/* SAVE YOURSELF HOURS... /* IMPORT THESE COMMENTS INTO: SchoolReportWriter.COM /* No.1 in GOOGLE - "BEST TEACHER REPORTS APP": /* - TRUSTED by 1000s of teachers, since 2012 /* - QUICKLY create personalised reports /* - PASTE into your school system, Word etc /* - GENDER NEUTRAL option /* - DEMO video at SchoolReportWriter.COM /* FOR HELP see end of this document. /* Subjects: Mathematics (Maths), Science, Fashion (sewing) COMMENTS: Classroom supports 1=Classroom supports included #ClassSupports, #ClassSupports and #ClassSupports. {BR} COMMENTS: Intro sentences 1=Areas of strength for #N this term included:{BR} 2=#N continues to work toward:{BR} COMMENTS: M-Circle Geometry 1=-a #? understanding of circle geometry concepts and the ability to use these concepts in applied problem-solving situations. #N could use inscribed angle rules and triangle/polygon angle rules to determine unknown angles for a variety of problems. {BR} 2=-an understanding of circle geometry concepts and the ability to apply them in most problem-solving scenarios. #N was most successful when #?.{BR} 3=-a basic understanding of some circle geometry concepts. #N could calculate #?.{BR} 4=-a beginning understanding of circle geometry concepts. #N was most successful with #?.{BR} 5=-a solid understanding of all Shape and Space concepts. #N was most successful with #?.{BR} 6=-a beginning understanding of how to use provided formulas to calculate the area of circles and triangles. #N could also calculate triangle side length using Pythagorean theorem when the theorem did not need to rearranged.{BR} 7=-an improved understanding of how to apply circle geometry concepts to applied problem-solving scenarios.{BR} 8=-an improved understanding of how to identify radius and diameter, use chord and tangent rules, along with triangle rules, to calculate unknown variables.{BR} 9=-the ability to apply Pythagorean theorem rules in conjunction with circle geometry rules for straight forward calculation problems.{BR} COMMENTS: M-General Growth 1=-reviewing work for minor calculation errors that sometime affect the final answer. Double-checking calculations prior to submitting work for basic fact or sign errors is a key strategy #N can use to achieve this goal.{BR} 2=-reviewing work for minor calculation errors and thoroughness. Double-checking work prior to submitting is a key strategy #N can use to achieve this goal.{BR} 3=-reviewing work for minor errors and thoroughly representing ideas and reasoning in written format. Reviewing written answers and considering the thoroughness and accuracy of the provided answers is a strategy #N can use.{BR} 4=-building a stronger foundational understanding of how to apply learned concepts more consistently for #M-Topics topics. Regular involvement in classroom discussions and self-initiated teacher check-ins to confirm understanding are strategies #N can implement.{BR} 5=-building a stronger foundational understanding of how to apply learned concepts more consistently. Regular involvement in classroom discussions and self-initiated teacher check-ins to confirm understanding are strategies that #N should continue to implement. 6=-developing multiplication and division mental math skills to solve calculation questions in all topic areas. #N found it challenging to #?. Working through practice problems without a calculator can help develop these skills.{BR} 7=-an understanding of how to apply learned calculations into problem solving scenarios for #M-Topics concepts. #N is encouraged to take a more active role in classroom learning opportunities. Utilizing class time to practice, ask clarifying questions, and collaborate with peers on practice problems are all strategies #N can use to improve comprehension.{BR} 8=-improving the consistency with which learned strategies are accurately applied to #M-Topics concepts. Review of class examples and targeted practice with more challenging concepts are strategies #N can implement.{BR} 9=-an improved understanding of math vocabulary so #N can better understand what a given problem is asking #N to solve for.{BR} 10=-self-advocacy. When #N sought out extra support, #N demonstrated improvement in the ability to apply appropriate strategies. Asking questions more regularly and daily check-ins with the teacher are two strategies that can be implemented.{BR} 11=-using learned calculation strategies in familiar problem-solving situations. Rereading the question, highlighting the key vocabulary and identifying the important numbers in the question are some strategies that #N can implement.{BR} 12=-using learned strategies to independently get started on calculation and word problems. Rereading the question, highlighting the key vocabulary and identifying the important numbers in the question are some strategies that #N can implement before asking the teacher for support.{BR} 13=-identifying when an answer does not make sense in the context of the problem. Doing a calculation check and looking back at the original questions are two strategies #N can implement to work toward this goal.{BR} 14=Classroom supports for #N included one-on-one support when possible, assistive technologies, regular teacher check-ins during independent work times, guided questioning to identify next steps, and formula/concept rule sheets during tests.{BR} 15=-taking the initiative during class time to independently investigate a wider range of math challenges to help #N develop a more well-rounded understanding of learned math concepts.{BR} 16=#N consistently finished tasks early and was reluctant to take on suggested challenge questions or extra recommended practice.{BR} 17=-using provided class time to work on practice questions. While #N was respectful during direct teaching moments, #N was often not following along. As well, #N did not take the opportunity to practice learned material when provided the time. #N will need to develop classroom strategies going forward in order to achieve success in high school.{BR} 18=Classroom supports for #N included one-on-one support when possible, assistive technologies, adapting math tasks to a Grade 5/6 level, guided questioning to identify next steps, and formula/concept rule sheets. COMMENTS: M-Patterns and Relations 1=-a #? understanding of how to simplify polynomials and apply linear equations and inequalities concepts to a variety of problem-solving scenarios.{BR} 2=-a good understanding of how to simplify polynomials and apply linear equations and inequalities to most problem-solving scenarios.{BR} 3=-some understanding of how to simplify polynomials and apply linear equations and inequalities for straight forward calculation problems.{BR} 4=-a good understanding of how to apply linear equations and inequalities to most problem-solving scenarios. 5=-a beginning understanding of how to accurately use integer concepts to add and subtract polynomial expressions. {BR} 6=-a beginning understanding of how to solve for an unknown variable for single step problems for #? operations.{BR} 7=-the ability to solve some simple, single-step linear equation calculations where the variable is on one side of the equation. 8=-the ability to simplify a range of polynomial expressions and apply these concepts to familiar and unfamiliar word problem scenarios. {BR} 9=-the ability to simplify most polynomial expressions and apply these concepts to straight forward word problem scenarios. {BR} 10=-a basic understanding of how to simplify polynomial expressions. #N was most successful at doing this for #? problems. {BR} 11=-a solid understanding of how to create a linear equation from the pattern in a table, graph linear equations, identify the linear equation the graph represents, and interpolate/extrapolate data for a given linear relation.{BR} 12=-an understanding of how to create a linear equation from the pattern in a table, graph linear equations, identify the linear equation the graph represents, and interpolate/extrapolate data for most linear relations.{BR} 13=-a good understanding of how to extrapolate/interpolate data from a linear graph. Abigail could also sometimes identify which linear equation represented a graph/data set. 14=-a basic understanding of how to graph linear equations from a table. #N could also sometimes identify which equation represented the graph/data set.{BR} 15=-a beginning understanding of how to graph a linear equation from a table. When given a value for x, #N could use the formula to calculate the value of y. {BR} COMMENTS: M-Statistics and Probatility 1=-the ability to effectively apply learned probability concepts to design a survey that avoided bias and was is culturally sensitive. #N selected a graph style that effectively represented the data and could draw accurate conclusions about the data.{BR} 2=-the ability to apply learned probability concepts to design a survey that avoided bias and was is culturally sensitive. #N selected a graph style that best represented the data and could draw some accurate conclusions about the data.{BR} 3=-a basic ability to apply learned probability concepts to design a survey that avoided bias and was is culturally sensitive. #N selected a graph style that best represented the data and could draw a few accurate conclusions about the data.{BR} 4=-a beginning ability to apply learned probability concepts to design a survey that avoided bias and was is culturally sensitive.{BR} 5=-understanding how to organize collected data in order to graph it and draw conclusions about the data.{BR} 6=-provide specific and well-reasoned conclusions about graphed data.{BR} COMMENTS: NER Comment 1=The No Evaluation Recorded (NER) indicator has been used in #N’s achievement in relation to the report card stem(s) in #Subject as accurate assessment due to insufficient evidence at this time. #N should seek out additional supports next year to achieve success. COMMENTS: PAT Comments 1=#N’s preliminary result on the Mathematics 9 Part A Provincial Achievement Test is ? out of 20 and Part B is ? out of . Alberta Education’s Individual Student Profile (ISP), available in the fall of 2022, will provide the official result. 2=#N’s preliminary result on the Mathematics 9 K&E Provincial Achievement Test is ? out of ?. Alberta Education’s Individual Student Profile (ISP), available in the fall of 2022, will provide the official result. 3=#N’s preliminary result on the Science 9 Provincial Achievement Test is ? out of ?. Alberta Education’s Individual Student Profile (ISP), available in the fall of 2022, will provide the official result. 4=#N was exempt from the Math 9 Part A and B Provincial Achievement Tests, and therefore did not write it. Alberta Education’s Individual Student Profile (ISP), available in the fall of 2022 will provide the official result.  5=#N was exempt from the Science 9 Provincial Achievement Test, and therefore did not write it. Alberta Education’s Individual Student Profile (ISP), available in the fall of 2022 will provide the official result.  6=#N was exempt from the Math 9 K&E Provincial Achievement Test, and therefore did not write it. Alberta Education’s Individual Student Profile (ISP), available in the fall of 2022 will provide the official result.  7=#N was absent and did not write the Math 9 Part A and B Provincial Achievement Test. Alberta Education’s Individual Student Profile (ISP), available in the fall of 2022 will provide the official result.  8=#N was absent and did not write the Science Provincial Achievement Test. Alberta Education’s Individual Student Profile (ISP), available in the fall of 2022 will provide the official result.  COMMENTS: Science Growth Comments 1=#N continues to work toward:{BR} 2=-including relevant reasoning and supporting explanations for research projects and lab write-ups, as completed work does not always convey a complete understanding of concepts across topic areas. #N should proof-read work and compare completed work to instructions and assignment criteria provided in class. 3=-take the initiative to independently investigate a wider range of material related to what we are learning in the classroom. This strategy will help #N develop a more authentic, real-world understanding of learned concepts. 4=-applying learned facts to lab work and classroom assignments. #N can recall some facts related to a given topic but finds it challenging to connect learned ideas both within and outside of the classroom setting. It would benefit #N to engage in informal discussions about scientific topics in the news to better understand how concepts are connected. 5=-applying learned facts in tests and classroom assignments. #N can recall some facts related to a given topic but finds it challenging to connect learned ideas both within and outside of the classroom setting. Regular daily review of learning material and teacher check-ins after absences are two strategies that #N can use to improve comprehension of learning material and completion of assignments. #N's assessment was based on a limited number of completed assignments and tests. 6=-time management strategies to more consistently meet deadlines. #N showed improvement in the ability to submit assignments in a timely manner this term. A continued focus in this area is recommended for next year as #N transitions into high school. A monthly calendar layout can help #N visually see deadlines and plan out larger projects. 7=-using available classroom time to delve deeper into learned science topics in order to make more thorough and insightful connections in assignments and labs. #N often finished assignments quickly, well ahead of assigned deadlines. 8=-time management strategies to more consistently meet deadlines for larger research projects, as #N had several missing assignments this term. 9=-reviewing assignments to ensure specific supporting details are more consistently included and clearly communicated to better showcase #N's understanding of the topic. Checklists, teacher check-ins, and building in time to reflect on and review work are key strategies that can be implemented. 10=-developing organizational strategies to more consistently submit assignments #N requires more time to complete. #N had several missing assignments this term. 11=-applying learned facts to lab work and classroom assignments. #N is encouraged to use class time effectively and take advantage of assistance available within and outside of class to review and clarify assignments and lesson material. It would benefit #N to engage in informal discussions about scientific topics in the news to better understand how concepts are connected. 12=-drawing connections between learning material and real-world situations to hone this ability. This strategy will help #N develop a more authentic, real-world understanding of learned concepts. 13=-reviewing assignments to ensure specific supporting details are more consistently included to better showcase #N's understanding of the topic. Checklists, teacher check-ins, and building in time to reflect on and review work are key strategies that can be implemented. 14=-double-checking assignments with required criteria and instructions, as well as using teacher check ins, will help #N ensure completed tasks meet outlined criteria. #N often finished assignments quickly, well ahead of assigned deadlines and rarely went back to review completed tasks. 15=-applying learned facts in tests and classroom assignments. #N can recall some facts related to a given topic but finds it challenging to connect learned ideas. Regular daily review of learning material and teacher check-ins after absences are two strategies that #N can use to improve comprehension of learning material and completion of assignments. 16=-building comprehension and confidence for math-heavy science units. Daily review of material, regular practice and taking advantage of classroom practice time to ask questions are all strategies #N can use to work toward this goal. 17=-staying focused on science tasks during classroom time. Using classroom time more effectively to work on assigned tasks will allow #N to make more authentic, deeper connections, improve consistency on assignments, and help #N meet assigned deadlines. 18=-taking the initiative during class time to independently investigate a wider range of material related to what we are learning in the classroom. This strategy will help #N develop an even more authentic, real-world understanding of learned concepts. 19=-developing organizational strategies to more consistently submit assignments #N requires more time to complete. #N had several missing assignments this term. 20=#N was most successful when #N made good partner choices for labs and collaborative projects. COMMENTS: Science Strengths 1=-the ability to follow lab procedures and accurately record observations and all necessary information needed to analyze results, such as in our #Labs and #Labs lab. {BR} 2=-the ability to record basic observations in a lab and demonstrate awareness of lab safety guidelines for some labs, such as the #Labs lab.{BR} 3=-the ability to extract relevant facts from researched material and effectively organize these facts into a range of presentation formats. 4=-the ability to extract relevant facts from researched material and organize these facts into a variety of presentation formats. 5=For #N's Space Probe Infographic about the #SProjects probe, #N effectively used visuals and concise statements to convey key facts about the mission. {BR} 6=For #N’s Energy Research project, #N clearly identified why #SProjects power is a key alternative energy source Albertan’s need to consider using in conjunction with fossil fuels. {BR} 7=-an ability to extract some relevant facts from researched material and present these facts in an organized manner. 8=For, #N's Space Probe Infographic about the #SProjects probe, #N demonstrated a basic ability to use visuals and concise statements to convey key facts about the mission.{BR} 9=For #N’s Energy Research project, #N used some key fact to identify why #SProjects power is a key alternative energy source Albertan’s need to consider using in conjunction with fossil fuels. {BR} 10=-a beginning ability to extract relevant facts from researched material and present these facts in an organized manner for research projects. #N's success in this area was most notable when given the opportunity to work in a collaborative group setting where ideas and understanding could be discussed with a partner, such as in #N's #SProjects assignment.{BR} 11=-a solid understanding of how to apply learned calculations to a range of concepts in our Electricity, Chemistry and Space Units. 12=-an understanding of how to apply learned calculations to a range of concepts in our Electricity, Chemistry and Space Units. 13=-a basic understanding of how to apply some learned calculations to concepts in our Electricity, Chemistry and Space Units. 14=#N had a particularly good understanding of how current, voltage, resistance and power were related and consistently solved problems involving these concepts. {BR} 15=#N had a particularly good understanding of how to calculate scale in space, as demonstrated in #N's Planet Poster project.{BR} 16=In our Space unit, #N demonstrated the ability to locate a star using azimuth and altitude. {BR} 17=In our Environmental Chemistry unit, #N demonstrated the ability to graph death rate in order to identify the lethal dose of a contaminant for a given organism.{BR} LIST: ClassSupports 1=direct teacher modeling 2=one-on-one review of concepts 3=adapted assignment expectations 4=vocabulary building activities 5=chunking out of assignments 6=a reduction in the amount of content #N needed to include 7=regular teacher check-ins 8=extra review opportunities LIST: How-to-improve 1=focus more in the lessons 2=put more time aside for homework 3=try not to chat during lessons 4=do more project research on the internet 5=develop #h computer skills 6=pay more attention to instructions LIST: Labs 1=Acids and Bases 2=Choosing Electrolytes 3=Electrolyte 4=Static Electricity LIST: M-Topics 1=polynomials 2=linear equations 3=linear expressions 4=patterns and relations 5=statistics and probability 6=circle geometry 7=inscribed angles 8=chord and tangent 9=all LIST: SCalc 1=lethal dose (LD50) 2=azimuth and altitude LIST: Science-topics 1=Heating and Cooling 2=Light and Sound 3=Exploring Magnetism 4=Changing Earth LIST: SLabs 1=Acids and Bases 2=Choosing Electrolytes 3=Electrolyte 4=Static Electricity LIST: SProjects 1=Energy Research 2=hydro 3=solar 4=nuclear 5=tidal 6=wind 7=Space Probe Infographic 8=Cassini 9=Venera 10=Galileo 11=Mars Curiosity 12=New Horizons 13=Mars Pathfinder 14=Planet Model 15=Canadian Contributions to Space LIST: Subject 1=Math 2=Science 3=Fashion 4=Computer Science LIST: Time-period 1=year 2=semester 3=1st semester 4=2nd semester 5=3rd semester 6=4th semester 7=term 8=1st term 9=2nd term 10=3rd term 11=4th term /*========================================= /* HELP: Creating & Importing Files /*========================================= /* /* See also, YouTube Teacher Training Video at: /* SCHOOL REPORT WRITER .COM /* https://schoolreportwriter.com/ /* /* #N - Name /* #E - She/He/They /* #e - she/he/they /* #H - His/Her/Their /* #h = his/her/their /* #b - girl/boy/child /* #m - him/her/them /* #s - herself/himself/themself /* #? - be prompted for text later e.g. #N achieved #?% in the exam. /* #your-list-name - select from a list later e.g. #N excelled in #topics. /* {BR} - line break; {BR}{BR} - double line break. /* /* /* DID YOU KNOW? /* /* You can also import comment files in the, /* Teachers Report Assistant format. /* There are 1000s around the web. /* School Report Writer automatically converts them. /* /* /* YOUR EXISTING COMMENTS ARE SAFE: /* /* When you upload, you will be shown the comments /* you are about to import. 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Blank lines /* are also ignored and can also be included anywhere. /* /* /* COMMENTS AND LISTS: /* /* Files contain groups of comments and lists. /* Each group should start with either: /* /* COMMENTS: your-comment-name-here /* or /* LIST: your-list-name-here /* /* List names are 2-30 characters long and contain /* only letters, numbers, '&', hyphens and NO SPACES. /* /* Comment names can include spaces, and any other /* characters except: < > \ # (max length 50). /* /* Each group may include up to 20 numbered lines, e.g. /* /* COMMENTS: Science Yr7 project work /* 1= #N's work on #Science-topics was excellent. /* 2= #N gave an inspiring #Science-topics presentation. /* 3= #N received a well-deserved A+ in #Science-topics. /* 4= etc... /* /* LIST: Science-topics /* 1= Heating and Cooling /* 2= Light and Sound /* 3= Exploring Magnetism /* 4= Changing Earth /* 5= etc... /* /* REMINDER... lines beginning /* are for notes. /* So to import the two science examples above, /* you would need to remove the /*, otherwise /* the lines would be ignored when imported. /* /* /* NEED MORE HELP? support@SchoolReportWriter.com - we usually reply the same day. /* /* SCHOOL REPORT WRITER .COM /* https://schoolreportwriter.com/ /* The FREE ONLINE school report writing software & school report card comments bank.