solid understanding of the rules of grammar and punctuation. #H stories are usually nicely planned and imaginative. 6=#E has made good progress during the Literacy Hour; #h story writing is more descriptive and increasingly well plotted. 7=#E is able to write independently, in complete sentences, using capital letters, full stops and question marks; and can spell most common words. 8=#E produced a beautifully presented and well crafted letter during Literacy work. 9=#E can revise and redraft #h own work, using a dictionary as necessary. 10=#E reads fluently and with appropriate expression. #H imaginative writing has some interesting ideas and #e gives careful thought to making the meaning clear. 11=#E is willing to listen to advice and this has led to a wider use of adjectives and descriptive phrases in #h work. 12=#N's imaginative story work is full of original ideas and #e uses a good range of vocabulary. 13=#N's handwriting is well-formed and accurately joined. 14=#E has a generally accurate grasp of sentence punctuation; writing fluently, with considerable thought and inventiveness. However, #e still needs to check through #h work before handing it in to eliminate preventable errors. 15=#E writes with confidence, and #h stories are now more detailed and descriptive. #E tends to set #h ideas down in a colloquial fashion, but is becoming more aware of when to use formal language. 16=#E writes imaginatively, though #h work is usually concise. #E needs to introduce more descriptive phrases in order to hold the reader's attention. #N's handwriting is much neater, and more legible. #E must remember to join. 17=#E has a lively writing style and is often quite imaginative. #H use of more advanced punctuation can, at times, be erratic. 18=#E has tried hard to grasp the basics of sentence punctuation. While #e still has difficulties with commas and quotation marks, #e seems generally secure about full stops and the use of capitals. #H story writing needs greater use of descriptive words and phrases. 19=When writing, #e uses sentence punctuation accurately, and is beginning to introduce descriptive phrases. 20=When asked to present #h thoughts on paper, #e is less expressive, though the amount #e writes has increased dramatically over the year. #E is very slow when writing stories, and although #e has good ideas, #h stories are never very long. COMMENTS: English - Writing (2) 1=#E handwriting is invariably neat, though it can become untidy during creative writing. 2=#E is starting to use descriptive words in #h own writing, picking them up from the books has read, and the Literacy Hour. Though #e still needs to develop #h stories further, by adding greater detail. 3=This year in story writing, #e has developed imaginative plots, but they do occasionally lack a clear structure. 4=#N's written work is becoming more organised, showing greater attention to detail. #E produces work that is accurately punctuated, and has been encouraged to redraft #h writing in order to develop #h thoughts. 5=#E is developing a better understanding of the rules of grammar and punctuation, and has clear handwriting. 6=#N's written work is now better organised and structured more thoughtfully. 7=#E use of punctuation is good, but further work on apostrophes is required. #N's handwriting is clear, and #e has made a good start with cursive script. 8=#E is able to write independently, and use full stops and capital letters but not always accurately. Therefore, #e needs to spend more time revising and redrafting #h work. 9=#E has tried hard to grasp the basics of sentence punctuation. Though #e still has difficulties using commas and quotation marks, #e seems generally secure about full stops and capitals. 10=#E is starting to produce writing that uses complete sentences, and #h spellings are more accurate. However, #e must read #h work through to check that the grammar and punctuation makes sense. 11=#E produces writing that is generally well punctuated. #N's handwriting has shown some recent improvement but #e needs to continue to practise #h letter joins. 12=#N's handwriting has recently improved but #e will need to practise #h letter joins. 13=#N's handwriting has made some progress but #e must practise #h letter formation. 14=#E is beginning to join #h handwriting, but still requires further practice. 15=#N's handwriting has improved recently. 16=#E has made a good attempt to form #h handwriting correctly and now takes a lot more care with #h presentation of work. #E is often keen to write #h thoughts and ideas down on paper, and is starting to organise #h writing more effectively. #H grasp of basic punctuation is not yet secure, but #e is making good progress. 17=#E wrote a super newspaper article, after listening very carefully during the Literacy Hour. 18=#E improved handwriting has led to #h feeling more confident about #h own writing; and resulted in longer, more detailed pieces of work. 19=#E is writing more, and is keener to express #h point of view on paper, but it does take a long time for #m to work through a task. 20=#E has a good use of sentence punctuation, though more work is needed, especially on the use of speech marks. #H handwriting is clear, and #e has made a good start with cursive script. COMMENTS: English - Writing (3) 1=#E has tried hard to master the basics of sentence punctuation, though #e tends to write slowly, and sometimes does not finish #h work in the time available. At times, #e will lack control over #h handwriting and this means #h letter formation is poor. 2=#N's handwriting is more controlled, and #e makes a good attempt to spell simple words correctly. #E writes in basic, often short, sentences. Longer sentences with more detail should be #N's aim next year. 3=#E imaginative work has some good ideas but #e needs to develop #h vocabulary. 4=#E handwriting is gradually improving and #e generally presents #h work well. Though #e will need further practise joining letters. 5=#N's handwriting has improved though it is still over-large and uncontrolled at times. 6=#N's handwriting has improved, but #e must join more. 7=#E stories show a better use of punctuation and a greater awareness of setting and plot. 8=#E has made some progress in written English this year. #E is now writing stories of greater length, but still without consistent punctuation. 9=#E presentation has improved over the year, and #h writing is more legible. 10=#E handwriting is neater and less inconsistent. 11=At present #e general writing lacks consistency. For example, #N's stories are without substantial content, and poorly punctuated. #E therefore needs to appreciate that #h English work will only improve if #e pays close attention to what #e is being taught. 12=#E has gaps in #h knowledge, due to extended absences, and will need considerable reinforcement of basic skills if #e is to improve on #h current level of literacy. 13=#E is producing writing that uses complete sentences, and #h punctuation is more accurate. #E writes slowly and this means that, at times, #e does not get through all that #e needs to. COMMENTS: General comments (1) 1=In general #e has a very positive attitude towards all aspects of #h school work and sets a good example with #h behaviour. 2=#E is a quiet member of the class, who has a considerate and thoughtful nature. 3=#E works very hard and always gives #h best effort in all areas of the curriculum. #E has produced some work to be extremely proud of. 4=#E has become more confident about answering questions and talking in front of the class 5=#E has worked hard in many curriculum areas and has produced some work to be really proud of. 6=#E is quiet in class but works hard. 7=#E has a large circle of friends and is both liked and well respected by the class. 8=#E has a mature attitude and uses #h own initiative to develop work, having produced some excellent homework. 9=#E has a mature approach to many aspects of #h work and shows independence, settling down to work without a fuss. 10=#E has a positive attitude towards all aspects of #h school work, and sets a superb example. 11=#E is extremely conscientious, producing work to be really proud of. 12=#E sets an excellent example of good behaviour and has a sensible attitude. 13=#E has a high level of independent working skills. 14=#E is considerate and is always polite and sensible. 15=#E takes a lot of pride in #h work. 16=#E is a friendly member of the class, who works with enthusiasm and regularly contributes to class discussion. 17=#E is a confident member of the class and contributes well in lessons. 18=#E is extremely conscientious and has produced some excellent work to be really proud of. 19=#E is considerate with many friends and is always polite and sensible. 20=#E is a helpful pupil who is sensible and well behaved. COMMENTS: General comments (2) 1=#E is a cheerful pupil and a popular member of the class. 2=#E gets on well with a variety of children in the class and is a very lively and cheerful pupil. 3=#E is making excellent progress. 4=#E makes good contributions to discussions in class and often asks questions. 5=#E gets along well with others and has many friends 6=#E has many friends and is always pleasant. 7=#E gets on well with a variety of children in the class and is a very lively and cheerful pupil. 8=#E has been working extremely hard in a variety of curriculum areas. 9=#E seems to prefer to work on an individual basis rather than in a group situation. 10=#E can work equally well independently, or with others 11=#E works well in a group situation. 12=#E is always helpful and willing to undertake jobs around the classroom. 13=#E is always polite and friendly and gets on well with everyone. 14=#E is usually cheerful with a smile and a joke. 15=#E has a good sense of humour and enjoys sharing a joke with children and adults alike. 16=Although the standard of presentation of #h work has been variable, #e works very hard and has produced some work to be extremely proud of. 17=#E needs to put more effort into written work 18=#E is too easily distracted in class. 19=#E is generally hard-working, although #e can be easily be distracted. 20=#E attitude to school and work in general has improved this term and #e has calmed down. COMMENTS: General comments (3) 1=#E has produced some good work when #e makes the effort but is capable of more. 2=#E must ask if #e does not understand the work and in this way #e will make much more progress. 3=Recently, #e has settled down well and worked much harder in class. 4=However, #h behaviour can still be silly at times and #e needs to realise that next year #e will be in the oldest year group in the school. 5=#E attitude to work when working in class is good but #e needs to do #h homework in order to make progress. 6=In order to maintain the progress that #e is making, #e needs to listen carefully to instructions. 7=Unfortunately, #e lacks confidence in #h own ability in some subjects and needs to realise that #e is capable of producing work of a high standard when #e puts in the effort. 8=Although #e is beginning to show signs of maturity, there are days when #e can be silly and lack the concentration needed to make progress. 9=If #e develops this more positive approach to work and behaviour, #e will reach #h full potential. 10=#E is a clever capable pupil, but this is not always reflected in #h written work. 11=#E has the ability to produce good work in all subjects but needs to avoid the temptation to chatter for sustained periods to friends. 12=At certain times #e does find difficulty in remaining on task as #e prefers to 'chat' to others around #m. In order to maintain the progress that #e is making, #e needs to give #h full concentration at all times. 13=#E needs to help with putting resources away. 14=#E needs to concentrate and apply #s in full to achieve #h full potential. 15=I am sure that the challenge of a year six curriculum will inspire #m to realise #h full potential. 16=#E sometimes lacks confidence, and needs to start being more independent in the classroom. 17=#E is keen to answer questions, but needs to remember to put up #h hand. 18=Occasionally, #e can be easily distracted and #e needs to realise that #e must settle down to work straight away. 19=#E always settles down quickly to work, but needs to listen carefully to the instructions given so #e can complete the work successfully. 20=#E attitude to school and work in general has improved this term and #e has calmed down. COMMENTS: General comments (4) 1=#E has made a good start to year 5 and is settling well into the class. 2=#E has a wide circle of friends and relates well to adults in school. 3=#E has established good relationships with #h peers and adults within school. 4=#E has a close circle of friends and gets on well with any adults #e comes into contact with. 5=#E socialises well with the other children and relates well to adults within school. 6=#E has made an impressive start to year 5 and has settled into the class. 7=#E has made an excellent start to year 5 and has settled easily into the class. 8=#E is adapting well to the demands of the upper school. 9=#E is a confident child who is always polite and friendly. 10=#E is a friendly child who displays a good sense of humour. 11=#E is generally a quiet child who tends to keep #s to #s. 12=#E is a pleasant, friendly child who is always polite. 13=#E shows maturity and co-operates well in the classroom. 14=#E shows a positive attitude to #h work and school. 15=#E shows enthusiasm for #h work. 16=#E sometimes shows a little lack of motivation when it comes to work. 17=#E needs to focus on #h listening skills this year. 18=#E listens well in inputs and contributes to discussions 19=#E has good concentration skills 20=I would like #m to focus on improving #h handwriting this year. COMMENTS: General comments (5) 1=I would like #m to focus on improving the presentation of #h work this year. 2=#E has made a good effort with the presentation of #h work. 3=#E has made some effort to improve the presentation of #h work. 4=#E needs to take homework a little more seriously, ensuring that work is returned to school at the correct time. 5=#E has started to take homework a little more seriously, returning #h work at the correct time. 6=#E has worked conscientiously in all areas of the curriculum and made every effort to present #h work well. 7=It would be of benefit to #m if #e remembers to do #h homework and return it to school at the right time. 8=I would like #m to remember to take #h Wellington Square work home every day and to return it to school the next day. 9=#E is a willing helper and takes responsibility seriously. 10=#E is capable of working co-operatively within a group as well as independently. 11=#E is not yet capable of working totally independently of adult help and relies on the support of adults for some tasks. 12=#E finds it easier to work on #h own away from the distractions of working alongside other children but needs to develop the self-discipline of not allowing #s to become distracted. 13=#E has had an excellent year. 14=#E is a good team member with the ability to lead a group and support others sensitively within it. 15=#E is happy working either independently or as part of a group. 16=#E has shown great maturity when dealing with #h peers. 17=#E has maintained #h enthusiasm for learning throughout Year 5, participating fully in every aspect of the curriculum and beyond school in after-school clubs. 18=This is constantly reflected in the quality of #h work. 19=#E has had a good year academically, achieving good results across the curriculum. 20=#E takes great pride in the presentation of #h work, and the content is of equally high quality. COMMENTS: General comments (6) 1=#E has a very positive attitude to school and works quietly and conscientiously in class. 2=#E has made good progress over the year and is much better now at settling to a task, having developed a positive attitude to #h work. 3=#E has had a good year and continues to make good progress in #h work. 4=#H levels of concentration have shown an improvement over the year. 5=#E has a sensible and mature attitude to school. 6=#E is gaining in maturity and confidence, working towards greater independence in #h work. 7=Over the year #N's confidence has noticeably blossomed. 8=#E has a close circle of friends which has remained fairly constant throughout Year 5. 9=#E is a sociable child with a number of friends within the class. 10=#E is a happy, friendly child of a confident disposition. 11=#E has enjoyed good relationships with the others in the class and maintained a close friendship circle throughout the year. 12=#E is a confident and outgoing child who has developed a wide circle of friends and also has good relationships with adults around school. 13=#E has been a lively personality in the class, enjoying good relationships with a wide circle of friends. 14=#E is becoming more able to co-operate when #e is working within a group, depending on the nature of the task. 15=#E can, however, have a tendency to distract others from their work and #e needs to learn to respect their need to concentrate. 16=#E can, however, be easily distracted when listening to inputs and #e would do well to sit away from #h friends at these times so that the temptation is not so great! 17=#E lacks a little confidence in class discussions and will hold back unless encouraged to participate verbally. 18=#E is much more confident on a one to one or in a small group situation. 19=#E is a friendly but quiet child who lacks confidence when speaking to the class and joining in with class discussions. As a consequence #e seems to find it easier to work independently rather than within a group. 20=#E needs very clear structures to work to and much support to ensure that #e focuses on a task and completes it within a given time. COMMENTS: General comments (7) 1=#E has a circle of friends with whom #e socialises well during break times. 2=#E is a popular child with a wide friendship group among #h peers. #E has the odd tiff with #h friends but this always appears to resolve itself very quickly. 3=#E has worked with enthusiasm throughout #h time in Year 5, showing a positive attitude in all that #e tackles. 4=#E has had a good year and has continued to make progress in all areas of #h work due to #h positive approach. 5=#E is a quiet child with a good attitude towards #h work 6=#E has a very positive attitude to school which is reflected in the standard of #h work and #h continued ability to focus on the task in hand. 7=#E has a good attitude towards school and is well motivated and conscientious in class. 8=In group situations, #e is a good team member, making valuable contributions and supporting others. 9=When working in a group #e is a good team member, making valuable contributions to the work. 10=#E is a good team member in group work situations as well as being capable of working well on #h own. 11=#E is a well-liked member of the class and I have enjoyed having #m in my class this year! 12=#E is a happy and popular character in the class and I have thoroughly enjoyed having #m in my class. 13=#E has worked well and with enthusiasm throughout the year. 14=#E has much enthusiasm in particular areas of the curriculum which I'm sure #e will develop successfully. 15=#E has good concentration and settles well to tasks in class. 16=#E has proved #s to be hard-working and motivated in most areas of #h work. 17=#E still occasionally forgets #s and becomes distracted, and can be prone to chattiness. 18=#H maturity has continued to develop and #e shows great sensitivity towards others. 19=#E has a close circle of friends and is very supportive to others within the class, helping those who need it whenever #e can. 20=#H good-natured and helpful disposition has been an asset to the class. COMMENTS: General comments (8) 1=Throughout the year, #e has always been polite, helpful and co-operative. 2=#E has always behaved well in class. 3=On the whole a good year, but #e would do well to improve on #h concentration and listening skills for next year. 4=#E has a mature and responsible attitude to #h work and to #h chores around the classroom. 5=#E is a friendly, helpful child who relates well to #h peers and is confident in #h dealings with adults. 6=#E is a friendly child and has had good relationships with any adults #e comes into contact with in school. 7=Although mostly of a sensible and studious nature, #e can have spells of silliness and giggly behaviour which can be detrimental and #e would do well to learn to control these in the classroom environment. COMMENTS: ICT 1=#E is extremely confident using computers and skilfully works with programs in a range of subject areas both on the PC using Windows 95, and the Acorn. 2=#E is confident using the class computers and has worked with programs in a range of subject areas both on the PC using Windows 95, and the Acorn. 3=#E has used a variety of programs in a range of subject areas on both the classroom computers and is always keen to extend #h knowledge in this area. 4=#E has used a variety of programs in a range of subject areas on both the classroom computers. 5=#E has had experience of working with programs on an Acorn computer and using Windows 95 on a PC. 6=#E has extended #h skills working with programs on an Acorn computer and using Windows 95 on a PC. 7=#E has written, edited and saved work using word processors, making decisions about the format and font of the text. #E has also sent and received emails via the internal school network, learnt about how to access the internet, and found information related to our topic on the World Wide Web. 8=#E enjoys working on both our class computers and has increased #h knowledge of how to use them effectively. 9=#E has developed skill and confidence with information technology equipment and is competent and assured using the keyboard and mouse. 10=#E is competent and assured using the keyboard and the mouse. 11=#E has used information technology in variety of subject areas, and extended #h skills using both an Acorn computer and Windows 95 on the PC. 12=#E always enjoys the opportunity to work on both the class computers and is confident when doing so. COMMENTS: Maths - Approach 1=#E generally understands new concepts well and knows the appropriate time to ask for help if #e gets stuck. 2=#E understands new concepts well and knows when #e has to ask for help with #h work. 3=#E is keen to learn but sometimes, when faced with new concepts, needs to take a little more time and ask for help if stuck. 4=#E can correct #h own work well when #e makes mistakes and think round a problem if #e becomes stuck. 5=#E does experience problems when it comes to following written instructions and has to be reminded to ask for help if #e doesn’t understand something. 6=Overall #e is working above the expected level of #h year group. 7=Overall #e is working within the expected level of #h year group. 8=Overall #e is working towards the expected level of #h year group. 9=#E has shown great application in all aspects of mathematics and shows #e is capable of working to a high level. 10=#E enjoys Maths and is confident working in all aspects of the subject. 11=#E has enjoyed Maths and works hard, making good progress. 12=#E always enjoys Maths lessons and has progressed steadily. 13=#E always enjoys Maths and has made steady progress. 14=#E enjoys Maths and works hard in this subject. #E has made steady progress in all areas. 15=#E enjoys working in all areas of Maths and shows good application. #E has made good progress as a result. 16=#E has shown good application in mathematics, making steady progress in all areas. 17=#E enjoys work in all areas of mathematics and has responded well to tasks set, making good progress as a result. 18=#E enjoys work in all areas of mathematics and has responded well to tasks set. COMMENTS: Maths - Basic skills 1=#E has consolidated and extended #h understanding of the four basic rules of number and applies them to real life situations effectively. 2=#E has a good understanding of the basic four rules of number and is learning to apply these when faced with real life problems. 3=#E is confident with addition and subtraction and is beginning to extend #h knowledge of multiplication and division. 4=#E has consolidated #h understanding of the four basic rules of number and has been learning to apply these in real life situations. 5=#E enjoys working with numbers and has extended #h understanding of place value to thousands. 6=#E can use effective methods of mentally adding and subtracting two digit numbers and has tried hard to learn two, three, five and ten times tables. 7=#E has worked hard to learn #h two, three, five and ten times tables. 8=#E does experience problems when it comes to following written instructions and has to be reminded to ask for help if #e doesn’t understand something. 9=#E has discussed and used different strategies of mentally adding and subtracting numbers and is becoming more confident doing so. 10=#E has worked hard to learn #h two, three, four, five and ten times tables. 11=#E is quick working mentally and can discuss #h methods effectively. COMMENTS: Maths - opener 1=#N has shown great application in all aspects of mathematics and shows #e is capable of working to a high level. 2=enjoys Maths and is confident working in all aspects of the subject. 3=#N has enjoyed Maths and works hard, making good progress. 4=#N always enjoys Maths lessons and has progressed steadily. 5=#N always enjoys Maths and has made steady progress. 6=#N enjoys Maths and works hard in this subject. #E has made steady progress in all areas. 7=#N enjoys working in all areas of Maths and shows good application. #E has made good progress as a result. 8=#N has shown good application in mathematics, making steady progress in all areas. 9=#N enjoys work in all areas of mathematics and has responded well to tasks set, making good progress as a result. 10=#N enjoys work in all areas of mathematics and has responded well to tasks set. 11=#N enjoys Maths and is confident working in all aspects of the subject. COMMENTS: Maths - Shape 1=#E understands the ideas of symmetry and area and recognises a range of 2D and 3D shapes. 2=#E can recognise and sort 2D and 3D shapes and use nets to construct solid objects. 3=#E can recognise and sort a range of 2D and 3D shapes and understands what a right angle is. 4=#E is able to use a variety of graphs and interpret these effectively. 5=#E can recognise and sort a range of 2D and 3D shapes and understands what a right angle is. 6=#E has worked well with money and has begun to get to grips with fractions. 7=#E has made practical use of a range of measures and furthered #h understanding of time. COMMENTS: Maths - Times-tables 1=#E has consolidated and extended #h understanding of the four basic rules of number and applies them to real life situations effectively. 2=#E has a good understanding of the basic four rules of number and is learning to apply these when faced with real life problems. 3=#E is confident with addition and subtraction and is beginning to extend #h knowledge of multiplication and division. 4=#E has consolidated #h understanding of the four basic rules of number and has been learning to apply these in real life situations. 5=#E enjoys working with numbers and has extended #h understanding of place value to thousands. 6=#E can use effective methods of mentally adding and subtracting two digit numbers and has tried hard to learn two, three, five and ten times tables. 7=#E has worked hard to learn #h two, three, five and ten times tables. 8=#E has discussed and used different strategies of mentally adding and subtracting numbers and is becoming more confident doing so. 9=#E has worked hard to learn #h two, three, four, five and ten times tables. 10=#E is quick working mentally and can discuss #h methods effectively. COMMENTS: Music 1=Listening to music is an activity that #e has particularly enjoyed and #e is always willing to contribute to discussion. 2=In listening activities #e has enjoyed the experience and is becoming more confident in expressing #h feelings about the music. 3=When listening to music #e really enjoys the experience and is good at talking about what #e has listened to. #E enjoys singing. 4=When listening to music #e finds it difficult to sit quietly and simply enjoy the experience. 5=#E has contributed well to class singing and shown interest when listening to music. 6=#E has enjoyed singing sessions in class and has joined in well in music-making. 7=#E needs encouragement to participate fully in singing but has enjoyed the opportunity to listen to music. 8=#E lacks confidence and can sometimes behave in a silly way rather than join in properly. 9=#E joins in with great enthusiasm when we have class-singing sessions. 10=#E has developed an increasing understanding of musical elements such as rhythm. 11=#E has performed in a group, maintaining a simple part and presenting performances. 12=#E has improved #h knowledge of musical elements through various activities. 13=#E finds it difficult to keep a steady beat. 14=#E has had the opportunity to create compositions using a variety of percussion instruments and to perform as part of a group. COMMENTS: Presentation 1=There has been a huge improvement in the presentation of #h work which is good to see. 2=There has been an improvement in the presentation of #h work which is good to see. 3=The presentation of #h written work has improved a lot, but again, #e needs to improve consistency in this area. 4=The presentation of #h written work has improved a lot, and now #e needs to achieve consistency in this area. 5=#N is capable of setting #h work out in a neat, tidy and well organised way but must take care to ensure standards of presentation do not slip. 6=#N work is always presented in a clear and well organised way. 7=#N work is usually presented in a clear and well organised way. 8=#N is keen to progress and has learnt to set #h work out in a clear way. 9=#N work is generally set out in a clear and organised way and #e can go back and correct #h own work when mistakes are made. 10=#N has worked hard this year to improve the presentation and layout of #h work, and I am pleased with #h progress in this area. 11=There has been a huge improvement in the presentation of #h work which is good to see. 12=#N work is always presented in a clear and well organised way. 13=#N generally understands new concepts well and knows the appropriate time to ask for help if #e gets stuck. 14=#N understands new concepts well and knows when #e has to ask for help with #h work. 15=#N is keen to learn but sometimes, when faced with new concepts, needs to take a little more time and ask for help if stuck. 16=#N has worked hard this year to improve the presentation and layout of #h work, and I am pleased with #h progress in this area. 17=The presentation of #h written work has improved a lot, and now #e needs to achieve consistency in this area. 18=#N work is generally set out in a clear and organised way and #e can go back and correct #h own work when mistakes are made. 19=#N can correct #h own work well when #e makes mistakes and think round a problem if #e becomes stuck. 20=#N is capable of setting #h work out in a neat, tidy and well organised way but must take care to ensure standards of presentation do not slip. COMMENTS: Recording Work 1=#N's work is always recorded well and illustrates clearly the knowledge #e has gained. 2=#N's work is recorded very well; #h presentation of diagrams, tables and written explanations is always of a high standard. 3=#N's written work usually reflects the understanding and knowledge 4=#N has shown in group and whole-class discussions. 5=#N's written work does not reflect the understanding and knowledge 6=#N shows in group and class discussions; this is an area in which #e could improve. 7=#N's work is haphazard in the way #e records; #e relies far too much on others doing the work for #m. 8=#N needs to take more time to think out how #e is recording #h work; #e has made some improvement over the year. 9=#N needs to think out #h ideas more carefully before recording 10=#N work in order to give a clearer presentation showing full understanding. 11=Presentation of #h written work is poor; #e relies too much on teacher supervision in order to complete follow-up work. 12=#N finds recording work very hard; #e still needs a great deal of assistance from myself in order to cope. COMMENTS: Religious Education - Hinduism 1=#E has learnt about the major aspects of the Hindu religion and has compared these with features of Christianity. 2=#E has learnt about the major aspects of the Hindu religion and has begun to compare them with features of Christianity. 3=#E has learnt about the major aspects of the Hindu religion. 4=#E has worked hard in lessons learning about major aspects of the Hindu religion. 5=#E has shown an interest in learning about the major aspects of the Hindu faith. 6=#E has become aware of the major stories and features of the Hindu religion and begun to compare these with those of Christianity. 7=#E can recognise some of the main religious symbols of both Christianity and Hinduism. COMMENTS: Religious Education - listening 1=#E listens carefully to stories from the Bible and is capable of discussing what messages they convey. 2=#E listens carefully to stories from the Bible and can recognise some of the main religious symbols of both the Christian and Hindu faiths. 3=#E listens carefully to stories about important Christian figures and can discuss what lessons we can learn from them. 4=#E listens carefully to stories about important Christian figures and now must develop the confidence to join in discussions about the lessons we can learn from them. COMMENTS: Religious Education - opener 1=Over the year #e has made good contributions in class discussions. 2=In both #h comments in discussion and writing #e has shown great sensitivity. 3=#N always gives a lot in class discussion and willingly shares personal feelings and ideas. 4=#N always gives thoughtful responses to questions. #E contributes well in discussions and is sensitive to others. 5=#N asks interesting questions which show serious thinking. This really helps other children to take a full part in discussions. 6=#N has shown interest but #e is not consistent in #h efforts and needs to be more confident in discussions. 7=#N has shown interest and often makes good contributions in discussions about religion. #H written work could be more carefully done. 8=#N listens well to class discussions but unfortunately rarely joins in. 9=#N finds listening to discussions quite hard and so lacks confidence when asked to make comments. COMMENTS: Religious Education - sensitivity 1=#E is sensitive to the feelings of other children in the class and is aware that religion encourages a caring attitude. 2=#E is sensitive to the feelings of other children in the class and has developed an understanding of moral values. 3=#E has a caring attitude to the other members of the class and has developed an understanding of moral values. 4=#E is developing an understanding of moral values and is aware of the importance of being sensitive to the feelings of others. 5=#E recognises the importance of being sensitive to the needs of other members of the school community. 6=#E has developed #h understanding of moral values and is aware of the importance of being sensitive to the feelings of others. 7=#E has a developed understanding of moral values and is aware of the importance of being sensitive to the feelings of others. COMMENTS: Science - Ability 1=#E grasps new scientific concepts quickly and then can use these to try and explain the results of experiments. 2=#E generally understands new scientific concepts and is beginning to be able to use these to explain the results of experiments. 3=#E generally understands new scientific concepts well and is beginning to be able to use these to explain the results of experiments. 4=#E generally understands new scientific concepts well. 5=#E always understands new scientific concepts well. 6=#E always understands new scientific concepts quickly. 7=#E generally understands new scientific concepts quickly. 8=#E tries hard to understand new scientific concepts and now needs to use #h knowledge to try and explain results of experiments. 9=#E needs careful explanations to learn new scientific concepts but always tries hard to understand. COMMENTS: Science - Discussion 1=#E has a good general knowledge and is willing to share this with others during class discussions. 2=#E participates well during class discussions and can always be relied on to offer ideas and suggestions. 3=#E has a good general knowledge and can always be relied on to offer ideas and suggestions during class discussions. 4=#E has a very good general knowledge and is willing to share this with others during class discussions. 5=#E has an excellent general knowledge and is willing to share this with the rest of the class during discussions. 6=#E has a very good general knowledge, but sometimes lacks the confidence to share this with the class during discussions. 7=#E has a good general knowledge, and uses this well to think about what #e is learning. COMMENTS: Science - Group work 1=#E has a sensible, mature approach to group working, uses equipment carefully and records observations accurately. 2=#E works very well as a member of a group and uses equipment and materials in a sensible and responsible manner. 3=#E works well as a member of a small group and has had experience of using basic scientific equipment. 4=#E works reasonably well as part of a small group, but must try to keep #h concentration on the task in hand. 5=#E works co-operatively in a group situation, uses equipment maturely, and has learnt to make careful and accurate measurements. 6=#E is getting better at working co-operatively in a small group but sometimes needs to remember to listen carefully to others' suggestions and ideas. COMMENTS: Science - Opener 1=#N needs encouragement to take an interest in finding out about the world around #m but I am pleased to say #e is taking more of a part during class discussions. 2=#N needs encouragement to take an interest in finding out about the world around #m and it would be nice to see #h develop confidence enough to suggest ideas during class discussions. 3=#N has approached all aspects of science work with enthusiasm and interest. 4=#N has approached all aspects of science work with interest and enthusiasm. 5=#N really enjoys science and has approached all aspects of our work with interest and enthusiasm. 6=#N has really enjoyed all aspects of the science work we have covered this year and is developing good exploratory techniques. 7=#N has really enjoyed science and is developing good exploratory techniques. 8=#N has shown a quiet interest in the areas we have covered in science. 9=#N has a questioning and inquisitive mind and can offer suggestions and ideas in class discussions. 10=#N has shown a quiet interest in the areas we have covered in science and is developing good exploratory techniques. COMMENTS: Science - Practical 1=#E has used a range of basic scientific equipment and has learnt the importance of making careful measurements during an experiment. 2=#E has carefully used a range of basic scientific equipment and has become more accurate when making measurements during an experiment. 3=#E understands the concept of fair testing and applies this during practical work. 4=#E is beginning to understand the concept of fair testing and is starting to apply this during practical work. 5=#E has extended #h understanding of fair testing and is competent in applying this during practical work. 6=#E has discussed the concept of fair testing and is learning to apply this during practical work. 7=#E is capable of drawing appropriate conclusion from experimental results and relating this to #h scientific knowledge. 8=#E now needs to develop the ability to draw appropriate conclusion from experiments and relate #h findings to the scientific concepts learnt. 9=#E can relate the findings from experiments to #h scientific knowledge and can try to explain why #e got the results #e did. 10=#E has learnt to try and relate the results from experiments to #h scientific knowledge. 11=#E has learnt to try and relate the results from experiments to #h scientific knowledge, and is beginning to do this successfully. COMMENTS: Science - Written work 1=#E written reports in science are always of a very good standard and #e has learnt to organise them in a logical way, using charts and graphs where appropriate. 2=#E written work in science has got much better over the year and #e is being more careful to organise reports in a logical way. 3=#E written work in science has got much better over the year and #e has learnt to be more careful to organise reports in a logical way. 4=#E written reports in science are always of a good standard and #e has learnt to organise them in a logical way, using charts and graphs where appropriate. 5=#E written reports in science are always of an excellent standard and #e has learnt to organise them in a logical way, using charts and graphs where appropriate. 6=#E written reports are becoming more carefully organised and #e is beginning to use charts and graphs where appropriate. 7=#E has learnt to improve #h written reports by organising them in a more logical way and including charts and graphs where appropriate. However, #e must make sure to write enough so it reflects more fully what #e has discovered. COMMENTS: AT1 Exp. and Investigative Sci. Lev2 1=#N responds to suggestions of how to find things out and, with help, makes #h own suggestions. 2=#N uses simple equipment provided and makes observations related to the task. 3=#N compares objects, living things and events observed. 4=#N describes observations and records them using simple tables where it is appropriate to do so. 5=#N says whether what happened was what was expected. COMMENTS: AT1 Exp. and Investigative Sci. Lev3 1=#N responds to suggestions, puts forward #h own ideas and, where appropriate, makes simple predictions. 2=#N makes relevant observations and measures quantities, such as length or mass, using a range of simple equipment. 3=With some help #e can carry out a fair test, recognising and explaining why it is fair. 4=#N records observations in a variety of ways. 5=#N provides explanations for observations and, where they occur, for simple patterns in recorded measurements. 6=#N says what has been found out from #h work. COMMENTS: AT1 Exp. and Investigative Sci. Lev4 1=#N recognises the need for fair tests by describing, or showing in the way #e performs a task, how to vary one factor whilst keeping others the same. 2=Where appropriate, #e makes predictions. 3=#N selects suitable equipment to use and makes a series of observations and measurements that are adequate for the task. 4=#N presents observations and measurements clearly, using tables and bar charts. 5=#N is beginning to plot points to form simple graphs and use these graphs to point out and interpret patterns or trends in data. 6=#N takes account of patterns when drawing conclusions, and is beginning to relate conclusions to scientific knowledge and understanding. COMMENTS: AT1 Exp. and Investigative Sci. Lev5 1=#N identifies the key factors that need to be considered in contexts that involve only a few factors. 2=Where appropriate, #e makes predictions based on scientific knowledge and understanding. 3=#N selects apparatus for a range of tasks and uses it with care. 4=#N makes a series of observations or measurements with precision appropriate to the task. 5=#N is beginning to repeat observations and measurements and to offer simple explanations for any differences encountered. 6=#N records observations and measurements systematically and presents data as line graphs. 7=#N draws conclusions that are consistent with the evidence and is beginning to relate these to scientific knowledge and understanding. COMMENTS: AT2 Life Proc. and Liv. Things Lev2 1=#N uses knowledge about living things to describe basic conditions, such as a supply of food, water, air or light, that animals and plants need in order to survive. 2=#N recognises that living things grow and reproduce. 3=#N can sort living things into groups, using simple features and can describe the basis for the groupings in terms such as number of legs or shape of leaf. 4=#N recognises that different living things are found in different places, such as ponds or woods. COMMENTS: AT2 Life Proc. and Liv. Things Lev3 1=#N uses knowledge of basic life processes, such as growth or reproduction, when describing differences between living and non-living things. 2=#N provides simple explanations for changes in living things, such as diet affecting the health of humans or other animals, or lack of light or water altering plant growth. 3=#N identifies ways in which an animal is suited to its environment, such as a fish having fins to help it swim. COMMENTS: AT2 Life Proc. and Liv. Things Lev4 1=#N demonstrates knowledge and understanding of aspects of life processes and living things drawn from the Key Stage 2 or Key Stage 3 programme of study. 2=#N uses scientific names for some major organs of body systems, such as the circulatory system, and identifies the position of these organs in the human body. 3=#N can identify organs, such as petal, stamen or stigma, of different plants they observe. 4=#N can use keys based on observable external features to help identify and group living things systematically. 5=#N recognises that feeding relationships exist between plants and animals in a habitat, and describes these relationships, using food chains and terms such as predator and prey. COMMENTS: AT2 Life Proc. and Liv. Things Lev5 1=#N demonstrates an increasing knowledge and understanding of aspects of life processes and living things drawn from the Key Stage 2 or Key Stage 3 programme of study. 2=#N can describe the main functions of some organs of the human body, such as the heart, and of the flowering plant, such as the petal, stamen or stigma and can explain how these functions are essential to the organism. 3=#N can describe the main stages of the life cycles of humans and flowering plants and point out similarities. 4=#N recognises that there is a great variety of living things and understands the importance of classification. 5=#N can explain that different organisms are found in different habitats because of differences in environmental factors, such as the availability of light or water. COMMENTS: AT3 Materials and Properties Lev2 1=#N can identify a range of common materials and knows about some of their properties. 2=#N can describe similarities and differences between materials. 3=#N can sort materials into groups and describe in everyday terms, such as shininess, hardness or smoothness, the basis for their groupings. 4=#N can describe ways in which some materials are changed by heating or cooling or by processes such as bending or stretching. COMMENTS: AT3 Materials and Properties Lev3 1=#N uses knowledge and understanding of materials when describing a variety of ways of sorting them into groups according to their properties. 2=#N can explain why some materials are particularly suitable for specific purposes, such as a metal for making electrical cables. 3=#N recognises that some changes, such as the freezing of water, can be reversed and some, such as the baking of clay, cannot, and they classify changes in this way. COMMENTS: AT3 Materials and Properties Lev4 1=#N demonstrates knowledge and understanding of aspects of materials and their properties drawn from the Key Stage 2 or Key Stage 3 programme of study. 2=#N can describe differences between the properties of different materials and explain how these differences are used to classify substances as solids, liquids and gases. 3=#N can describe some methods, such as filtration, that are used to separate simple mixtures. 4=#N can use scientific terms, such as evaporation or condensation, to describe changes. 5=#N uses knowledge about some reversible and irreversible changes to make simple predictions about whether other changes are reversible or not. COMMENTS: AT3 Materials and Properties Lev5 1=#N demonstrates an increasing knowledge and understanding of aspects of materials and their properties drawn from the Key Stage 2 or Key Stage 3 programme of study. 2=#N can describe some metallic properties, such as good electrical conductivity, and use these properties to distinguish metals from other solids. 3=#N can identify a range of contexts in which changes, such as evaporation or condensation, take place. 4=#N uses knowledge about how a specific mixture, such as salt and water, or sand and water, can be separated to suggest ways in which other similar mixtures might be separated. COMMENTS: AT4 Physical Processes Lev2 1=#N knows about a range of physical phenomena and recognises and can describe similarities and differences associated with them. 2=#N can compare the way in which devices, such as bulbs, work in different electrical circuits. 3=#N can compare the effects of similar phenomena, such as the brightness or colour of lights, or the loudness or pitch of sounds. 4=#N can compare the movement of different objects in terms of speed or direction. COMMENTS: AT4 Physical Processes Lev3 1=#N uses knowledge and understanding to link cause and effect in simple explanations of physical phenomena, such as a bulb failing to light because of a break in an electrical circuit, or the direction or speed of movement of an object changing because of a force applied to it. 2=#N is beginning to make simple generalisations about physical phenomena, such as explaining that sounds become fainter the further they are from the source. COMMENTS: AT4 Physical Processes Lev4 1=#N demonstrates knowledge and understanding of aspects of physical processes drawn from the Key Stage 2 or Key Stage 3 programme of study. 2=#N can describe and explain physical phenomena, such as how a particular device in an electrical circuit may be switched on or off, or how the apparent position of the Sun changes over the course of a day. 3=#N makes generalisations about physical phenomena, such as motion being affected by forces, including gravitational attraction, magnetic attraction and friction, or sounds being heard through a variety of materials. 4=#N can use the idea that light travels to explain phenomena such as the formation of shadows. COMMENTS: AT4 Physical Processes Lev5 1=#N demonstrates an increasing knowledge and understanding of aspects of physical processes drawn from the Key Stage 2 or Key Stage 3 programme of study. 2=#N is beginning to apply ideas about physical processes to suggest a variety of ways to make changes, such as altering the current in a circuit or altering the pitch or loudness of a sound. 3=#N is beginning to use some abstract ideas in descriptions, such as forces being balanced when an object is stationary, or objects being seen when light from them enters the eye. 4=#N can use models to explain effects that are caused by the movement of the Earth, such as the length of a day or year. /*========================================= /* HELP: Creating & Importing Files /*========================================= /* /* See also, YouTube Teacher Training Video at: /* SCHOOL REPORT WRITER .COM /* https://schoolreportwriter.com/ /* /* #N - Name /* #E - She/He/They /* #e - she/he/they /* #H - His/Her/Their /* #h = his/her/their /* #b - girl/boy/child /* #m - him/her/them /* #s - herself/himself/themself /* #? - be prompted for text later e.g. #N achieved #?% in the exam. /* #your-list-name - select from a list later e.g. #N excelled in #topics. /* {BR} - line break; {BR}{BR} - double line break. /* /* /* DID YOU KNOW? /* /* You can also import comment files in the, /* Teachers Report Assistant format. /* There are 1000s around the web. /* School Report Writer automatically converts them. /* /* /* YOUR EXISTING COMMENTS ARE SAFE: /* /* When you upload, you will be shown the comments /* you are about to import. 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Blank lines /* are also ignored and can also be included anywhere. /* /* /* COMMENTS AND LISTS: /* /* Files contain groups of comments and lists. /* Each group should start with either: /* /* COMMENTS: your-comment-name-here /* or /* LIST: your-list-name-here /* /* List names are 2-30 characters long and contain /* only letters, numbers, '&', hyphens and NO SPACES. /* /* Comment names can include spaces, and any other /* characters except: < > \ # (max length 50). /* /* Each group may include up to 20 numbered lines, e.g. /* /* COMMENTS: Science Yr7 project work /* 1= #N's work on #Science-topics was excellent. /* 2= #N gave an inspiring #Science-topics presentation. /* 3= #N received a well-deserved A+ in #Science-topics. /* 4= etc... /* /* LIST: Science-topics /* 1= Heating and Cooling /* 2= Light and Sound /* 3= Exploring Magnetism /* 4= Changing Earth /* 5= etc... /* /* REMINDER... lines beginning /* are for notes. /* So to import the two science examples above, /* you would need to remove the /*, otherwise /* the lines would be ignored when imported. /* /* /* NEED MORE HELP? support@SchoolReportWriter.com - we usually reply the same day. /* /* SCHOOL REPORT WRITER .COM /* https://schoolreportwriter.com/ /* The FREE ONLINE school report writing software & school report card comments bank.