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Year 3 Speaking objectives ------------------------------------------- ^ can choose and prepare poems or stories for performance, identifying appropriate expression, tone, volume and use of voices and other sounds. ^ is able to explain processes or present information, ensuring that the items are clearly sequenced, relevant details are included and accounts are ended effectively. ^ can sustain conversation, explain or give reasons for ~ view or choice. ^ has developed and used specific vocabulary in different contexts. Year 4 Speaking objectives --------------------------------- ^ can offer reasons and evidence for their views, considering alternative opinions. ^ responds appropriately to the contributions of others in the light of differing viewpoints. ^ tells stories effectively and convey detailed information coherently for listeners. ^ can use and reflect on some ground rules for sustaining talk and interactions. " Listening Year 2 Listening and responding objectives --------------------------------------------------- ^ can listen to others in class, ask relevant questions and follow instructions. ^ is able to listen to an adult talking, and ^ can remember some specific points and identify what ^ has learned. ^ has responded to presentations by describing the characters, repeating some highlights and commenting constructively. Year 3 Listening and responding objectives ---------------------------------------------------- ^ can respond to presentations by describing characters, repeating some highlights and commenting constructively. ^ can identify the presentational features used to communicate the main points in a broadcast. ^ is able to identify key sections of an informative broadcast, noting how the language used signals changes or transitions in focus. Year 4 Listening and responding objectives --------------------------------------------------- ^ is able to listen to a speaker, make notes on the talk and use notes to develop a role-play. ^ is able to compare the different contributions of music, words and images in short extracts from TV programmes. ^ can identify how talk varies with age, familiarity, gender and purpose. " Discussion Year 2 Group discussion and interaction objectives ------------------------------------------------------------ # ensures that everyone contributes, ^ allocate tasks, and knows how to consider alternatives and reach agreement. # works effectively in a group by ensuring that each group member takes a turn challenging, supporting and moving on. # listens to the views of different team members and their preferences, and ^ agrees the next steps to take and can identify the contributions submitted by each of the group members. Year 3 Group discussion and interaction objectives ------------------------------------------------------------ # can use talk to organise roles and action. # actively includes and responds to all the members of the group. # can use the language of possibility to investigate and ^ can reflect on the feelings, behaviour or relationships. Year 4 Group discussion and interaction objectives ------------------------------------------------------------ # can take different roles in ~ groups and ^ can use the language appropriate to them, including the roles of leader, reporter, scribe and mentor. # can use time, resources and group members efficiently by distributing tasks, checking progress and making back-up plans for ~ team. # can identify the main points of each speaker, compare their different arguments and how they are presented. " Drama Year 2 Drama objectives ------------------------------ ^ can adopt appropriate roles in small or large groups and ^ can consider alternative courses of action. ^ is able to present dramatic interpretations of traditional stories, ~ own stories or work drawn from different parts of the curriculum for members of ~ own class. ^ can consider how mood and atmosphere are created in live or recorded performance. Year 3 Drama objectives ------------------------------ ^ can present events and characters through dialogue to engage the interest of an audience. ^ has used some drama strategies to explore stories or issues. ^ is able to identify and discuss the qualities of others' performances, including their gestures, actions and their costumes. Year 4 Drama objectives ------------------------------ ^ can create roles showing how behaviour can be interpreted from different viewpoints. ^ has developed scripts based on ~ own improvisation. ^ is able to comment constructively on plays and performances, discussing the effects and how they are achieved. " Spelling Year 2 - Word recognition: decoding (reading) and encoding (spelling) objectives ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ^ can read independently and with increasing fluency longer and less familiar texts. ^ spells with increasing accuracy and confidence, drawing on ~ word recognition skills and ~ knowledge of word structure, and spelling patterns. ^ knows how to tackle unfamiliar words that are not completely decodable. ^ can read and spell less common alternative graphemes including trigraphs. ^ reads high and medium frequency words independently and automatically. Year 2 Word structure and spelling objectives ------------------------------------------------------- ^ is able to spell with increasing accuracy and confidence, drawing on ~ word recognition and ~ knowledge of word structure, and spelling patterns including common inflections and the use of double letters. ^ reads and spells less common alternative graphemes including trigraphs. Year 3 Word structure and spelling objectives ------------------------------------------------------ ^ can spell high and medium frequency words. ^ recognises a range of prefixes and suffixes, understanding how they modify meaning and spelling, and how they assist * in decoding long complex words. ^ is able to spell unfamiliar words using known conventions including grapheme-phoneme correspondences and morphological rules. Year 4 Word structure and spelling objectives ------------------------------------------------------- ^ can distinguish between the spellings and meanings of common homophones. ^ knows and applies ~ common spelling rules. ^ is developing a range of personal strategies for learning new and irregular words. " interpret text Year 2 Understanding and interpreting texts objectives ---------------------------------------------------------------- ^ can draw together ideas and information from across a whole text, using simple signposts in the text. ^ gives some reasons why things happen or characters change. ^ can explain organisational features of texts, including alphabetical order, layout, diagrams, captions, hyperlinks and bullet points. ^ has used syntax and context to build ~ store of vocabulary when reading for meaning. ^ is able to explore how particular words are used, including words and expressions with similar meanings. Year 3 Understanding and interpreting texts objectives ---------------------------------------------------------------- ^ has identified and made notes on the main points in a variety of sections of text. ^ is able to infer characters' feelings in fiction and the consequences in logical explanations. ^ identified how different texts were organised, including reference texts, magazines and leaflets, on paper and on the screen. ^ can use syntax, context and word structure to build ~ store of vocabulary as ~ reads for meaning. ^ has explored how different texts appealed to readers by using varied sentence structures and descriptive language. Year 4 Understanding and interpreting texts objectives ---------------------------------------------------------------- ^ can identify and summarise evidence from a text to support a hypothesis. ^ is able to deduce different characters' reasons for behaviour from their actions and explain how the author's ideas are developed in non-fiction texts. ^ used ~ knowledge of different organisational features of texts to help * find information effectively. ^ is able to use ~ knowledge of word structures and origins to develop ~ understanding of word meanings. ^ is able to explain how writers use figurative and expressive language to create images and atmosphere. " repond to text Year 2 Engaging and responding to texts objectives -------------------------------------------------------------- # has read whole books on ~ own, choosing and justifying ~ selections. # is able to engage with books through exploring and enacting ~ own interpretations. # can explain ~ reactions to texts, commenting on the important aspects. Year 3 Engaging and responding to texts objectives -------------------------------------------------------------- # can share and compare ~ reasons for ~ reading preferences, extending the range of books ^ has read. # has empathised with characters and debated the moral dilemmas portrayed in texts. # identifies features that writers use to provoke readers' reactions. Year 4 Engaging and responding to texts objectives -------------------------------------------------------------- # reads extensively ~ favourite authors or genres and ^ likes to experiment with other types of text. # is able to interrogate texts to deepen and clarify ~ understanding and ~ response. # can explore why and how writers write, including through face-to-face and online contact with authors. " Shaping text Year 2 Creating and shaping texts objectives ---------------------------------------------------- ^ draws on ~ knowledge and ~ experience of texts in deciding and planning what and how ^ will write. ^ is able to sustain ~ form in narrative, including ~ use of person and time. ^ can maintain ~ consistency in non-narrative, including purpose and tense. ^ is able to make adventurous word and language choices appropriate to the style and purpose of the ~ text. ^ is able to select from different presentational features to suit ~ particular writing purposes on paper and on the screen. Year 3 Creating and shaping texts objectives ---------------------------------------------------- ^ is able to make decisions about the form and purpose of ~ writing, identify ~ success criteria and use them to evaluate ~ own writing. ^ uses a beginning, middle and end when ^ writes ~ narratives. The events in ~ story are sequenced logically and ~ conflicts are resolved. ^ writes ~ non-narrative texts using the structures of different text-types. ^ selects and uses a range of technical and descriptive vocabulary in ~ work. ^ uses the correct layout, format ~ graphics and ~ illustrations for different purposes. Year 4 Creating and shaping texts objectives ---------------------------------------------------- ^ is able to develop and refine ideas in writing using planning and problem-solving strategies. ^ can use settings and characterisation to engage readers' interest. ^ can summarise and shape material and ideas from different sources to write convincing and informative non-narrative texts. ^ shows imagination through the language used to create emphasis, humour, atmosphere or suspense in ~ work. ^ is able to choose and combine ~ words, images and other features to create particular effects. " Text Structure Year 2 Text structure and organisation objectives ----------------------------------------------------------- # can use planning to establish clear sections in ~ writing. # can use appropriate language to make ~ sections hang together. Year 2 Sentence structure and punctuation objectives --------------------------------------------------------------- ^ can write simple and compound sentences and begin to use subordination in relation to time and reason. ^ can compose ~ sentences using the present and past tenses consistently. ^ can use question marks, and ^ use commas to separate items in ~ lists. Year 3 Text structure and organisation objectives ----------------------------------------------------------- # can signal sequence, place and time to give coherence to ~ writing. # can group related material into paragraphs. Year 3 Sentence structure and punctuation objectives --------------------------------------------------------------- ^ shows the relationships of time, reason and cause through ~ use of subordination and connectives. ^ is able to compose ~ sentences by using adjectives, verbs and nouns for precision, clarity and impact. ^ can clarify ~ meaning through the use of exclamation marks and speech marks. Year 4 Text structure and organisation objectives ----------------------------------------------------------- # can organise text into paragraphs to distinguish between ~ different information, events or processes. # is able to use adverbs and conjunctions to establish cohesion within ~ paragraphs. Year 4 Sentence structure and punctuation objectives --------------------------------------------------------------- ^ can clarify ~ meaning and point of view by using a varied sentence structure which often includes phrases, clauses and adverbials. ^ can use commas to mark clauses, and use the apostrophe for possession in his work. " Presentation Year 2 Presentation objectives ------------------------------------- # writes legibly, using upper and lower case letters appropriately within words, and observing correct spacing within and between ~ words. # forms and uses the four basic handwriting joins in ~ work. # is able to wordprocess ~ short narrative and non-narrative texts. Year 3 Presentation objectives ------------------------------------- # is able to write with consistency in the size and proportion of letters and spacing within and between ~ words, using the correct formation of handwriting joins. # is developing accuracy and speed when using ~ keyboard skills to type, edit and re-draft ~ work. Year 4 Presentation objectives ------------------------------------- # writes consistently with neat, legible and joined handwriting. # can use a word processing packages to present written work and ^ continues to increase in speed and accuracy when ^ types. "