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COMMENTS: 11 Chem content Sem 1 1=#N has experienced difficulty with balancing chemical equations. #E will need to revisit this concept as it is crucial to developing further skills in Chemistry. 2=#N has demonstrated a pleasing grasp of the concepts and calculations introduced in quantitative chemistry. 3=#N has been challenged by the concepts and calculations introduced in quantitative chemistry. #E is encouraged to keep revising and practising these types of problems as they are necessary for all future modules of the course. 4=#N is developing in #h grasp of the concepts and calculations introduced in quantitative chemistry. #E is encouraged to keep revising and practising these types of problems as they are necessary for all future modules of the course. COMMENTS: Application improvement 1=If #N can keep up #h current work ethic #e should continue to do well. 2=With motivation and a positive attitude #e could reach #h full potential in this subject. 3=#N has been a pleasure to teach so far this year and with continuation of #h positive attitude and work ethic #e should continue to excel. 4=#N has been a valuable member of the class and it is hoped that #h hard work and positive attitude continues. 5=#N's progress this year has been very pleasing. It is hoped that #e will continue to show such a positive attitude in year #Year-level. 6=#N has the ability to do well in science and could improve if #e put more effort into #h work. It is hoped that #e takes up this challenge next #Time-period. COMMENTS: Application positive 1=If #N can keep up #h current work ethic #e should continue to do well. 2=With motivation and a positive attitude #e could reach #h full potential in this subject. 3=#N has been a pleasure to teach so far this year and with continuation of #h positive attitude and work ethic #e should continue to excel. 4=#N has been a valuable member of the class and it is hoped that #h hard work and positive attitude continues. 5=#N's progress this year has been extremely pleasing. It is hoped that #e will continue to show such a positive attitude in year #Year-level. 6=#N has the ability to do well in science and could improve if #e put more effort into #h work. It is hoped that #e will take up this challenge next #Time-period. COMMENTS: Areas of success 1=#E contributes positively to class discussions, often asking insightful questions. 2=#E is consistently prepared for class and works diligently to complete assigned tasks on time. 3=#E designed a high-quality experiment for #h student research project, demonstrating a thorough understanding of the scientific method. 4=#E has performed above-average on most tasks throughout the #Time-period which is a fitting reward for #h consistent efforts. 5=#E has found much of the content challenging this semester and has struggled to perform well in tests and examinations. 6=#E has achieved a high ranking on most tasks this semester. 7=#E has a keen desire to do well in Science and takes the time to complete all tasks thoroughly. 8=Throughout this semester, #e has performed better on written tasks than #e has in test and examination situations. 9=During this semester, #e has tended to perform better on tests and examinations than #e has on written tasks. 10=#E is to be commended for #h efforts in preparing for the final examation. 11=At times #e is engaged, completing practical tasks efficiently and asking questions to clarify #h understanding. 12=#E works efficiently through both practical and theoretical tasks and is able to make meaningful connections between the two. 13=#E is diligent in copying down notes and is quick to ask questions to clarify #h understanding. 14=At times #e fully engages in practical tasks and makes relevant contributions to class discussions. 15=#E contributes meaningfully to class discussions and takes the time to wrestle through new concepts until #e understands them clearly. 16=#E manages #h time well in class and has completed all tasks this semester in a timely manner. 17=#E has a keen desire to do well in Science and takes the time to wrestle through new concepts until #e understands them clearly. 18=#E is generally an active participant in practical activities but may benefit from more thoughtful reflection on the results obtained. 19=#E participates well in practical activities and gives thought to the connections between the practical and theoretical aspects of this course. 20=#E is able to work efficiently through practical activities, and is capable of thoughtful analysis of the results. COMMENTS: Areas of success - Year 7 Sem 1 1=#E contributes positively to class discussions, often asking insightful questions. 2=#E is consistently prepared for class and works diligently to complete assigned tasks on time. 3=#E has performed above-average on most tasks throughout the semester which is a fitting reward for #h consistent efforts. 4=#E has found much of the content challenging this semester and has struggled to perform well in tests and reportable tasks. 5=#E has a keen desire to do well in Science and takes the time to complete all tasks thoroughly. 6=Throughout this semester, #e has performed better on written tasks than #e has in test situations. 7=During this semester, #e has tended to perform better on tests than #e has on written tasks that are completed outside of class time. 8=At times #e is engaged, completing practical tasks efficiently and asking questions to clarify #h understanding. 9=#E works efficiently through both practical and theoretical tasks and is able to make meaningful connections between the two. 10=#E is diligent in copying down notes and is quick to ask questions to clarify #h understanding. 11=At times #e fully engages in practical tasks and makes relevant contributions to class discussions. 12=#E contributes meaningfully to class discussions and takes the time to wrestle through new concepts until #e understands them clearly. 13=#E manages #h time well in class and has completed all tasks this semester in a timely manner. 14=#E has a keen desire to do well in Science and takes the time to wrestle through new concepts until #e understands them clearly. 15=#E is generally an active participant in practical activities but may benefit from more thoughtful reflection on the results obtained. 16=#E participates well in practical activities and gives thought to the connections between the practical and theoretical aspects of this course. 17=#E is able to work efficiently through practical activities and is capable of thoughtful analysis of the results. 18=#E prefers not to contribute to class discussions but is diligent in working through assigned tasks. 19=#E works best with individual assistance and is encouraged to seek help early when concepts or requirements are unclear. 20=#H practical skills are developing and #e has demonstrated a sound understanding of scientific concepts. COMMENTS: Assessment - Absent 1=#N has started Semester 1 with #startofyear set of results, so far, and #attitude attitude. 2=#N has made steady progress throughout the term. 3=#N has made #SampleRatingList start to the year. 4=#N has made a poor start to the course, but there are signs of improvement in #h attitude of late. 5=#N has made big improvements in science and should be proud of #s. 6=Throughout this semester #N has been able to remain focused on set tasks and as a result has continued to progress. 7=#N has remained consistent with #h effort in science. 8=#N has made some progress this semester, and although #e has found some of the content challenging, #e has been working hard to improve. COMMENTS: Assessment - Assignment Improvement 1=#N would also benefit from asking questions to clarify #h understanding of scientific concepts and #e should endeavour to show more creativity in the selection of a medium to display projects. 2=N must ensure that #e carefully addresses the marking criteria and consults #h teacher when experiencing difficulties. 3=To improve #h grade #N needs to apply #s more during assignment work. 4=#N assignment work shows room for improvement. 5=#N would benefit from showing creativity in the selection of a medium to display projects. 6=With more effort to ensure #e is answering questions in assignments according to the marking criteria provided, #N has the ability to improve and achieve very pleasing results. 7=#N would benefit from paying closer attention to the marking criteria when completing assessment tasks. 8=#N needs to devote more effort to the completion of assessment tasks and should pay closer attention to the marking criteria used to grade them. 9=#N would benefit from submitting a draft assessment to receive feedback from their teacher prior to submission of all tasks. 10=As #N progresses into #h senior studies, I encourage #m to submit a draft of #h assessments for feedback to ensure #e is able to maximise #h marks. 11=#N needs to seek clarification from #h teacher to gain a better understanding of the detail required to be successful with #h tasks. 12=I encourage #N to read the marking criteria of assessment tasks carefully to know what is being asked of #m and to submit a draft to gain valuable feedback prior to handing the task in. 13=I encourage #N to seek more clarification with written assessments and to read the marking guidelines carefully so that #e has more success with them. 14=I would also encourage #N to submit a draft to gain valuable feedback prior to handing the task in. COMMENTS: Assessment - General Performance 1=The creativity shown in #N selection of a medium to display #h project work is impressive. 2=#N's overall result is quite pleasing. #E has demonstrated a distinct aptitude for understanding scientific concepts and has been an active member in all aspects of this class. #N's assessments show that #e has the ability to present information using a range of technologies to a specific audience and that #e has the ability to recall scientific knowledge to answer exam style questions. 3=#N has consistently performed to a #grd standard in Science this semester. 4=#N has demonstrated a #grd level of knowledge and understanding of scientific concepts taught this semester. 5=#N has worked consistently this year and has been rewarded for #h effort. #H exam mark has shown a solid understanding of scientific concepts. #E is able to use and manipulate data effectively and apply scientific skills to answer exam style questions. 6=#N has only been able to demonstrate a #grd level of knowledge and understanding of scientific concepts taught this semester. 7=#N has demonstrated a #grd level of knowledge and understanding in Science. This is a significant improvement to #h performance in the first semester and #e should be proud of this achievement. 8=#N performed to a #grd level in the #? this semester. 9=#N's performance in the #? was of a #grd standard. 10=#N's performance in the #? was #grd. 11=However, #h performance in the #? shows room for improvement. 12=However, #e was only able to demonstrate a #Grd level of knowledge and understanding in the #?. 13=#N has improved this semester and is congratulated on #h efforts. However, #h overall grade is still impacted by #h performance in first semester. 14=However, #h performance in the #? was of a #grd standard and #e was only able to demonstrate a #Grd level of knowledge and understanding in the #?. 15=#N's #? assessment task was submitted #? days late and this significantly affected #h overall grade. 16=#N failed to submit #h #? assessment task until well after the due date and this has had a significant effect on #h overall grade. 17=It was a disappointment to see #N's grades slip in assessment tasks this year as #e is capable of better. 18=#N found the unit on #? particularly challenging which was reflected in #h test result. 19=#N's exam result was a little disappointing and does not reflect #h commitment to #h studies. 20=#N's #? test was a little disappointing even though it was an open book test. This highlights the need for #N to ensure #h work book is kept tidy and up to date to ensure #e is able to access the information #e needs. COMMENTS: Assessment - N-Determination 1=Failure to complete and submit an assignment has negatively affected #N results and has the potential to jeopardise #h attainment of a RoSA for Science. 2=#N failed to submit #h #? assessment task. This has had a significant impact upon #h grade. 3=Unfortunately #N overall grade is still hampered by #h failure to submit a task in Semester 1. 4=#N failed to submit #h #? until well after the due date. This has had a significant impact upon #h overall grade. COMMENTS: Assessment - Research Tasks 1=#N has worked hard this year on all of #h assessment tasks but I was especially impressed with the #Grd quality of #h #? assessment task. 2=#N's assessment tasks have been done to a minimum standard and are often handed in late. To improve #e needs to #How-to-improve. 3=Although #h #? was satisfactory, I do expect #m to do more background research next time. 4=#N's assessment tasks are always of a #Grd standard as demonstrated in #h #? assignment. 5=#N's performance in assessment tasks has varied considerably, however #h #? assignment was of a #Grd standard. COMMENTS: Assessment - Test and Assignment Improvement 1=#N has the ability to further improve #h grades if #e adopts a thorough and consistent approach towards revising for tests and continues to carefully answer all questions in research assignments according to the marking criteria provided. 2=However, there is still some room for improvement. With a diligent approach to future assignments, ensuring that #e carefully addresses the provided marking criteria and maintaining consistent effort in revising for tests, #N has the potential to attain excellent grades. 3=#N has the ability to improve #h grades if #e adopts a thorough and consistent approach towards revising for tests and carefully answers all questions in research assignments according to the marking criteria provided. 4=To improve #h grades, #N needs to adopt a thorough and consistent approach towards revising for tests and needs to carefully answer all questions in research assignments according to the marking criteria provided. 5=#N would benefit from applying a greater effort to carefully revise for tests and complete assignments according to the marking criteria provided if #e is to achieve to #h full potential. 6=I encourage #N to seek assistance when #e does not understand concepts being taught or criteria being used to grade assessment tasks. 7=#N needs to spend more time preparing for assessment tasks and should seek clarification when #e does not understand concepts taught. 8=#N needs to continue to work hard in Science and should consult the teacher when #e does not understand concepts taught or criteria used to grade assessments. 9=I encourage #N to submit drafts of #h assessments for feedback and to revise carefully #h work especially in the lead up to #h exams. COMMENTS: Assessment - Test Improvement 1=#N should adopt a thorough and consistent approach towards revising for tests. #E should also seek clarification from #h teacher when #e does not understand concepts taught in class. 2=#N's result in the #? suggests that #e needs to adopt a more thorough and consistent approach towards revising for tests. #E should also seek clarification from #h teacher when #e does not understand concepts taught in class. 3=#N needs to revise work more regularly, rather than just around test time. #E should also seek clarification from #h teacher when #e does not understand concepts taught in class. 4=#N needs to spend more time revising for tests and should seek clarification from the teacher when #e does not understand concepts taught in class. 5=#N's grade would improve if #e spent time revising material taught in class before tests and exams. #E should also seek clarification from #h teacher when #e does not understand concepts taught in class. 6=I encourage #N to seek clarification on any concept that #e has not fully understood and to revise #h work consistently to gain a deeper knowledge, especially in the lead up to tests and exams. 7=I encourage #N to set #s a study timetable to ensure #e is adequately prepared in the lead up to #h exams. 8=#E would also benefit from more thorough and conscientious note taking skills. 9=#N would also benefit from a more thorough and conscientious approach to #h note taking skills. 10=#N's exam result shows #e still has some areas that require extra work and I encourage #h to ask more questions in class to consolidate #h learning. I would also like to see #N maintain a regular revision program especially in the lead up to #h exams. 11=Whilst #h overall result is pleasing, I would like to see #N revise #h work more thoroughly in the lead up to exams and to consult more frequently with #h teacher to facilitate a deeper understanding. 12=I encourage #N to seek more assistance from #h teacher to help deepen #h understanding of the more difficult scientific concepts #e is yet to master. COMMENTS: Assessments - Year 7 Sem 2 1=#N produced an excellent report on #h chosen Australian animal and presented it to the class with confidence. 2=#N produced #a-an-competence report on #h chosen Australian animal and is to be commended for the quality of #h oral presentation. 3=#N put a lot of effort into the presentation of #h Australian animal research report, however some details were lacking. 4=#N worked well as part of #h group when conducting the Crash Test Dummy investigation and produced a #competence report. 5=#N produced #a-an-competence report on #h chosen Australian animal but lacked confidence when presenting it to the class. 6=#N worked well as part of #h group when conducting the Crash Test Dummy investigation and demonstrated a #competence understanding of the related theory. 7=#N worked well as part of #h group when conducting the Crash Test Dummy investigation but found it challenging to link the results to the theory covered in class. COMMENTS: Behaviour - Commendable 1=#N is a #adj student who actively seeks to participate in class discussions and does so to demonstrate a well developed understanding of scientific concepts. 2=#N has maintained a pleasing approach towards completing set work during lessons and is deserving of praise for #h efforts. 3=#N always strives to reach #h full potential in class and is a positive influence on #h peers. 4=#N has exceptional note taking skills and #e takes pride in keeping a neat, well organised work book. 5=#N is a #adj student who is well behaved in class and completes work to the best of #h ability. 6=#N has displayed a mature and conscientious approach to learning this semester. 7=#N is a well mannered and highly capable student who applies consistent effort to complete set work during lessons. 8=#N's behaviour in class is commendable. 9=The level of enthusiasm that #N shows in Science is commendable. 10=#N is an outstanding student who has worked very hard throughout the #Time-period and I expect #m to do well in Science next year. 11=It is a real pleasure to have #N in the classroom. 12=#N has worked consistently throughout the semester and has achieved some pleasing results. #E is capable of working well both in group work and individually. 13=#N has a solid work ethic and #h behaviour in class is commendable. 14=#N has an effervescent nature and contributes well to all facets of the class. 15=#N is an active participant in class discussions and seeks clarification of any concept #e has not fully understood. 16=#N has been an active member of this class, participating well in all aspects of the course. #E is able to work effectively and safely in group practical work and can be relied upon to start work quickly with minimal fuss. 17=#N has contributed well to group work activities and can be relied upon to work safely in practical tasks. 18=#N has a keen interest in Science and a level of curiosity that encourages #m to research ideas further and enabling #m to contribute well to classroom discussions. 19=#N is a delightful student with a solid work ethic. #E undertakes all activities with minimal fuss and can be relied upon to work safely and effectively during both practical and individual tasks. 20=#N has been a delightful student displaying a strong work ethic and commitment to do well. #E participates well in class discussions and is an active participant in practical work. #N has the confidence to seek clarification from #h teacher for any concepts #e has not fully understood. COMMENTS: Behaviour - Device 1=#N should refrain from using #h mobile phone in class as it is a source of distraction to #h learning. 2=#N should refrain from using #h mobile phone in class. This is an area where #e could seek to improve to ensure that #e does not miss gaining important scientific knowledge and skills. 3=#N finds it difficult to manage the distraction of using #h device. This is an area where #E should seek to improve so that #e does not miss out on gaining important knowledge and understanding in this course. COMMENTS: Behaviour - Disruptive 1=#N is a friendly student who has the potential to work well in class. 2=When engaged in learning #e has the ability to demonstrate a well informed and high level of intelligence. 3=#N usually completes work to the best of #h ability. 4=Unfortunately, #N often requires reminders to not participate in distracting and disruptive behaviour with #h peers. This is an area where #e should seek to improve if #e is to ensure that #e takes the opportunity that school offers #m. 5=#N does not always use class time to #h advantage and can become distracted at times. I encourage #m to focus in class and ignore distractions. 6=#N needs to learn to focus #h energy on learning activities when in class. 7=#N has had a mixed #Time-period but there are signs of improvement in #h behaviour of late. 8=There has been some improvement in #h level of attention of late that I hope will continue. 9=To #h credit #e has shown improvement of late. COMMENTS: Behaviour - New Student 1=#N seems to have settled in well at Southern Cross. I commend #h ability to make good decisions when selecting peers and #e is well behaved in class. 2=#N seems to have settled in well at Southern Cross. #E is an affable student and #h behaviour in class is commendable. 3=#N seems to have settled in well at Southern Cross. #E is a polite student and #h behaviour in class is commendable. 4=#N has shown a mature and conscientious approach to learning since #h arrival at Southern Cross. 5=I look forward to teaching #N Science. 6=I look forward to teaching #N Science in the remainder of the school year. 7=At this stage there is not enough evidence to provide #N with a grade in Science. 8=#N was able to demonstrate a #Grd level of knowledge and understanding in the yearly exam. COMMENTS: Behaviour - Poor Attendance 1=#N completes work to a satisfactory level when in class. However, #h attendance is cause for concern. 2=However, #h attendance is cause for concern. 3=#N would benefit from a higher attendance to ensure that #e is not missing out on important scientific knowledge, skills and understanding. 4=#H attendance is also cause for concern. COMMENTS: Behaviour - Poor Participation in Pracs 1=#N is generally well behaved in class. 2=#N needs to work on #h group work skills during practical activities. 3=#N is reluctant to participate in practical work. This is an area that shows room for improvement to ensure that #e is not missing out on important practical and group work skills. 4=To #h credit #N has shown improvement of late. COMMENTS: Behaviour - Quiet 1=Although #N does not voluntarily participate in class discussions, when asked direct questions #e is comfortably able to demonstrate #h understanding. 2=#N would also benefit from showing creativity in the selection of a medium to display projects. 3=#N is a quiet student who works well in class and always completes work to the best of #h ability. #N could aim to increase #h involvement in class discussions to help clarify #h thoughts and ideas. However, when questions are directed to #m #e demonstrates a sound understanding of scientific concepts. 4=#N is quiet in class and should be encouraged to ask questions when #e does not understand concepts taught. 5=#N needs to ensure that #e asks questions to clarify #h understanding of scientific concepts. 6=#N needs to ensure that #e asks questions to enable a deeper understanding of scientific concepts. 7=#N is a quiet student who works well in class. #E needs to ensure that #e asks questions to clarify #h understanding of concepts taught. 8=#N is a quiet member of class who chooses to listen to classroom discussion rather than participate but is able to answer questions directed towards #m confidently. 9=#N is a quiet and effective worker in all lessons. Although #e chooses not to participate in class discussions, #e listens intently and is able to answer any question specifically directed to #m. 10=#N is a well mannered and highly capable student who applies consistent effort to complete set work during lessons. #N needs to ensure that #e asks questions to clarify #h understanding of scientific concepts. COMMENTS: Behaviour - Requires Prompting 1=#N is a #adj student who, with prompting, completes assigned work in class. 2=#N needs to listen carefully to teacher instructions in class and should seek clarification when #e does not understand the requirements of set activities. 3=#N is prone to distractions and needs to focus on learning activities when in class. 4=#N is often slow to attend class and slow to commence work. This is an area where #e could seek to improve to ensure that #e does not miss gaining important scientific knowledge and skills. 5=#N needs prompting to initiate #h engagement in lessons. This is an area where #e could seek to improve to ensure that #e does not miss gaining important scientific knowledge and skills. 6=In class #N needs constant supervision to ensure that #e is on task. 7=To #h credit #e has shown improvement of late. 8=#H engagement in learning is improving. COMMENTS: Behaviour - Talkative 1=Sometimes #e can be disruptive during class. 2=At times #e requires reminders to limit socialising with peers so that it doesn't distract #m from learning. This is an area where #N could seek to improve to ensure that #e does not miss gaining important scientific knowledge and skills. 3=At times #N can be too talkative and would benefit from a greater focus on learning activities during lessons. 4=At times #N can be a little chatty which could lead to #m missing some important explanations, but #e is able to be quickly directed back on task. 5=Sometimes #e can be disruptive during class. This behavior has impeded #h learning and in turn has affected #h grade. 6=#H behavior in class has been highly disruptive with contant irrelevant or inapporpriate comments and I would appreciate a curb in this behavior. 7=Sometimes #e can be disruptive during class. While the disruption has not affected #h grade, it distracts the rest of the class. 8=#N would find #h work a lot easier if #e concentrated more on #h work and less time creating distractions. COMMENTS: Best attributes 1=#N is generally a diligent and respectful student. 2=#N is generally a quiet, diligent student who takes responsibility for #h own learning. 3=#N is a quiet, unassuming student who values #h education. 4=#N presents #s confidently and is able to verbalise #h developing ideas about a range of concepts in Science. 5=#N is a well-mannered student who engages positively with #h studies. 6=#N is a friendly student with a positive outlook. 7=#N is a lively participant in class discussions and the practical aspects of this course. 8=#N is a friendly, motivated student who has demonstrated a thorough understanding of the concepts presented in this course. 9=#N is a quiet student who works best with individual assistance. 10=#N is a friendly and respectful student who has consistently achieved excellent results in Science. 11=#N is a respectful student who has demonstrated a sound grasp of essential skills in Science. 12=#N is an enthusiastic student who contributes meaningfully to class discussions. 13=#N is a #? student who has been challenged by many aspects of Science this semester. 14=#N is a capable student who prefers to work independently when possible. 15=#N is a friendly student with a keen desire to do well in Science. 16=#N is a polite, conscientious student. 17=#N has fluctuated in #h commitment to achieving in Science this semester. 18=#N is a quiet student who has demonstrated a sound understanding of the scientific concepts encountered this semester. 19=#N is a quiet student who shows a pleasing interest in Science 20=#N is a likeable student who has worked well on a number of practical activities in Science. COMMENTS: Best attributes - Chem 1=#N is generally a diligent and respectful student. 2=#N is generally a quiet, diligent student who takes responsibility for #h own learning. 3=#N is a quiet, unassuming student who values #h education. 4=#N presents #s confidently and is able to verbalise #h developing ideas when prompted. 5=#N is a well-mannered student who engages positively with #h studies. 6=#N is a friendly student with a positive outlook. 7=#N is a lively participant in class discussions and the practical aspects of this course. 8=#N is a friendly, motivated student who has demonstrated a thorough understanding of the concepts presented in this course. 9=#N is a quiet student who works best with individual assistance. 10=#N is a friendly and respectful student who has consistently achieved excellent results in Chemistry. 11=#N is a respectful student who has demonstrated a sound grasp of essential skills in Chemistry. 12=#N is an enthusiastic student who contributes meaningfully to class discussions. 13=#N is a #? student who has been challenged by many aspects of Chemistry this semester. 14=#N is a capable student who prefers to work independently when possible. 15=#N is a friendly student with a keen desire to do well in Chemistry. 16=#N is a polite, conscientious student. 17=#N has fluctuated in #h commitment to achieving in Chemistry this semester. 18=#N is a quiet student who has demonstrated a sound understanding of the Chemistry concepts encountered this semester. 19=#N is a quiet student who shows a pleasing interest in Chemistry. 20=#N is a likeable student who has worked well on a number of practical activities in Chemistry. COMMENTS: Best attributes - Year 7 Sem 1 1=#N is a #personal-attributes and #application-attributes student. 2=#N is generally a quiet, diligent student who takes responsibility for #h own learning. 3=#N is a friendly and respectful student who works diligently to complete class and homework tasks. 4=#N presents #s confidently and is able to verbalise #h developing ideas about a range of concepts in Science. 5=#N is a well-mannered student who engages positively with #h studies. 6=#N is a friendly student with a positive outlook. 7=#N is a lively participant in class discussions and the practical aspects of this course. 8=#N is a friendly, motivated student who has demonstrated a thorough understanding of the concepts presented in this course. 9=#N is a quiet student who works best with individual assistance. 10=#N is a friendly and respectful student who has consistently achieved excellent results in Science. 11=#N is a respectful student who has demonstrated a sound grasp of essential skills in Science. 12=#N is an enthusiastic student who contributes meaningfully to class discussions. 13=#N is a #? student who has been challenged by many aspects of Science this semester. 14=#N is a capable student who prefers to work independently when possible. 15=#N is a friendly student with a keen desire to do well in Science. 16=#N is a polite, conscientious student. 17=#N is a good-humoured, respectful student. 18=#N is a quiet, highly motivated student. 19=#N is a quiet student who shows a pleasing interest in Science 20=#N is a likeable student who has worked well on a number of practical activities in Science. COMMENTS: Closing sentence Improvement 1=#N has achieved a Level #? overall. With a little more effort #e could reach Level #?. 2=#N has not had the best of starts this year and is still working at Level #?. 3=#N is often distracted in class will need to increase #h effort and show more responsibility towards #h studies next term. 4=#E participates in class discussions. With continued effort and diligence I am confident #N can achieve #? next term. 5=I am confident that with continued effort and revison #e will be very successful on #h exams next term. 6=#E has had many absences during this semester and I am concerned that #e may be missing important notes that #e will need when it is time to review for exams. I recommend that #e avoid missing school whenever possible and make a stronger effort to take detailed notes in class. 7=#E needs to revise thoroughly and develop more #h practical skills in #subjects. There is still new learning to do but thorough revision and plenty of practice #e will attain a better grade. 8=#N still is lacking the commitment to do better in #subjects. 9=#E has a lot of gaps in #h understanding and #e is not meeting deadlines for assignments. #E needs to have a regular nightly revision and do more exercises to practice if #e wants to improve next semester. 10=#N needs to focus more during class in order to achieve #h potential. 11=#N needs to apply #s more to fully achieve #h potential. 12=#N has struggled with some of what we have studied. #E will require much more focused study time to make a positive impact upon results. 13=#N has not had the best of starts this year and is still working at Level #?. #E rarely completes #h work on time. To achieve more next year #e needs to #How-to-improve. 14=#N has achieved a Level #? overall. #E often works below #h best and with a little more effort #e could easily reach Level #?. To improve #e should #How-to-improve. 15=but has had difficulty understanding the concepts taught this semester. 16=#N has applied #s this year but would benefit from revising #h work to further #h understanding. 17=#N has struggled with some of what we have studied. #E will require much more focused study time to make a positive impact upon results. 18=#N has not had the best of starts this year and is still working at Level #?. #E rarely completes #h work on time. To achieve more next year #e needs to #How-to-improve. 19=#N has achieved a Level #? overall. #E often works below #h best and with a little more effort #e could easily reach Level #?. To improve #e should #How-to-improve. 20=#N has the ability to do well in science and would improve if #e put more effort into #h work. I hope #e takes up this challenge next semester COMMENTS: Closing sentence Positive 1=#N has worked well and with continued effort #e could achieve better next semester. 2=#N has worked hard and is to be commended for #h effort. 3=#N is to be commended for the effort #e applied this year. 4=#N has applied #s this year but would benefit from revising #h work to further #h understanding. 5=#N always tries #h best and has achieved a well-deserved Level #? overall. An excellent performance from a dedicated student. 6=and displays a general understanding for the subjects covered this semester. 7=and has shown a firm understanding for the subjects covered this semester. 8=#N has worked well and with continued effort #e could achieve better next semester. 9=and has shown an excellent understanding for the subjects covered this semester. 10=If #N can keep up #h current work ethic #e should continue to do well. 11=#N has been a pleasure to teach so far this year and with continuation of #h positive attitude and work ethic #e should continue to excel. 12=#N has been a valuable member of the class and I hope #h hard work and positive attitude continues. COMMENTS: Confidence 1=#N sometimes needs particular encouragement to overcome #h lack of confidence. 2=#N often seeks for validation of #h answers and #e is almost always correct. #E is bright and #e should trust #s. 3=Often, #e begins to panic early in the lesson. This makes it harder for #m to learn and it would help if #e trusted in #h abilities and gave it a chance to sink in before shutting out the information. 4=However, there are times when #e loses confidence in #h science abilities and convinces #s that #e can't do certain problems. With a little encouragement and support, I'm sure this will resolve. 5=#N should try to have a bit more confidence in #h own ability. #E often knows the correct answers and now needs to take a bit of a risk by putting #h hand up to offer an answer or get a bit more involved in the lesson. 6=#E needs to try and develop the confidence to share more of #h ideas with the rest of the class or group that #e is working with. COMMENTS: Enthusiasm 1=#E has been #effort and it has #effortresult 2=#E has shown a positive attitude towards the subject and involves #s to the best of #h ability. 3=#E is an enthusiastic member of the class and asks great questions. 4=#E is a very conscientious student and puts effort into everything #e does. 5=#E has shown a positive attitude towards the subject and involves #s to the best of #h ability. 6=#N has consistently worked to the best of #h ability. #H attitude and work ethic are a tremendous asset and I hope that #e will continue to show both for the remainder of the year 7=If #N continues to show such a positive attitude towards #h work, #e will reap the benefits in year 10. COMMENTS: Group Work 1=I would like to see #N developing #h group working skills. At present the temptation to cause distraction when working with others is to great, meaning that often #N starts to fall behind in #h work. 2=I would like to see #N developing #h ability to work more independently on tasks. At present #N gives up far too easily when the work gets difficult. #E needs to persevere and try to solve the problem #s before asking for help. 3=I would like to see #N taking a bit more of a lead in practical tasks. At the moment #e relies very heavily on other members of #h group to set up equipment and run experiments. 4=I would like to see #N developing #h ability to evaluate other peoples work and investigations, suggesting areas for improvement and analysing the quality of the evidence that other people have gathered during experiments. 5=#N also needs to improve #h graph work skills. #H needs to be more accurate when drawing graphs as well as being able to comment on the patterns and relationships that pre-drawn graphs show. COMMENTS: Group Work Improvement 1=I would like to see #N developing #h group working skills. At present the temptation to cause distraction when working with others is to great, meaning that often #N starts to fall behind in #h work. 2=I would like to see #N developing #h ability to work more independently on tasks. At present #N gives up far too easily when the work gets difficult. #E needs to persevere and try to solve the problem #s before asking for help. 3=I would like to see #N taking a bit more of a lead in practical tasks. At the moment #e relies very heavily on other members of #h group to set up equipment and run experiments. 4=I would like to see #N developing #h ability to evaluate other peoples work and investigations, suggesting areas for improvement and analysing the quality of the evidence that other people have gathered during experiments. COMMENTS: Helpful action - Sem 1 1=#E is encouraged to carefully consider the marking criteria to ensure that all components of a task have been addressed thoroughly. 2=#E is encouraged, however, to pay more careful attention to the marking criteria when completing the written component of future tasks. 3=#E would benefit from a greater commitment to #h studies and is encouraged to pay careful attention to the marking criteria when completing reportable tasks. 4=#E is encouraged, however, to manage #h time more effectively on reportable tasks to ensure that they are completed on time. 5=Moving forward, #e is encouraged to regularly revise the content covered in class and to pay close attention to the marking criteria for reportable tasks. 6=#E would benefit, however, from more careful editing of #h written work. 7=#E is encouraged to listen more attentively in class and persevere in grappling with more difficult concepts and tasks. 8=#E is encouraged to pay careful attention to #h written work to ensure accurate and thorough responses. 9=#E has consistently demonstrated a high level of understanding and is to be commended for seeking clarification when needed. 10=#E is encouraged to regularly revise the content covered in class, paying particular attention to definitions of scientific terms. 11=#E is encouraged to pay careful attention to assessment dates to ensure #e is prepared for all tasks. 12=Nevertheless, #e would benefit from more careful consideration of concepts and questions in order to improve #h reasoning and problem solving skills. 13=#E is encouraged to continue this dedicated approach throughout the remainder of the year. 14=#E is encouraged to keep up #h diligent efforts and positive attitude throughout the remainder of the year. 15=#N is encouraged to increase #h efforts on both class and homework tasks in order to improve #h results next semester. 16=#E is encouraged to pay careful attention to #h written work to ensure accurate and thorough responses and to seek assistance when #e has not fully understood concepts or instructions. 17=#E is also encouraged to spend more time editing #h written work. COMMENTS: Homework application 1=The quality of #N's written work has been consistently excellent, both in terms of content and presentation. 2=The general quality of #N's written work has been consistently very good, both in terms of content and presentation. 3=#N's written work has been rather variable, some work showing detail while other work only just adequate. 4=#N endeavours to keep up to date with #h homework tasks but may benefit from a more rigorous revision and reflection schedule as #e seeks to master new concepts and processes. 5=#N's written work, while usually acceptable, is rarely as detailed or as well presented as expected. 6=At times #N struggles with understanding written work and will need to work towards improving #h study techniques in order to lift #h overall marks. 7=#N could benefit from more consistent efforts in #h homework and regular revision of the content covered in both practical and theory lessons. 8=#N endeavours to keep up with homework tasks and has demonstrated a sound understanding of the concepts covered in this course. 9=However, #N finds the theoretical aspects of Chemistry more challenging and is often uncertain of how to approach a problem. #E could benefit from more consistent application to #h homework tasks and a regular revision schedule. 10=#N endeavours to keep up with homework tasks and is generally able to manage #h time and commitments well. 11=#N is diligent in completing #h homework and seeks extra help when concepts are unclear. COMMENTS: Improvement 1=Nevertheless, #e doubts #h ability to understand and recall many scientific facts and concepts and has frequently needed prompting to remain focused in class. 2=#N is encouraged, however, to pay more careful attention to the marking criteria when completing the written component of future tasks. 3=#E would do well, however, to spend more time reflecting on #h responses to oral and written questions as #e attempts to connect ideas together. 4=As #e enters Year #Year-level, #N is encouraged to seek clarity on classwork and to address all criteria when completing assigned tasks. 5=At other times, #N has put in less than optimal effort and this has negatively impacted #h overall performance. 6=While #e has found some aspects of the course challenging, #N is to be commended for #h willingness to seek assistance for homework and revision tasks as needed. 7=#N usually makes good use of #h class time in completing notes and activities however #e has not been consistent in completing homework tasks. 8=#N is to be commended for #h willingness to have a go at challenging tasks and #h efforts in completing all activities in a timely manner. 9=#N has prepared adequately for tests throughout the semester but #h written work has often been incomplete or lacking in detail. 10=#E is encouraged, however, to manage #h time more effectively on reportable tasks to ensure that they are completed on time. 11=#N would benefit from greater commitment to #h studies and is encouraged to pay careful attention to marking criteria when completing reportable tasks. 12=#E would also benefit from a more systematic way of keeping track of due dates to ensure that #h work is submitted in a timely manner. 13=#E is encouraged to keep up #h diligent efforts and positive attitude as #e continues into Year #Year-level. 14=#N is encouraged to increase #h efforts on both class and homework tasks in order to improve #h results next #Time-period. 15=In the future, #N is encouraged to seek assistance early to clarify instructions and #h understanding of concepts as this will give #m the best possible chance of improving upon these results. 16=#E is encouraged to give greater priority to completing practical reports as these build an important link between the practical and theoretical components of Science. 17=#E is encouraged to continue this dedicated approach as #e moves into Year #Year-level. 18=Nevertheless, #e sometimes struggles to grasp the underlying scientific concepts and is encouraged to communicate early if #e needs assistance. 19=Moving forward, #N is encouraged to regularly revise the content covered in class and to pay close attention to the marking criteria for reportable tasks. 20=#E would benefit, however, from more careful editing of #h written work. COMMENTS: Independent learning 1=#N is to be commended for #h excellent organisational skills, as evidenced during the time of online learning. 2=#N found it difficult to make progress in this subject during the time of online learning. 3=#N learns best in social situations and thus found the online learning environment quite challenging. 4=#N learns best when #e can verbalise #h developing ideas and get immediate feedback. This made the online learning environment particularly challenging for #N. 5=#N is able to work independently, as evidenced by #h continued focus and motivation during the time of online learning. 6=#N learns best in social situations and thus found it challenging to make sustained progress during the time of online learning. 7=#N was very engaged and focused during distance learning activities, and participated in class discussions. 8=#N stayed motivated to complete assignments during distance learning, and turned in all required materials on time. 9=#N needed some extra prompting to stay engaged during online lessons, but participated well in discussions when called upon. 10=#N modeled good online learning behaviour for other students. 11=#N was disruptive during online learning and did not meaningfully participate in class discussions. 12=#N handled technical problems well and was always prepared for online learning activities. 13=Although #e couldn’t always access a device, #N consistently completed online assignments and asked thoughtful questions. 14=#N’s attendance during online lessons was infrequent and assignments were not always completed. 15=#N worked well independently during distance learning activities. 16=#N rarely needed assistance during online learning activities and even helped other classmates troubleshoot issues. 17=#N asked meaningful questions during online learning activities and reached out proactively when #e needed help with assigned work. COMMENTS: Intro sentence - Sem 2 1=#N is a #attribute and #application-attributes student who #contribution. 2=#N is #attribute yet #attribute student who #contribution. 3=#N is #a-an-application-attribute student who #contribution. 4=#N is a very social student who recognises that #e works best independently and will choose to do so when possible. 5=#N struggled to stay motivated in Science this semester and often needed prompting to engage with the material presented. 6=#N is #a-an-application-attribute student who sometimes needs prompting to engage with the material presented. 7=#N #contribution. 8=#N #contribution, however #e doesn't always apply #s to learning new material at a deeper level. 9=#N is #a-an-application-attribute student in the Science classroom. 10=#N is a #attribute and #attribute student who #contribution. COMMENTS: Intro sentence negative 1=#N can work well in class. 2=At times #e requires reminders to limit socialising with peers so that it doesn't distract #m from learning. This is an area where #N could seek to improve to ensure that #e does not miss gaining important scientific knowledge and skills. 3=At times #N can be too talkative and would benefit from a greater focus on learning activities during lessons. 4=At times #N can be a little chatty which could lead to #m missing some important explanations, but #e is able to be quickly directed back on task. 5=To #h credit #N has shown improvement of late. 6=#E is very social and needs constant reminders to stay on task. 7=Sometimes #e can be disruptive during class. This behavior has impeded #h learning and in turn has affected #h grade. 8=#E often daydreams in class and misses important information 9=#H behavior in class has been highly disruptive with contant irrelevant or inapporpriate comments and I would appreciate a curb in this behavior. 10=Sometimes #e can be disruptive during class. While the disruption has not affected #h grade, it distracts the rest of the class. 11=#N would find #h work a lot easier if #e concentrated more on #h work and less time creating distractions. 12=#E should also try to ensure that #e comes to lessons suitably equipped to learn. On too many occasions #N has not had a pen, pencil or the correct footwear 13=#N should try to do #h best in all #h work as #e does tend to coast through #h lessons. If #N pushes #s more then #e will do #effortlist better. 14=#N has made a poor start to the course, but there are signs of improvement in #h attitude of late. 15=#N has started Science with #startofyear set of results, so far, and #attitude attitude. 16=#N has had a mixed year, but there are signs of improvement in #h behaviour of late. 17=#N has had a mixed year, with effort and attitude fluctuating. 18=#N is capable of achieving higher marks. Late, incomplete, or missing assignments contribute to #h effort marks and grades. 19=#N has shown glimpses of #h potential. It is now #h choice as to whether #e reaches it or not. COMMENTS: Intro sentence positive 1=#N's performance has demonstrated a good grasp of the subject concepts. 2=#N has made steady progress throughout the term. 3=#N is a pleasure to have in class and a delight to teach. 4=#N is very responsible and has shown a high level of effort. #E has worked enthusiastically throughout this year in Science. 5=#N is pleasure to have in class. #E usually completes all assignments and homework and this is reflected in #h effort marks. 6=#N is a pleasure to have in class. #E consistently completes all homework and assignments and continues to work hard to understand the concepts in #subject. 7=#N is a pleasure to have in class. #E always turns in homework and assignments on time and participates in class in a positive manner. 8=#N is a pleasure to have in class. #E is capable, however, of improving the quality of #h work. 9=#N is a plesure to have in class. However late or missing assignments are contributing to #h effort grade. 10=#N has improved #h effort toward the end of this term 11=#N has demonstrated a good understanding and knowledge of the topics cover in #subject. During the course #e has shown evidence of excellence and #h commitment to be a good student has made #m a pleasure to teach. 12=#N has been an enthusiastic and likable student. 13=#N has demonstrated that #e is an independent thinker with the ability to probe deeper into the topics covered in this course. 14=#N is a thoughtful student who has worked hard to improve #h appreciation and application of topics covered in this subject. 15=#N's diligent approach and keen interest are reflected in #h impressive grade this semester. Should #e maintain this high standard of work, #N should continue to enjoy success in Science. 16=#N has been a delight to teach this semester and is an asset to both the class and the school. If #e maintains #h positive attitude and motivation, #e should do well in year #Year-level. COMMENTS: introduction 1=#N's performance has demonstrated a good grasp of the subject concepts. However #e needs more reading at home from the text book and #e will improve #h knowledge and conceptual understanding. 2=#N has made steady progress throughout the term. It is understandable that #N is adjusting to the demands of a new educational system, #e still needs to put more effort into this process. 3=#N is very responsible and has shown a high level of effort. #E has worked enthusiastically throughout this term in #subjects. 4=#N tends to lose focus during lessons. #E needs to maintain #h concentration throughout and in all areas of the programme. 5=#N is capable of achieving higher marks. Late, incomplete, or missing assignments contribute to #h effort marks and grades. 6=#N is a pleasure to have in class. #E always turns in homework and assignments on time. 7=#N is pleasure to have in class. #E usually completes all assignments and homeworks and this is reflected in #h effort marks. 8=#N is a plesure to have in class. #E consistently completes all homework and assignments and continues to work hard to understand the concepts in Science. 9=#N is capable of achieving higher marks. Low exam scores have contributed to #h marks. 10=#N continues to struggle with the curriculum in #subjects. 11=#N is a pleasure to have in class. #E always turns in homeworks and assignments on time and participates in class in a possitive manner. 12=#N is a pleasure to have in class. #E is capable of improving the quality of #h work. 13=#N is a plesure to have in class. However late or missing assignments are contributing to #h effort grade. 14=#N continues to struggle with the curriculum in #subjects. On the test #e got #?% and left entire sections blank. 15=#N has improved #h effort toward the end of this term 16=#N has demonstrated a good understanding and knowledge of the topics cover in #subjects. During the course #e has shown evidence of excellence and #h commitment to be a good student has made #m a pleasure to teach. 17=#N has been an enthusiastic and likable student. #E has demostrated that #h now has a good understanding. 18=#N has demonstrated that #h is an independent thinker with the ability to equire deeper into the topics covered on this couse. 19=#N is a thoughtful student who has worked hard to improve #h appreciation and application of topics covered in this subject. 20=#N has not made the progress that I would have liked so far this term. #E has not been able to demonstrate that #e understands the subject. COMMENTS: Introduction - personal attributes 1=#N is a quiet, respectful student who engages well with class tasks. 2=#N is a friendly, conscientious student. 3=#N is a good-natured, respectful student who is a pleasure to teach. 4=#N is a friendly student with a cheery disposition 5=#N is a friendly, conscientious student who shows real insight, especially in the practical aspects of this course. 6=#N is a friendly, diligent student who shows a keen interest in scientific ideas and processes. 7=#N is a very conscientious student who is keen to do well in this subject. 8=#N is a quiet, diligent student who has shown some excellent practical skills in Science. 9=#N is an enthusiastic and likeable student. 10=#N has demonstrated that #e is an independent thinker with the ability to enquire deeper into the topics covered in this course. 11=#N is a quiet student who prefers to work independently when possible. 12=#N is a quiet student who prefers to take cues from those around #m when unsure of what to do rather than seeking assistance from the teacher 13=#N is a quiet student who is reluctant to seek assistance when #e hasn't fully understood a concept or instruction. COMMENTS: Knowledge - Yr 10 Exam 1=#N has demonstrated the ability to understand and recall terms and processes, as evidenced by #h high performance in the end of year examination. 2=#N found the #content units challenging and is encouraged to dedicate more time to revising glossary terms and reviewing key concepts in preparation for future examinations. 3=#N demonstrated #a-an-competence understanding in all sections of the final examination and is to be commended for #h diligent preparation. 4=#N found the units on #content challenging, as is reflected in #h final examination result. 5=#N performed well in the #content areas of the final examination, but found #content more challenging. 6=#N demonstrated #a-an-competence understanding in all sections of the final examination. 7=#N demonstrated #a-an-competence understanding in all areas of the final examination, with #h best result being in the #content section. 8=#N demonstrated #a-an-competence understanding in most areas of the final examination, but found the #content section more challenging. 9=#N demonstrated #a-an-competence understanding in the #content section of the final examination, but found many of the other areas challenging. COMMENTS: Knowledge - Yr 8 Bio topics 1=#N has demonstrated the ability to understand and recall terms and processes, as evidenced by #h high performance in the recent test on cells and body systems. 2=#N found the recent units on cells and body systems challenging. #E is encouraged to dedicate more time to revising glossary terms and reviewing diagrams in preparation for future tests. 3=#N demonstrated a #grd level of interest in the recent unit on body systems. #E is encouraged, however, to dedicate more time to revising glossary terms and reviewing diagrams in preparation for future tests. 4=#N expressed a #grd level of interest in the recent unit on body systems, often asking insightful questions as #e connected ideas. 5=#N demonstrated interest in the recent unit on body systems and achieved a #grd result on #h test. COMMENTS: Knowledge Sentences for Strengths 1=#N is able to apply knowledge gained in lessons to new and different situations. 2=#N is starting to apply knowledge gained in lessons to new and different situations. A skill that will be vital if #e is to continue to do well in #h Science studies and as #e progresses towards the end of the Key Stage. 3=#N has a good working scientific knowledge. COMMENTS: Participation 1=#N always shows a high level of enthusiasm when #e participates in the practical components of this course and #e should be congratulated on #h efforts. 2=#N has demonstrated a #grd level of participation in the practical components of this course. 3=#N requires prompting to participate in the practical components of this course. 4=#N participation in the practical components of this course is disappointing. COMMENTS: participation. 1=I am very pleased to see that #e has been very active in discussions with a lot of positive energy. 2=#E is #AUR attentive in class and participates in class discussions #willingencourage. 3=#E is attentive in class and willingly participates in group discussion and goes beyond just answering questions. 4=#E is asking some good questions that bring about interesting discussions. 5=------------------------- 6=#E is attentive during lessons and is willing to answer questions, but I would like to see #m begin to contribute #h thoughts and go beyond just answering questions. 7=I would love to see #m participate more in class as I believe that #h could add a lot to the class discussions. 8=One goal for next quarter would be for #m to ask questions when #e does not understand. I understand that #e may be shy, but I encourage #m to take #h charge of #h learning. COMMENTS: Prac work 1=#N participates effectively during practicals, often taking a leading role. 2=#N participates fully during practicals, working well as part of #h group. 3=#N usually works well during practicals but could apply #s more. 4=#N usually works well during practicals but could take a more active role at times. 5=#N shows enthusiasm during practical work, but has a tendency to become a distracting influence. 6=#N has a tendency to be very social during labs and does not always pay attention to the details, leading to careless errors. 7=#N has the tendency to rush through practicals and makes careless errors. #E is encouraged to slow down and pay more careful attention to the learning intentions of practical work. COMMENTS: Prac work good 1=#N participates effectively during practicals, often taking a leading role. 2=#N participates fully during practicals, working well as part of #h group. 3=#N usually works well during practicals but could apply #s more. COMMENTS: Prac work Sentences for Strengths 1=#E has taken to practical work with real enthusiasm. #E has started to follow scientific methods to investigate problems and has shown an ability to use a variety of different pieces of new equipment. 2=#E has shown improvement in #h practical work and has started to follow scientific methods to investigate problems. #E has shown an ability to use a variety of different pieces of new equipment and is starting to take more of a lead in practical tasks. COMMENTS: Practical work - Chem Sem 1 1=#N participates effectively during practicals, often taking a leading role. 2=#N participates fully during practicals, working well as part of #h group. 3=#N usually works well during practicals but could apply #s more. 4=#N enjoys the practical aspects of this course and it is hoped that #h current Depth Study will lead to some greater connections between the practical and theoretical aspects of Chemistry. 5=#E enjoys the practical aspects of chemistry and shown #s to be a diligent and careful scientist. 6=#E enjoys the practical aspects of this course and is generally able to follow the steps in a procedure. 7=#E asks insightful questions in class and has demonstrated excellent practical skills. COMMENTS: Practical work - Year 10 Science Sem 1 1=#E participates effectively during practicals, often taking a leading role. 2=#E participates fully during practicals, working well as part of #h group. 3=#E usually works well during practicals but could benefit from paying more careful attention to the method. 4=#E appears to enjoy the practical aspects of this course and it is hoped that #h current Student Research Project will lead to some greater connections between the practical and theoretical aspects of Science. 5=#E appears to enjoy the practical aspects of this course and shown #s to be a diligent and careful scientist. 6=#E appears to enjoy the practical aspects of this course and is generally able to follow the steps in a procedure. 7=#E asks insightful questions in class and has demonstrated excellent practical skills. 8=#E is eager to participate in practical activities but has a tendency to rush ahead which can lead to careless errors. 9=#E is encouraged to take a more active role in practical activities to build #h Working Scientifically skills and to develop stronger connections between the practical and theoretical aspects of Science. 10=At times #e is engaged, completing practical tasks efficiently and asking questions to clarify #h understanding. 11=#E works efficiently through both practical and theoretical tasks and is able to make meaningful connections between the two. 12=#E is generally an active participant in practical activities but may benefit from more thoughtful reflection on the results obtained. 13=#E participates well in practical activities and gives thought to the connections between the practical and theoretical aspects of this course. 14=#E is able to work efficiently through practical activities, however #e would benefit from more thoughtful reflection on the results obtained. 15=#E is able to work efficiently through practical activities, and is capable of thoughtful analysis of the results. 16=#E generally prefers to take a supporting rather than lead role in practical activities but will contribute ideas when prompted. 17=#E has demonstrated interest in the practical aspects of science and at times asks insightful questions. 18=#E appears to enjoy the practical aspects of this course and has demonstrated the ability to link ideas in meaningful ways. 19=#E has demonstrated interest in the practical aspects of this course, however #e can find it difficult to make connections between #h observations and the theoretical components of Science. COMMENTS: pracwork weak 1=#E has the tendency to rush to get the labs done and makes careless errors. I recommend that #e slow down. 2=#E has a tendency to be very social during labs and does not always pay attention to the details, leading to careless errors. 3=#E has a tendency to follow other people's lead during labs and sometimes ends up following their errors. I encourage #h to think for #s. 4=#N has difficulty focusing during practical and is often off task. COMMENTS: Prepared for Learning 1=#E should also try to ensure that #e comes to lessons suitably equipped to learn. On too many occasions #N has not had a pen, books or a functioning laptop. 2=#N is consistently prepared for learning. 3=#N is consistently prepared for class and works diligently to complete assigned tasks on time. COMMENTS: Sample intro sentences 1=#N is an outstanding student who has worked very hard throughout the #Time-period and I expect #m to do well in #h exams next year. 2=#N has had a mixed #Time-period but there are signs of improvement in #h behaviour of late. 3=After a difficult start #N has done some excellent work and is now back on target. A very pleasing #Time-period. Well done #N! 4=#N is a friendly and hard-working member of the class and has put in a steady performance throughout the #Time-period. 5=Overall #N has worked very well but there are a few issues with #h time-keeping and homework that #e needs to address. 6=We have been working on the Environmental Issues module throughout the #Time-period. #N seems to enjoy this topic and has made very pleasing progress. COMMENTS: Sample project-work sentences 1=#E has worked hard this year on all of #h projects but I was especially impressed with the high-quality of #h #Science-topics assignment. 2=Project-work has been done to a minimum standard and is often handed in late. To improve #e needs to #How-to-improve. 3=Although #h #Science-topics project-work was satisfactory, I do expect #m to do more background research next time. 4=#H project-work is always excellent as demonstrated in #h #Science-topics assignment. We were all very impressed with #h creative and entertaining website designs which were an inspiration to the class. 5=#H project-work has varied considerably, however #h highly-imaginative #Science-topics project was excellent and was displayed in reception at the School Open Day. An excellent achievement #N. COMMENTS: Sample summing-up sentences 1=#N always tries #h best and has achieved a well-deserved Level #? overall. An excellent performance, keep it up! 2=#N has reached Level #?. This was #h target and #e should be proud of #s. To ensure #e keeps this up next year #e should #How-to-improve. 3=#N has achieved a Level #? overall. #E often works below #h best and with a little more effort #e could easily reach Level #?. To improve #e should #How-to-improve. 4=#N has not had the best of starts this year and is still working at Level #?. #E rarely completes #h work on time. To achieve more next year #e needs to #How-to-improve. COMMENTS: Science_writtenwork 1=The quality of #N's written work has consistently been excellent, both in terms of content and presentation. 2=The general quality of #N's written work has consistently been very good, both in terms of content and presentation. 3=#N's written work has been rather variable, some work showing detail while other work only just adequate. 4=However, although the quality of #N's answers is usually excellent, #e needs to work on the presentation of #h written work. 5=#N's written work, while usually acceptable, is rarely as detailed or as well presented as expected. 6=While #N generally writes well, #h analysis of results often lacks depth. 7=#N's written work, while usually acceptable, is rarely as detailed as expected and #h marks this semester have been negatively impacted by incomplete assessments. 8=#N's written work, often lacks detail or coherence and #e is encouraged to use the drafting process to further develop #h skills in this area. 9=#N's written work often lacks detail and #e is encouraged to carefully consider the marking rubric when completing assessments. 10=#H practical report writing skills are still developing and #e is encouraged to carefully consider the marking rubric when completing assessments. 11=#N is to be commended for #h practical report writing skills. COMMENTS: SRP - Year 8 1=#N developed a reasonable experiment for #h Student Research Project, however #h written report lacked detail. 2=#N developed a well thought-out experiment for #h Student Research Project and completed a thorough report. 3=#N developed a fair experiment for #h Student Research Project however #h analysis of the results was briefer than expected. 4=#N put little effort into #h Student Research Project and this has negatively impacted #h overall grade. 5=Nevertheless, #N and #h group struggled to approach their Student Research Project scientifically, and #h poor performance in this task has negatively influenced #h overall result. COMMENTS: Sum up - Sem 2 1=#N is to be congratulated for #h well-deserved grades. 2=#N has the capacity to achieve at a higher level and it is hoped that #e will start Year #Year-Level with a desire to reach #h full potential. 3=It would be fantastic to see #N working with greater motivation to succeed as #e is not currently reaching #h full potential. 4=#N has been a valuable member of the class and it is hoped that #h hard work and positive attitude continue into #h final years of schooling. 5=#N's progress this year has been extremely pleasing. It is hoped that #e will continue to show such a positive attitude and dedication to #h studies in Year #Year-level. 6=If #N continues to show such a positive attitude towards #h work, #e will recontinue to reap the benefits in the years to come. 7=#N has consistently worked to the best of #h ability. #H positive attitude and work ethic are tremendous assets and #e is encouraged to continue to show both in Year #Year-level. 8=It is hoped that #N will take up the challenge to improve #h focus and effort as #e moves into #h final years of schooling. 9=#N is encouraged to further develop #h skills in responding to examination questions as #e moves into #h final years of schooling. 10=#N has been a valuable member of this class and it is hoped that #e makes a smooth transition into Year #Year-level. 11=#N is encouraged to further develop #h research skills and #h ability to interpret and respond to more complex quesitons. COMMENTS: Sum up1 1=#N has achieved well-deserved grades overall. Well done #N. 2=#N has not been achieving in this subject. With a little more effort #e could easily lift #h grades. 3=#N has not had the best of starts this year and is still working at a low level within the class. 4=If #N can keep up #h current work ethic #e should continue to do well. 5=With motivation and a positive attitude #e could higher results in this subject. 6=#N has been a pleasure to teach so far this year and with continuation of #h positive attitude and work ethic #e should continue to excel. 7=It would be fantastic to see #N working with greater motivation to succeed as #e is not currently reaching #h full potential. 8=#N has been a valuable member of the class and it is hoped that #h hard work and positive attitude continue into #h final years of schooling. 9=To improve #N will need to come to class with a positive attitude. #H results are a reflection of #h effort and attitude not #h ability. 10=#N has been an absolute pleasure to teach so far this year and is an asset to the class. If #e can maintain #h positive attitude and motivation #e should continue to excel. 11=#N's progress this year has been extremely pleasing. It is hoped that #e will continue to show such a positive attitude in Year #Year-level. 12=If #N continues to show such a positive attitude towards #h work, #e will reap the benefits in the years to come. 13=#N has shown glimpses of #h potential. It is now #h choice as to whether #e reaches it or not. 14=#N has consistently worked to the best of #h ability. #H attitude and work ethic are a tremendous assett and I hope that #e will continue to show both in year 10. 15=#N has the ability to do well in Science and would improve if #e put more effort into #h work. #E is encouraged to take up this challenge next semester. COMMENTS: Supportive statement 1=It has been a pleasure to teach #N this year. 2=It has been a pleasure to have #N in this class. 3=#N has been a pleasure to teach. 4=#N has been a valuable member of the class and it is hoped that #h hard work and positive attitude will continue into Year #Year-level. 5=It is hoped that #N can continue to do well in future science classes as #h focus and motivation improve. 6=#E has been a delight to teach. 7=#E could also improve #h results by resisting the temptation to be off task during class time and by regularly revising the basic concepts of the course. 8=It has been a delight to get to know #N and it is hoped that as #h concentration improves so too will #h enjoyment of and appreciation for Science. COMMENTS: Supportive statement - End of Prelim 1=It has been a pleasure to teach #N for Preliminary Chemistry. 2=It has been a pleasure to have #N in this class. 3=#N has been a pleasure to teach. 4=#N has been a valuable member of the class and it is hoped that #h hard work and positive attitude will continue into #h remaining subjects in Year 12. 5=#N has been a valuable member of the class and it is hoped that #h diligent efforts and teachable attitude will continue in #h remaining subjects in Year 12. 6=#E has set #s up well for beginning the HSC Chemistry course and is a delight to teach. 7=#E could also improve #h results by resisting the temptation to be off task during class time and by regularly revising the basic concepts of the course. 8=As #e moves into Year 12, #N is encouraged to commit to a regular review and practise routine to ensure #e keeps up with the continued demands of this course. 9=#E is encouraged to keep up these diligent efforts as #e moves into the HSC Chemistry course. COMMENTS: Supportive statement - Sem 1 1=#N is a delight to teach. 2=It is a pleasure to have #N in this class. 3=#N is a pleasure to teach. 4=#N is a valuable member of the class and it is hoped that #h hard work and positive attitude will continue throughout the remainder of the year. 5=It is hoped that #N can continue to do well next semester as #h focus and motivation improve. 6=It is a pleasure to teach #N. 7=#E could also improve #h results by resisting the temptation to be off task during class time and by regularly revising the basic concepts of the course. 8=It has been a delight to get to know #N and it is hoped that as #h concentration improves so too will #h enjoyment of and appreciation for Science. COMMENTS: Tests and Assignments - Sem 1 1=Nevertheless, #N doubts #h ability to understand and recall many scientific facts and concepts and has frequently needed prompting to remain focused in class. 2=#N has demonstrated a high level of understanding in each of the topics covered this semester but would benefit from more detailed written responses, particularly in research tasks. 3=#N has the capacity to recall facts and definitions and can generally apply these ideas to new situations. 4=#N contributes meaningfully to class discussion and has consistently performed well on tests. 5=#N has consistently performed at a high level and is to be commended for #h efforts. 6=#N would do well, however, to spend more time reflecting on #h responses to oral and written questions as #e attempts to connect ideas together. 7=At times, #N has put in less than optimal effort and this has negatively impacted #h overall performance. 8=While #e has found some aspects of the course challenging, #N is to be commended for #h willingness to seek assistance for homework and revision tasks as needed. 9=#N usually makes good use of #h class time in completing notes and activities however #e has not been consistent in completing homework tasks. 10=#N is to be commended for #h willingness to have a go at challenging tasks and #h efforts in completing all activities in a timely manner. 11=#N has prepared adequately for tests throughout the semester but #h written work has often been incomplete or lacking in detail. 12=#N benefits most from verbal instructions, at times requiring support to comprehend test questions and task requirements. 13=#N would benefit from a more systematic way of keeping track of due dates to ensure that #h work is submitted in a timely manner. 14=#N is encouraged to regularly revise the content covered in class, paying particular attention to definitions of scientific terms. 15=#N is encouraged to seek assistance early to clarify instructions and #h understanding of concepts as this will give #m the best possible chance of improving upon these results. 16=#N is encouraged to give greater priority to completing practical reports as these build an important link between the practical and theoretical components of Science. 17=Nevertheless, #N sometimes struggles to grasp the underlying scientific concepts and is encouraged to communicate early if #e needs assistance. 18=All of #h work has been of a high standard, with #N achieving particularly well on written research tasks. 19=#N would benefit, however, from more careful editing of #h written work. 20=#N takes pride in the presentation of #h work and is thorough in #h written responses. COMMENTS: working with others 1=#N has shown fantastic teamwork skills and the ability to work well with others. 2=At times #e is easily distracted by #h peers and needs reminding to refocus. 3=#N is able to work well with all members of the class and has shown well developed interpersonal skills. 4=It would be good to see #N put more effort into working with all members of the class. LIST: 11Chem-topics 1=atomic structure 2=balancing equations 3=mole calculations 4=thermochemical equations 5=rates of reaction 6=driving factors in chemical reactions 7=trends in the periodic table 8=properties of matter 9=bonding 10=predicting reactions of metals 11=working scientifically 12=communicating chemical ideas LIST: a-an-application-attribute 1=an enthusiastic 2=a motivated 3=a highly motivated 4=a diligent 5=a respectful 6=a thoughtful 7=an attentive 8=a courteous 9=a cooperative LIST: a-an-application-attributes 1=an enthusiastic 2=a motivated 3=a highly motivated 4=a diligent 5=a respectful 6=a thoughtful 7=an attentive 8=a courteous 9=a cooperative LIST: a-an-competence 1=a limited 2=a basic 3=a sound 4=a thorough 5=an extensive LIST: adj 1=affable 2=delightful 3=diligent 4=friendly 5=polite 6=quiet 7=well mannered LIST: application-attributes 1=enthusiastic 2=motivated 3=highly motivated 4=diligent 5=respectful 6=thoughtful 7=attentive 8=courteous 9=cooperative LIST: attitude 1=an excellent 2=a positive 3=a lacklustre 4=a disappointing 5=a poor LIST: attribute 1=friendly 2=very social 3=quiet 4=capable 5=diligent 6=polite 7=well-mannered 8=motivated 9=social LIST: AUR 1=always 2=usually 3=rarely LIST: competence 1=limited 2=basic 3=sound 4=thorough 5=extensive LIST: content 1=biology 2=chemistry 3=physics 4=Working Scientifically LIST: contribution 1=contributes meaningfully to class discussions 2=works best with individual assistance 3=is a pleasure to teach 4=generally displays a positive attitude 5=engages well with class activities 6=applies #s diligently to all tasks in Science 7=shows a keen interest in scientific ideas and processes 8=has shown some excellent practical skills in Science 9=shows an intuitive grasp of scientific ideas and processes 10=generally prefers not to contribute to whole class discussio 11=often needs prompting to engage with the material presented 12=prefers to work independently when possible LIST: EGN 1=is excellent 2=is good 3=needs some work LIST: goal 1=stay on top of due dates for assignments and labs. 2=come in for extra help a few days before a test. 3=slow down on #h work in order to avoid careless mistakes. 4=reduce the socializing and focus on the work at hand. 5=show more patience with peers during group work. 6=participate a little more in class discussions. 7=participate a little more with #h group during activities. LIST: grd 1=outstanding 2=very high 3=high 4=sound 5=satisfactory 6=basic 7=very basic 8=limited LIST: How-to-improve 1=focus more in the lessons 2=put more time aside for homework 3=try not to chat during lessons 4=do more project research on the internet 5=develop #h computer skills 6=pay more attention to instructions LIST: keywordlist 1=an excellent 2=a good 3=an improving LIST: OLD-How-to-improve 1=focus more in the lessons 2=put more time aside for homework 3=try not to chat during lessons 4=do more project research on the internet 5=develop #h computer skills 6=pay more attention to instructions LIST: OLD-Time-period 1=year 2=semester 3=1st semester 4=2nd semester 5=3rd semester 6=4th semester 7=term 8=1st term 9=2nd term 10=3rd term 11=4th term LIST: personal-attributes 1=friendly 2=cheerful 3=quiet 4=well-mannered 5=polite 6=respectful 7=very social 8=likeable LIST: RatingList 1=excelled 2=done well 3=struggled 4=improved LIST: RatingList2 1=excelling 2=doing well 3=putting in minimal effort 4=showing great improvement LIST: Science-topics 1=Heating and Cooling 2=Light and Sound 3=Exploring Magnetism 4=Changing Earth LIST: Science-topics-7 1=working scientifically 2=properties of substances 3=Earth resources 4=mixtures 5=habitats and interactions 6=classification 7=forces 8=Earth in space LIST: Science-topics-8 1=working with scientific data 2=cells 3=body systems 4=growth and reproduction 5=energy 6=elements, compounds and mixtures 7=physical and chemical change 8=rocks and minerals LIST: Science-topics-9 1=materials 2=reaction types 3=heat, light and sound 4=electromagnetic radiation 5=electrical energy 6=body coordination 7=disease 8=ecosystems 9=plate tectonics LIST: Sciene-topics-10 1=DNA and genetics 2=geolocial time 3=natural selection and evolution 4=the periodic table 5=chemical reactions 6=global systems 7=the universe 8=motion and energy LIST: startofyear 1=an excellent 2=a good 3=an average 4=a disappointing 5=a poor LIST: subject 1=Science 2=chemistry 3=physics 4=biology 5=Earth and environmental studies LIST: testing 1=have been excellent 2=have been good 3=have been below average 4=have fluctuated LIST: Time-period 1=year 2=semester 3=1st semester 4=2nd semester 5=3rd semester 6=4th semester 7=term 8=1st term 9=2nd term 10=3rd term 11=4th term LIST: willingencourage 1=willingly 2=with some encouragement LIST: Year-level 1=7 2=8 3=9 4=10 5=11 /*========================================= /* HELP: Creating & Importing Files /*========================================= /* /* See also, YouTube Teacher Training Video at: /* SCHOOL REPORT WRITER .COM /* https://schoolreportwriter.com/ /* /* #N - Name /* #E - She/He/They /* #e - she/he/they /* #H - His/Her/Their /* #h = his/her/their /* #b - girl/boy/child /* #m - him/her/them /* #s - herself/himself/themself /* #? - be prompted for text later e.g. #N achieved #?% in the exam. /* #your-list-name - select from a list later e.g. #N excelled in #topics. /* {BR} - line break; {BR}{BR} - double line break. /* /* /* DID YOU KNOW? /* /* You can also import comment files in the, /* Teachers Report Assistant format. /* There are 1000s around the web. /* School Report Writer automatically converts them. /* /* /* YOUR EXISTING COMMENTS ARE SAFE: /* /* When you upload, you will be shown the comments /* you are about to import. You will be told if names /* are already in use and you can pick-&-click which /* comments to add to your comment bank. /* /* /* USE 'PLAIN TEXT' (.txt) FILES ONLY: /* /* Import files must be 'plain text'. The easiest way to /* create one is to download a comment file from our site /* and open it on your computer. On most systems it will /* automatically open in a plain text editor. If you /* make changes and save, the file should automatically be /* saved as plain text. On PCs it will usually open in /* NotePad. On Macs, usually TextEdit. In Word, and other /* word processors, use 'save as' (see Word File menu) /* and then choose file type: 'text only/plain text'. /* /* /* ADDING HELPFUL NOTES: /* /* Lines starting /* are for notes (like this line). /* They are ignored when files are imported. /* You can add notes anywhere in the file. Blank lines /* are also ignored and can also be included anywhere. /* /* /* COMMENTS AND LISTS: /* /* Files contain groups of comments and lists. /* Each group should start with either: /* /* COMMENTS: your-comment-name-here /* or /* LIST: your-list-name-here /* /* List names are 2-30 characters long and contain /* only letters, numbers, '&', hyphens and NO SPACES. /* /* Comment names can include spaces, and any other /* characters except: < > \ # (max length 50). /* /* Each group may include up to 20 numbered lines, e.g. /* /* COMMENTS: Science Yr7 project work /* 1= #N's work on #Science-topics was excellent. /* 2= #N gave an inspiring #Science-topics presentation. /* 3= #N received a well-deserved A+ in #Science-topics. /* 4= etc... /* /* LIST: Science-topics /* 1= Heating and Cooling /* 2= Light and Sound /* 3= Exploring Magnetism /* 4= Changing Earth /* 5= etc... /* /* REMINDER... lines beginning /* are for notes. /* So to import the two science examples above, /* you would need to remove the /*, otherwise /* the lines would be ignored when imported. /* /* /* NEED MORE HELP? support@SchoolReportWriter.com - we usually reply the same day. /* /* SCHOOL REPORT WRITER .COM /* https://schoolreportwriter.com/ /* The FREE ONLINE school report writing software & school report card comments bank.