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COMMENTS: Report 1b Progress opening 1=#N has made excellent progress in Biology this year and #h effort has been consistently high, demonstrating sound knowledge and a great ability to apply this. 2=#N has made very good progress in Biology this year and #h effort has been consistently high, demonstrating sound knowledge and a good ability to apply this. 3=#N has made good progress in Biology this year and #h effort has, on the whole, been of a high level. #E demonstrates generally sound knowledge and some ability to apply this. 4=#N has made steady progress in Biology this year, with generally good but inconsistent effort. #E demonstrates some sound knowledge but limited ability to apply this. 5=#N has made limited progress in Biology this year, finding a number of concepts difficult to grasp. #E demonstrates some knowledge but very little ability to apply this. COMMENTS: Report 2a General WWWs 1=#E is deepening #h understanding and building confidence by contributing to class discussions more frequently. 2=#E demonstrates excellent logic in practical tasks and when building understanding through discussion. 3=#E demonstrates excellent understanding and deepening ability to apply this to precisely answer questions. 4=#E demonstrates strong and improving data interpretation skills. 5=#E demonstrates a strong and broad understanding of biological concepts, which are shared confidently. 6=#E is developing #h use of key terminology to precisely demonstrate #h understanding. 7=#E interprets questions accurately and applies #h understanding with increasing precision during written tasks. 8=#E persistently challenges #h understanding through insightful discussions. 9=#E shares understanding clearly during discussions, challenging #s to suggest answers when unsure, which is improving the precision with which #e applies #h knowledge. 10=#E shares understanding with confidence, which is supporting improvement in accuracy of terminology use and precision of answering questions. 11=By taking risks when contributing to discussions, #e is applying #h understanding and reviewing foundational knowledge. 12=#E is working hard to consolidate #h foundational knowledge, through questions and discussion. 13=#E is working hard to memorise precise details of processes and foundational knowledge through past paper practice and quizzing. 14=#E demonstrates good understanding when questioned. 15=#E frequently builds explanations through questioning. COMMENTS: Report 2b Y10 exam WWW 1=In the recent examination #N showed strength in recalling cell structures and applying #h knowledge of the microscopy calculation. 2=In the recent examination #N showed strength in accurately describing how to carry out the microscopy required practical activity. 3=In the recent examination #N showed strength in applying #h knowledge of the osmosis required practical activity, including data processing. 4=In the recent examination #N showed strength in accurate recall of cell biology for the question including the cell cycle and therapeutic cloning. 5=In the recent examination #N showed strength in recalling structures of the digestive system. 6=In the recent examination #N showed strength in applying #h knowledge of enzymes and the associated required practical activities. 7=In the recent examination #N showed strength in applying #h knowledge of digestion to the context of an unfamiliar practical. 8=In the recent examination #N showed strength in accurately recalling and applying #h knowledge of the circulatory system. 9=In the recent examination #N showed strength in applying #h understanding of surface area to a gas exchange, including the lung adaptations. 10=In the recent examination #N showed strength in accurately recalling #h knowledge of the types and roles of respiration. 11=In the recent examination #N showed strength in accurately recalling the metabolic process of photosynthesis. 12=In the recent examination #N showed strength in applying #h knowledge of the limiting factors of photosynthesis to the context of food production. COMMENTS: Report 2b Y11 mock WWW 1=In the recent mock #N showed strength in applying #h knowledge of the microscopy required practical activity and cell structure. 2=In the recent mock #N showed strength in applying #h knowledge of enzyme action in the context of an investigation. 3=In the recent mock #N showed strength in describing small intestine adaptations and biochemical testing of glucose. 4=In the recent mock #N showed strength in interpreting data about malaria incidence. 5=In the recent mock #N showed strength in applying knowledge to explain cancer symptoms and blood transfusion compatibilities. 6=In the recent mock #N showed strength in recalling knowledge of plant structure and transport processes. 7=In the recent mock #N showed strength in describing photosynthesis and applying understanding to interpret investigative data. 8=In the recent mock #N showed strength in evaluating the method and analysing data for an investigation into milk decay. 9=In the recent mock #N showed strength in applying #h knowledge of flow of biomass in ecosystems. 10=In the recent mock #N showed strength in applying #h understanding of practical ecology to estimate a population size and design a valid investigation. 11=In the recent mock #N showed strength in interpreting and explaining global warming data. 12=In the recent mock #N showed strength in analysing and explaining data from the geotropism required practical activity. 13=In the recent mock #N showed strength in explaining control of body temperature. 14=In the recent mock #N showed strength in explaining water conservation. COMMENTS: Report 3a General EBI 1=#N has a number of gaps in #h foundational knowledge. 2=#N's written answers can be vague, demonstrating a lack of specific understanding due to gaps in #h foundational knowledge. 3=#N sometimes expresses #h understanding without the necessary precision and terminology. 4=#N sometimes finds it challenging to articulate #h understanding clearly. 5=#N sometimes finds it difficult to focus #h answers to the information required by the question. 6=#N sometimes finds it challenging to match the confidence of #h verbal discussion with #h written answers, in particularly #h terminology accuracy. 7=#N can find it challenging to link #h foundational knowledge to the context of later topics. 8=#N can find applying #h knowledge to #question-type questions challenging. 9=#N can find it challenging to decode written questions and apply #h knowledge precisely. 10=#N finds interpretation of #question-type questions challenging. COMMENTS: Report 3b Y10 exam EBI 1=To develop further #e should practice magnification calculations, and memorise the structures of key biological molecules. 2=To develop further #e should memorise how to use a microscope, including setting the total magnification. 3=To develop further #e should review and memorise the data processing and explanations associated with the osmosis required practical activity. 4=To develop further #e should memorise the events of the cell cycle and information about stem cells, including their use in therapeutic cloning. 5=To develop further #e should memorise the locations of organs in the digestive system. 6=To develop further #e should review the role of binding in enzyme action, and memorise the required practical activity of testing for biological molecules. 7=To develop further #e should practice questions involving unfamiliar experiments, to develop flexibility in applying #h understanding. 8=To develop further #e should memorise structures and components of the circulatory system, including the blood, heart and vessels. 9=To develop further #e should review surface area to volume ratio, including calculations, impact on transport in organisms and adaptations for gas exchange. 10=To develop further #e should review the sub-topic of respiration, including memorisation of the locations and processes of all types of respiration, and uses of energy in organisms. 11=To develop further #e should memorise the process of photosynthesis, including the energy transfers involved. 12=To develop further #e should practice questions involving applying #h biological understanding to broader contexts, such as agriculture. COMMENTS: Report 3b Y11 mock EBI 1=To develop further #e should memorise how to use a microscope and the structures of animal and plant cells. 2=To develop further #e should review the foundation knowledge relating to enzymes, including the 'lock and key' theory, the impact of pH and temperature and the required practical activity. 3=To develop further #e should memorise the adaptations of the small intestine and work to decode questions referring to water and cells by applying #h knowledge of osmosis. 4=To develop further #e should re-read answers carefully to ensure #e is answering the question precisely. 5=To develop further #e should read questions carefully, annotating diagrams and description of the unfamiliar contexts as #e applies #h knowledge, and ensuring #e answers the precise question being asked. 6=To develop further #e should memorise the cell structures found in leaves and the roles of xylem and phloem tissue. 7=To develop further #e should review the mechanism of photosynthesis and apply #h knowledge of enzyme activity to explain the impact of temperature on photosynthesis rate. 8=To develop further #e should review the method and expected results for the decay required practical activity, applying #h knowledge of factors affecting enzyme activity. 9=To develop further #e should use flow maps to plan answers for explanations involving multiple logic steps. 10=To develop further #e should review the practical ecology techniques, including population size estimates and investigations into the abundance or distribution of organisms. 11=To develop further #e should memorise the cause and mechanism of global warming, and should ensure #e applies #h own knowledge as well as interpreting data when evaluating evidence. 12=To develop further #e should review the geotropism required practical and memorise the explanation for auxin's action in both roots and shoots, and in response to both light and gravity. 13=To develop further #e should memorise the foundational knowledge of how body temperature is controlled. 14=To develop further #e should memorise the mechanism by which the hormone ADH controls water levels in the body. COMMENTS: Report 4 Next steps 1=To fulfil #h potential, #e should complete regular self-quizzing of prior content to build a solid foundational knowledge, for example using #quizzing-option. 2=To maximise #h improvement, #e should focus regular revision on quizzing rather than note-making, to strengthen #h retrieval of knowledge. 3=To improve, #e should review errors from recent assessments and complete regular memorisation testing to secure this vulnerable knowledge. 4=To solidify and strengthen #h knowledge #e should use past question practice to identify vulnerable processes or concepts, following this with focused quizzing to fill the identified gaps. 5=To improve, #e should practice past questions involving applying understanding to unfamiliar contexts to develop the flexibility of #h understanding. 6=To reach #h goals it is essential that #e consistently practices past questions, reviewing the markschemes until #e becomes more familiar with the common requirements. 7=To fulfil #h potential, #e should re-read #h answers to check for accurate use of specialist terminology and clear phrasing. 8=To maximise #h achievement in the upcoming examinations #e should incorporate #question-type question practice into #h revision schedule. Upon marking these #e should self-explain why any unachieved marking points are relevant to the question, in order to develop awareness of common requirements and decoding strategies. 9=To improve #e should practise #question-type questions with planning time, allowing #h to condense #h understanding and apply it more accurately to fit the specific question requirements. COMMENTS: Report 5 Round off 1=Well done, #N! 2=Keep working hard, #N. 3=I wish #N well as #e works towards #h final goals. 4=Good luck, #N. 5=A very impressive year overall! 6=#N needs to ask for help when unsure. COMMENTS: UCAS 1 1=#N is #attribute, who is quick to understand even the more challenging concepts. 2=#N is #attribute, who is consistently #general-ability. 3=#N is #attribute, who has gained confidence in #general-ability throughout the course. 4=#N is #attribute, who is progressively #general-ability. 5=#N is #attribute, who is working towards realising #h full academic potential. 6=#N is #attribute, who often extends #h knowledge through additional reading and subsequently tests #h understanding by asking pertinent questions. COMMENTS: UCAS 2 1=#E has worked hard to develop understanding in the #Y12-topic topic and has made progress in #communication-skill. 2=#E has worked hard to develop understanding in the #Y12-topic topic and shown particular strength in #communication-skill. 3=#E has shown particular strength in the #Y12-topic topic and has worked to develop skills in #communication-skill. 4=#E has show particular strength in the #Y12-topic topic and in #communication-skill. COMMENTS: UCAS 3 1=#N shows excellent practical skills, such as #practical-skill, which is supported by #data-skill. 2=#N is increasingly showing skills in #practical-skill, which is supported by excellent #data-skill. 3=#N shows excellent practical skills in #practical-skill, and is progressing in #data-skill. 4=#N is increasingly showing skills in #practical-skill and is progressing in #data-skill. 5=#N has shown resilience when developing practical skills, such as #practical-skill, and #h abilities in #data-skill are secure. 6=#N has shown resilience when developing practical skills, such as #practical-skill, and is progressing well in #data-skill. COMMENTS: UCAS 4 1=#N has a good awareness of #h strengths and weaknesses in Biology, and works with focus to fill gaps in #h knowledge. 2=#N has a good awareness of #h strengths and weaknesses in Biology, and asks insightful questions that extend #h understanding. 3=#N has a good awareness of #h strengths and weaknesses in Biology, and asks insightful questions to test #h understanding. 4=#N is a reflective student, who works hard to consolidate #h understanding. 5=#N is a reflective student, who checks #h understanding by asking questions. 6=#N is a reflective student, who is constantly striving to improve #h understanding of the concepts #e finds challenging. 7=#N is a reflective student, who uses memorisation techniques to improve knowledge of weaker topics. 8=#N is a reflective student, who uses self-quizzing to improve knowledge in areas of weakness. 9=#N is a reflective student, who has recognised and acted on a need to develop written communication through past question practice. 10=#N is becoming more consistent in evaluating #h understanding of concepts and seeking support to make improvements. 11=#N is becoming more consistent in evaluating #h understanding of concepts and working independently to improve the associated knowledge. 12=#N is becoming more consistent in evaluating #h performance in tasks and seeking support to make improvements. 13=#N is becoming more consistent in evaluating #h performance in tasks and working independently to improve the associated knowledge. 14=#N consistently strives to produce #h best work, reflecting on areas for improvement and responding by #?. 15=#N acts on advice to improve #h work, including by #?. COMMENTS: UCAS 5 1=#N is an excellent ambassador in #h role as subject officer. This involves promoting Biology to the school community and communicating with prospective students and visitors. 2=#N demonstrated their interest in Biology through the writing of #h extended essay. In this investigation #e #?. 3=#N is a valued member of the school's STEAM club, supporting the engagement and development of younger students. 4=#N displays engagement in extra-curricular reading opportunities. 5=#N displays engagement in extra-curricular reading opportunities, initiating discussions that demonstrate a wide-ranging interest in Biology. 6=#N displays engagement in extra-curricular reading opportunities, initiating discussions that demonstrate a particular interest in the area of #?. LIST: attribute 1=an able biologist 2=a capable biologist 3=a committed biologist 4=a conscientious student 5=a dedicated biologist 6=a diligent student 7=an eloquent biologist 8=an engaged biologist 9=an enthusiastic biologist 10=a gifted biologist 11=a hard-working student 12=an independent student 13=an inquisitive biologist 14=an intelligent student 15=a mature student 16=a motivated biologist 17=an outstanding biologist 18=a reflective biologist 19=a talented biologist 20=a very able biologist LIST: communication-skill 1=articulating #h understanding with clarity and precision 2=communicating effectively with peers and staff 3=oral and written expression 4=peer-teaching by helping others clarify misconceptions 5=peer-teaching, demonstrating a deep understanding 6=presenting #h understanding clearly during discussions 7=presenting ideas clearly in written work 8=presenting logical explanations in written work 9=presenting work in a mature manner 10=presenting work with care 11=using terminology with precision 12=writing coherent and detailed explanations LIST: data-skill 1=appropriately manipulating data independently 2=manipulating data accurately 3=identifying anomalous data 4=analysing data with rigor 5=describing and interpreting trends in data 6=interpreting and explaining trends in data 7=relating results to biological knowledge 8=relating results to biological processes 9=drawing accurate conclusions by applying sound understanding 10=drawing complex conclusions from data 11=drawing sound conclusions from data 12=evaluating the accuracy of data 13=evaluating the precision of data 14=evaluating the repeatability of data LIST: general-ability 1=grasping biological knowledge and principles 2=demonstrating a thirst for knowledge and understanding 3=exhibiting an interest in a wide range of topics 4=applying concepts to other biological phenomena 5=applying knowledge a wide variety of contexts 6=applying knowledge to familiar contexts 7=applying knowledge to unfamiliar contexts 8=committing to furthering #h knowledge 9=enjoying discussion of concepts to extend #h understanding 10=taking initiative in approaching new concepts 11=taking initiative in solidifying #h understanding 12=showing perseverance in the topics #e finds most demanding 13=showing persistence when confronting challenging problems 14=rationalising new concepts using biological fundamentals 15=rationalising new concepts using previous knowledge 16=recalling factual knowledge clearly and concisely 17=striving to achieve a high standard in all tasks 18=demonstrating understanding of biological concepts LIST: practical-skill 1=adjusting methods to improve the data quality 2=confidently and independently following methods 3=confidently following methods independently with precision 4=creatively suggesting extensions to investigations 5=designing valid methods 6=evaluating methods based on apparatus accuracy and precision 7=evaluating methods based on the validity of the protocol 8=designing valid protocols and accurately executing them 9=executing protocols methodically 10=executing protocols methodically and accurately 11=performing complex methods accurately 12=performing complex methods independently 13=problem solving protocols to produce accurate and valid data 14=recording data with accuracy and precision 15=using a range of manipulative techniques safely 16=using a range of techniques safely and with precision LIST: question-type 1=a range of 2=application 3=calculation 4=data 5=discussion 6=explanation 7=evaluation 8=extended response 9=levelled 10=multiple choice 11=outline 12=practical-based LIST: quizzing-option 1=Carousel 2=knowledge bank faded models on Teams 3=online knowledge bank 4=Bioninja app or worksheets LIST: Y12-topic 1=cell biology 2=metabolism 3=molecular biology 4=physiology 5=plant biology /*========================================= /* HELP: Creating & Importing Files /*========================================= /* /* See also, YouTube Teacher Training Video at: /* SCHOOL REPORT WRITER .COM /* https://schoolreportwriter.com/ /* /* #N - Name /* #E - She/He/They /* #e - she/he/they /* #H - His/Her/Their /* #h = his/her/their /* #b - girl/boy/child /* #m - him/her/them /* #s - herself/himself/themself /* #? - be prompted for text later e.g. #N achieved #?% in the exam. /* #your-list-name - select from a list later e.g. #N excelled in #topics. /* {BR} - line break; {BR}{BR} - double line break. /* /* /* DID YOU KNOW? /* /* You can also import comment files in the, /* Teachers Report Assistant format. /* There are 1000s around the web. /* School Report Writer automatically converts them. /* /* /* YOUR EXISTING COMMENTS ARE SAFE: /* /* When you upload, you will be shown the comments /* you are about to import. You will be told if names /* are already in use and you can pick-&-click which /* comments to add to your comment bank. /* /* /* USE 'PLAIN TEXT' (.txt) FILES ONLY: /* /* Import files must be 'plain text'. The easiest way to /* create one is to download a comment file from our site /* and open it on your computer. On most systems it will /* automatically open in a plain text editor. If you /* make changes and save, the file should automatically be /* saved as plain text. On PCs it will usually open in /* NotePad. On Macs, usually TextEdit. In Word, and other /* word processors, use 'save as' (see Word File menu) /* and then choose file type: 'text only/plain text'. /* /* /* ADDING HELPFUL NOTES: /* /* Lines starting /* are for notes (like this line). /* They are ignored when files are imported. /* You can add notes anywhere in the file. Blank lines /* are also ignored and can also be included anywhere. /* /* /* COMMENTS AND LISTS: /* /* Files contain groups of comments and lists. /* Each group should start with either: /* /* COMMENTS: your-comment-name-here /* or /* LIST: your-list-name-here /* /* List names are 2-30 characters long and contain /* only letters, numbers, '&', hyphens and NO SPACES. /* /* Comment names can include spaces, and any other /* characters except: < > \ # (max length 50). /* /* Each group may include up to 20 numbered lines, e.g. /* /* COMMENTS: Science Yr7 project work /* 1= #N's work on #Science-topics was excellent. /* 2= #N gave an inspiring #Science-topics presentation. /* 3= #N received a well-deserved A+ in #Science-topics. /* 4= etc... /* /* LIST: Science-topics /* 1= Heating and Cooling /* 2= Light and Sound /* 3= Exploring Magnetism /* 4= Changing Earth /* 5= etc... /* /* REMINDER... lines beginning /* are for notes. /* So to import the two science examples above, /* you would need to remove the /*, otherwise /* the lines would be ignored when imported. /* /* /* NEED MORE HELP? support@SchoolReportWriter.com - we usually reply the same day. /* /* SCHOOL REPORT WRITER .COM /* https://schoolreportwriter.com/ /* The FREE ONLINE school report writing software & school report card comments bank.