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Year 6 Speaking objectives --------------------------------- ^ could use a range of oral techniques to present ~ persuasive arguments and engaging narratives. ^ participate in whole-class debate using the conventions and language of debate, including standard English. ^ has used the techniques of dialogic talk to explore ideas, topics or issues. Progression Year 6/7 Speaking objectives ------------------------------------------------- ^ can use exploratory, hypothetical and speculative talk as a tool for clarifying ~ ideas. ^ has tailored the structure, vocabulary and delivery of a talk or presentation so that it is helpfully sequenced and supported by ~ gestures or other visual aid as appropriate. ^ is able to use standard English consistently in formal situations and promote, justify or defend ~ point of view using ~ supporting evidence, examples and illustrations which are linked back to the main argument. " Listening Year 5 Listening and responding objectives --------------------------------------------------- ^ was able to identify different question types and evaluate their impact on ~ audience. ^ has identified some aspects of talk that vary between formal and informal occasions ^ is able to analyse the use of persuasive language. Year 6 Listening and responding objectives --------------------------------------------------- ^ was able to make notes when listening for a sustained period and ^ has discussed how note-taking varies depending on the context and purpose. ^ is able to analyse and evaluate how speakers present points effectively through the use of their language and gestures. ^ can listen for language variations in formal and informal contexts. ^ is able to identify the ways spoken language varies according to the differences in the context and purpose of its use. Progression Year 6/7 Listening and responding objectives -------------------------------------------------------------------- ^ was able to listen for and recall the main points of a talk, reading or TV programme. ^ could reflect on what ^ has heard and ask searching questions, make appropriate comments or challenge the views expressed. ^ can identify the main methods used by presenters to explain, persuade, amuse or argue a case, e.g. emotive language. ^ has investigated the differences between spoken and written language structures. " Discussion Year 5 Group discussion and interaction objectives ------------------------------------------------------------ # is able to plan and manage a group task over time using different levels of planning. # understands the different ways to take the lead and how ^ can support others in ~ group. # can understand the process of decision making. Year 6 Group discussion and interaction objectives ------------------------------------------------------------ # has considered a number of different examples of conflict and resolution and how the the language was used. # can understand and use a variety of ways of criticising constructively and ^ has also learnt how to respond to criticism by others. Progression Year 6/7 Group discussion and interaction objectives ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ^ has adopted a range of roles in different discussions, including acting as a spokesperson. ^ has contributed to the discussion in different ways such as promoting, opposing, exploring and questioning. ^ is able to identify and report the main points emerging from a discussion. ^ has acknowledged other people's views, justifying or modifying ~ own views in the light of what others have said. ^ is able to work with others in a group to logically and methodically to solve problems, make deductions, share, test and evaluate ideas. " Drama Year 5 Drama objectives ------------------------------ ^ is able to reflect on how working in a role helps to explore complex issues. ^ has perform a scripted scene. ^ was able to make use of the dramatic conventions. ^ uses and recognises the impact of theatrical effects in drama. Year 6 Drama objectives ------------------------------ ^ can improvise using a range of drama strategies and conventions to explore themes such as hopes, fears and desires. ^ has devised a performance and successfully considered how ^ could adapt the performance for a specific audience. ^ is able to consider the overall impact of a live or recorded performance, identifying dramatic ways of conveying characters' ideas and building tension. Progression Year 6/7 Drama objectives ----------------------------------------------- ^ has developed ~ drama techniques so that ^ can explore, in role, a variety of situations and texts or ^ is able to respond to stimuli. ^ has developed ~ drama techniques and strategies for anticipating, visualising and problem solving in different learning contexts. ^ has worked collaboratively to devise and present scripted and unscripted pieces that maintained the attention of an audience. In addition, ^ has successfully reflected on and evaluated ~ own presentations and those of others. " Spelling Year 5 Word structure and spelling objectives ------------------------------------------------------- ^ is able to spell words containing unstressed vowels. ^ know and uses less common prefixes and suffixes such as im-, ir-, -cian. ^ is able to group and classify words according to their spelling patterns and their meanings. Year 6 Word structure and spelling objectives ------------------------------------------------------- ^ can spell familiar words correctly and ^ is able to employ a range of strategies to spell difficult and unfamiliar words. ^ has used a range of appropriate strategies to edit, proofread and correct spelling in ~ own work, on paper and on the screen. Progression Year 6/7 Word structure and spelling objectives ----------------------------------------------------------------------- ^ hsa revised, consolidated and secured ~ knowledge of correct vowel choices, pluralisation, prefixes, word endings and high frequency words. ^ is able to record and learn from ~ personal errors, corrections, investigations, conventions, exceptions and new vocabulary. ^ has drawn on analogies to known words, roots, derivations, word families, morphology and familiar spelling patterns. " interpret text Year 5 Understanding and interpreting texts objectives ---------------------------------------------------------------- ^ is able to make notes on and use ~ evidence from across a text to explain the events or ~ ideas. ^ can infer a variety of writers' perspectives from what is written and from what is implied. ^ has compared different types of narrative and information texts and identified how they are structured. ^ is able to distinguish between everyday use of words and their subject-specific use. ^ has explored how writers use language for comic and dramatic effects. Year 6 Understanding and interpreting texts objectives ---------------------------------------------------------------- ^ is able to appraise a text quickly, deciding on its value, quality or usefulness. ^ understands underlying themes, causes and points of view. ^ is able to understand how writers use different structures to create coherence and impact. ^ has explored how word meanings change when used in different contexts. ^ can recognise rhetorical devices used to argue, persuade, mislead and sway the reader. Progression Year 6/7 Understanding and interpreting texts objectives --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ^ was able to locate resources for a specific task, appraising the value and relevance of information and acknowledging ~ sources. ^ can read between the lines and find the required evidence for ~ interpretation. ^ has identified how print, images and sounds combine to create meaning. ^ can infer the meanings of unknown words using syntax, context, word structures and origins. ^ has identified the ways writers of non-fiction match language and organisation to their intentions. " repond to text Year 5 Engaging and responding to texts objectives -------------------------------------------------------------- # is able to reflect on ~ reading habits and ~ preferences and plan ~ personal reading goals. # has compared the usefulness of techniques such as visualisation, prediction and empathy in exploring the meaning of texts. ^ can compare how a common theme is presented in poetry, prose and other media. Year 6 Engaging and responding to texts objectives ------------------------------------------------------------- ^ has read extensively and discussed ~ personal reading with others, including in ~ reading group. ^ can sustain ~ engagement with longer texts, using a range of different techniques to make the text come alive. ^ has compared how writers from different times and places have presented their experiences and how they used their language skills in their writings. Progression Year 6/7 Engaging and responding to texts objectives ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ^ has read a range of recent fiction texts independently as the basis for developing ~ critical reflection and ~ personal response. ^ can explore the notion of literary heritages and understand why some texts have been particularly influential or significant. ^ has written reflectively about a text, distinguishing between the attitudes and assumptions of characters and those of the author and ^ was able to take account of the needs of others who might read it. " Shaping text Year 5 Creating and shaping texts objectives ---------------------------------------------------- ^ is able to reflect independently and critically on ~ own writing and edit and improve it accordingly. ^ has experimented with different narrative forms and styles when ^ has written ~ own stories. ^ is able to adapt non-narrative forms and styles to write fiction or factual texts, including poems. ^ can vary the pace and develop the viewpoint through the use of direct and reported speech, portrayal of action and selection of detail. ^ has created multi-layered texts which included the use of hyperlinks and linked web pages. Year 6 Creating and shaping texts objectives ---------------------------------------------------- ^ is able to set ~ own challenges in order to extend ~ achievements and ~ experiences in writing. ^ has use different narrative techniques to engage and entertain the reader. In non-narrative text, # is able to establish, balance and maintain ~ viewpoint. ^ has selected words and language which was drawn from ~ knowledge of literary features and formal and informal writing. ^ can integrate words, images and sounds imaginatively for different purposes. Progression Year 6/7 Creating and shaping texts objectives --------------------------------------------------------------------- ^ has independently written and presented a text with the reader and purpose in mind. ^ is able to use a range of narrative devices to involve the reader. ^ has identified criteria for evaluating a situation, object or event, presenting ~ findings fairly and adding persuasive emphasis to key points. ^ has experimented with the visual and sound effects of language, including the use of imagery, alliteration, rhythm and rhyme. " Text Structure Year 5 Text structure and organisation objectives ----------------------------------------------------------- ^ is able to experiment with the order of sections and paragraphs to achieve different effects. ^ has change the order of ~ material within a paragraph, moving the topic sentence. Year 5 Sentence structure and punctuation objectives --------------------------------------------------------------- ^ is able to adapt ~ sentence construction to different text-types, purposes and readers. ^ has punctuated ~ sentences accurately and included the appropriate using speech marks and apostrophes. Year 6 Text structure and organisation objectives ----------------------------------------------------------- ^ is able to use varied structures to shape and organise ~ text coherently. ^ has used paragraphs to achieve pace and emphasis. Year 6 Sentence structure and punctuation objectives -------------------------------------------------------------- ^ was able to express subtle distinctions of meaning, including hypothesis, speculation and supposition, by constructing ~ sentences in varied ways. ^ knows how to use punctuation to clarify ~ meaning in complex sentences. Progression Year 6/7 Text structure and organisation objectives --------------------------------------------------------------------------- ^ was able to organise ~ ideas into a coherent sequence of paragraphs. In non-chronological writing, # has introduced, developed and concluded paragraphs appropriately. Progression Year 6/7 Sentence structure and punctuation objectives --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ^ was able to extend ~ use and control of ~ complex sentences by deploying subordinate clauses effectively. ^ has used punctuation to convey and clarify meaning and to integrate speech into longer sentences. ^ can use standard English confidently and consistently in formal writing, with awareness of the differences between spoken and written language structures. " Presentation Year 5 Presentation objectives ------------------------------------- # can adapt ~ handwriting for specific purposes, for example printing or use of italics. ^ is able to use a range of ICT programs to present ~ texts, making ~ own informed choices about which electronic tools to use for different purposes. Year 6 Presentation objectives ------------------------------------- # can use different styles of handwriting for different purposes. ^ has used a range of media and developed a consistent and personal legible style. # is able to select from a wide range of ICT programs to present ~ text effectively and to communicate ~ information and ~ ideas. Progression Year 6/7 Presentation objectives ------------------------------------------------------ ^ has reviewed the legibility and neatness of ~ own handwriting. ^ has set personal targets to improve ~ presentation, using a range of presentational devices, on paper and on screen. "